Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Christmas.

Well Christmas is over and all the wrapping paper is in the trash. Grandpa goes back to the trash to find that one piece of toy that was lost. The grandchild has stopped crying from grandpa stepping on a unseen toy. Grandpa has about stopped cussing for stepping on that unseen toy. Grandma is in the kitchen cussing and mopping the kitchen floor because of the pie that had fallen on to it. Grandpa is beside her who is now cussing because he forgot how hot the pan was when he took out the ham from the stove.

Toys are running, games are being played and the TV, is blasting away, and the invited family is in the front room trying to talk over it all. The dinner is going well until someone spills the gravy. Grandpa starts yelling at one of the grandchildren for putting to much food in their mouth. Time to do dishes for the second time of the day. The serving of the deserts went well. Time to do dishes for the third time. The talks are over and the family is now all gone. Time to put those unwanted presents in the bottom of the dresser or in one of the closet, to be taken out only when a family member comes for a visit. Grandma and Grandpa now sitting alone and in the quiet, grandpa turns to grandma. “This was a great Christmas,” and grandma smiles, “Yes it was wonderful can’t wait for next years”.

“Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to every One.”

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