Monday, September 8, 2008

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie.-Chapter 4.

Bill took a look it was a half finish land deed now what would Henry have this? It looked like an official deed but unfinished. Bill folded it and put it in his pocket on the way over to the office he stop at the land office. He hand it to the man behind the desk and said, “Pal take a look at this.”

Pal took it and began looking it over. Then he said, “This is a very good copy of an official land deed it’s a forgery and a good one at that. Bill took it back and put it in his pocket and headed on to the office he had to think about this. What was Henry doing with a forgery of a land deed? When Bill got to the office Mat said, “Bill you look worried.” Bill handed him the piece of paper Mat look it over and said, “So it’s part of a deed what of it? “ “It’s a forgery.” Mat said, “It looks good to me.”
Bill said, “And to any one else the only ones that would know it’s a forgery would be those who work with them.” Mat said, “Where did you get it?” “Mrs. Webb found it under Henry’s bed.” “Maybe he was working on something and couldn’t tell us about it you know how Henry was about people knowing his business.” Bill said, “Could be.” He just didn’t know what to think but he was going to find out if he could.

Henry felt freer then he felt in a very long time no weight from the job on his shoulders and no one trying to kill him yes he was free. The trains went on and on his troubles were left far behind him. He was excited at what lay before him he didn’t know where he was going and didn’t care but he had decided on Wichita Falls as his first stop. When he arrives he found it to be a large city with people going every which way. The first thing he did was find a stable for his horses then on to find a hotel. After leaving the hotel he decided to see what this town had to offer. There were so many people on the streets no one paid him no mind and that was ok with him. As he walked around he found that if he needed a drink it wouldn’t be hard to find as there was at lest two saloons on very street. He found a nice park and would spend some time there over the next two weeks.

One afternoon on retuning from a restful hour in the park, Henry decided to stop off for a beer. While heading up the street he saw a sign that read Red Tail Saloon. Henry had seen it before but never entered, after entering he saw small crowd of man he took it as being still early in the day as it was only 4 o’clock, he took a table in the back with his back to the wall. The bartender came up to his table and said, “Yea,” “Beer.” Henry could see the bartender giving him the once over in the mirror behind the bar. He returned with he’s beer and sit it before him, then turn to leave then turn back and said, “Your shot-gun Miller aren’t you?” “That’s what some call me.” The bartender face lit up. “I’m mighty glad to meet you.” “John is the name.” Henry asked, “Well John have we met?” John answered, “No but I was in Reno a couple months ago saw you there.” “I heard that you were killed just before I left?” Henry said, “All most.” Henry was getting a little pissed off as he just wanted him to go away. John looked over to the bar and said, “I best be getting back to the bar and started to turn away then said.


“Any time you went a beer the first one is on the house.” “Thanks.” Henry harried and finish his beer, as he look around he could see some of the men putting their heads together and talking low, and as Henry didn’t went any trouble he got up and headed for the door once outside he took in some fresher air and head for the hotel.

When he entered the hotel he went up to the desk clerk and asks for his key. As he started for the stairs he heard his name being called, “Mr. Miller? “ Henry was careful about his movements on turning around the Wong kind could get one killed. After he turns around he saw the badge. “Marshal” He said, “Lets talk and pointed to a chair and as he had his hand on his gun he know it wasn’t an invitation. “What can I do for you marshal?” The marshal said, “Well you could tell me why you are here in town?” Henry answered, “No reason your town is the first one I came to.” “Then you’re not looking for anyone officially?” Henry said, “No I’m retired, and I never been to Texas so I though I would look the country over.” “Then you won’t be staying long?” Henry looked at him and said, “Marshal Sounds like you don’t want me in your town?” “It’s not you it’s the repudiation that came with you.” Henry said, “Marshal I’m not here to start trouble I just went to be left alone.” “That’s my hope as well.” Henry stood up and asked, “Any thing else?” “No that’s it.” Henry turns and headed for his room.

Bill entered the office Joel and Mat were at their desks they looked up as he came in and in one voice said, ” Well.” Bill shows them three peaces of paper. “I have a few more answers.” Every since Bill found out about that forged land deed he’s been sending out inquiry’s all over country, he had to find out what Henry had been upto. Bill looked at the letters he had and said, “Well it seems that every town he’s been at he would have the News Papers hold their back issues for him, and the post office always had a sack of mail waiting for him.” Joel said, “I didn’t see anything like that going on here?” Mat also said he hadn’t seen anything. Bill said, “Maybe he didn’t go to draw any attention to himself at any town he had to stay at very long.” Bill went on. “Will for what ever reason he had, it’s beginning to look like are Henry wasn’t as honest as we thought he was.” Although none of them could believe it, Bill had to find the answer.

The next morning Henry left the hotel and headed up town looking for some breakfast.
After he found the restaurant he was looking for he went in and took a table next to the window. A young lady came and asked, “Mr. Miller the same? “ In the last two months he had taken most of his meals here. “Yes please?” He sat there watching the world go by while he waited. Henry heard his name and looked up thinking it was his breakfast. It was the bartender from the Red Tail saloon. “John.” He said, “I came for some eats before heading over to the bar.” Henry nodded and went back to looking out the window.
Henry had decided last night it was time to move on but wasn’t sure which way to head. After he had finished he turned to John and ask. “John you been around this parts for a while? “ “Yes about five years why?” Henry said, “I’m heading out but I’m not sure the way to head? Is there a town or a place that may be of interests near by? “John looked into his coffee for a moment then said.


“Why yes, “Mad Dog “may be to your liking.” John saw the look on Henry face and said, “It’s not what you think the town’s real name is Restful, but a few years ago they had a pack of mad dogs, then after they kill them off the name just stuck.” Henry asked, “Just where is this town,” “day and a half rides do west.” “Thanks I may look it over.”

Henry had been gone about two day’s when a man went to the desk clerk and asked. “Is there a Henry Miller staying here?” The clerk said, “There was upto two day’s ago.” The man turned and went back out to the street. On the street the man looked up and down the street trying to deiced what to do next, then he saw a sign that read “ Red Tail Saloon “ and headed that way.

Henry had entered “ Mad Dog “ and was looking for the stables as he rode through the town he decided he like the looks of it and thought he may stay a while. After he entered the stable a man came upto him and asked what he needed. Henry said he would like to house his horse for a few days and have his shoes looked after. The man said, “Sure, its two bit’s a day and four bits for any shoes you may need.” Henry said that would be fine then asked where a good place to eat was. “Marylou’s” and pointed the way. Henry headed that way and up on entering he found the place clean and the food smell good. Henry found a table and waited. He had taken a table by a window as he looked out he could see some activity on the main street, although not like you would see in a bigger town but for one this size they would call it busy. After eating he stood on the walkway looking up and down the street trying deiced what to do next. Upon deciding he headed for the only hotel in town. Henry went up to the clerk and asked, “You have any rooms to rent?” The clerk asked, “How long?” Henry though a moment then said, “A week.” He signed the book then the clerk handed him his key. On entering the room he found it clean, he went to the window and open it, then laid out on the bed. There was a nice breeze coming from the window and it was so quiet he could hear the songs of the birds. He closed his eyes and listened soon the songs would put him to sleep.

After waking up he saw it was dark, he looked at his watch and saw it was after 7 o’clock.
He got up and put water on face, then felt his stomach and though he could eat. He remember a sign on “Marylou’s “door saying they closed at 9’ o’clock so he had time. He went about the room doing what little business needed to be done then headed for some fresh air. Out on the walkway he stood a moment then stretch out his arms and took a deep breath of fresh air then headed for something to eat. Having eaten he thought he would like something stronger then coffees to rinse it all drown. He looked around and saw only two saloons in town and headed their way. As he neared one he heard a lot of music and voices from inside, but the one drown the street had little sound coming from it he headed that way.

On entering he saw a few men sitting at tables and one or two at the bar. He went to the bar and ordered whisky and took a table and seat with his back to the wall. The bartender came up and asked if there was anything else? Henry said, “It’s awful quite here.”


“That’s because I have no girls nor do I allow gambling.” Henry’s eyes went up, and asked way. “ I can’t afford the girls, I used to have gambling then a few years ago we had a big brawl that like to put me out of business, besides some men like to have their drink in peace and quite.” Henry took a sip of his drink and started thinking that he was likening this town more and more.

Mr. Owens was in town getting supplies at the General Store, while there the clerk handed him two letters one was address to June the other to him. He looked at the return address and saw they were from Bill. Now why would Bill be sending me a letter? He always sent all his information through June. As he had more business to take of he didn’t take the time to read it then. When the buggy was loaded with supplies Owens took out the letter and began to read; Mr. Owens this is official business you are not to reveal any information contained with in, to June nor Henry nor any one else. One, Have you ever see or heard anything that would lead you to believe that Mr. Henry Miller may have had other dealings going on other then marshaling while staying at the Boarding House. Two, you are to proceed to Boyedville, Knob and Paragould and inquire into his dealings. If any one asks why all question just say you’re a friend. Mr. Owens I could have done all this through official channels, but as Henry is are friend I do not wish to cause him any undo trouble. Signed United State Marshal Bill Anderson.

Mr. Owens though to himself, well that’s as official as you can get. He reread the letter and put it back into his pocket. Will there no time like the present he went about town and casually asked questions and when he thought he found out all the information he could he boarded his buggy and headed for the town of Knob. After being in Knob a couple of hours he had all the information he would get so he headed back to the boarding house he know that June would be worrying about him. Back at the boarding house June helped him unload buggy. June said, “I was beginning worry about you.” “I had some unexpected business to take care of in town. She gave him a look but he didn’t respond to it. “June I have business to attend to in Paragould, can you handle it here a couple days alone?” “Yes.” And she gave him that look again and again he did not respond.

After the supplies were all put away Mr. Owens handed June a letter and said, “From Bill.” ” June took a chair open it and began to read. “Bill, Joel and Mat all say Hi, Bill says he hasn’t heard anything from Henry but knows he’s alright or he would have heard by now. June read on then she said, “Bill says he is really enjoying being marshal.” June finish the letter and read it again. After she was done she put it in apron pocket and said it was time to start supper, on that Mr. Owens went back to the bar. At supper Mr. Owens asked, “June when you and Henry went to town did he or you see him do any type of business?” “No not really I mean if you can call going the Post Office and the News Paper, business.” “Although that time we went to Paragould he had some real business there he had some freight waiting for him, he had it taken to the warehouse there and paid a years rent on it.”

The next morning Mr. Owens headed for Paragould, but as he neared the old camp site he turn off the road and headed for it. He took the buggy in as far as it would go then walked the rest of the way. As he entered he could see that the camp was bear, after looking and finding nothing he started to leave then he noticed the fire pit and went to it. He started to poke around and found some charred pieces of paper. Some pieces had writing on them things like, “Would like more on land.” He put them away for safe keeping. He went back to the buggy and turn to the main road and head on to Paragould.
Henry found it was after 9 o’clock when he left the bar. He decided to wander about town but soon found that most businesses were closed, and as he couldn’t see much he turn and headed back to the hotel. When he woke up the next morning he found he had over slept after getting dressed he left the hotel he headed for Mary Lou’s. When he had finished eating he went about looking the town over. The town was laid out in a Y. in all there was about thirty businesses. As he walked along he would look in the windows of some businesses and went into some others he passed by. At the end of Main Street he had to make a decision he could either turn right or left, he decided to go right. When he came to the end of the street there was a large church which was surrounded by an Iron fence with an arch gate.

When he went through the gate he was confronted by a large court yard filled with flowers and religious statues He took a deep breath and calmness came over him he looked about and saw a bench under a large shade and took a seat. His mind begin to wander, he didn’t know how long he had been seating there till he was brought back to reality by the words of, “May I help you my son?” Henry had been in so deep in thought that he almost jumped out of his skin. “Sorry my son I didn’t mean to frighten you so.” Henry looked up and saw who it was and said. “That’s ok Father, I was just admiring the flowers and got lost in thought.” He put out his hand and said, “They call me Father Paul.” Henry took it and said, “Father, Paul.” Henry looked in his eyes and saw wisdom in them. He said, “Sorry I’m not of the faith I just have a thing for parks and flowers.” Father Paul said, “You looked as to have troubling thoughts.” “It’s a long story and I don’t time to tell it to day.” The Father said. “Will you may stop by and talk or just enjoy the flowers any time.”

Henry did come back and over the next two weeks he and Father Paul would talk among the flowers. As the days went by Henry could fell a heavy burden was being lifted off his shoulders and calmness take its place? Henry made a few new friends in town and found he could talk more freely with out having to think about what he was saying. Father Paul was helping him to understand that there was more to life then just being a man. Like Father Paul said. “ Yes one is expected to be a man however if a man is beaten down by those expectations, till there is no calmness or a bit of a child left in him, then he will never be a hole man, and no good to himself or any one else.”
In the beginning of the second week Henry found himself talking more and joking more with his friends and even enjoying a participle joke now and then. Now when he takes his afternoon rides he saw the country side differently not as a man would see it, but that of a child, no not a child but as a young man ready to explore a new world.

The second week was at an end and it was time to say goodbye to Father Paul. “So Henry you found what you were like for.” “Yes Father, I have it was within me all this time I just needed someone to help me see it.” “Well I’m sorry to see you go I have enjoyed are talks together.” Henry said, “You never know I may be back some day.” “Well if you ever do I’ll be here and maybe we can enjoy are talks again?” “So long Father Paul.”

The stranger just came out of the Red Tail Saloon and stood on the walkway trying to decide what to do. He said to himself, “So now he’s in Mad Dog, but will he be there when I got there, Texas is to big to be running all over the country, looking for him I need to form some kind of plan to bring him to me.” He stood there thing then turned and headed back into the Red Tail to from his plan. When he came out again he had formed a plan, he stood for a moment then headed up the street. At the train station he asked the clerk for a ticket for Oklahoma, City, he could have went straight into Reno but if he was seen he would ether would be killed or arrested, no it would be best if he went to Oklahoma, City then back track to Reno.

After Mr. Owens arrived at Paragould he went about asking questions and soon found that Henry pretty much kept to himself. Henrys routine here was the same as the other towns. Mr. Owens had to be careful on how he asked question, for Henry was well known and like here. Mr. Owens last stop was at the freight station and with a little money and a little prodding he was able to find out the return address on the freight. Now that he had all the information he would get he headed up the street to send a wire to Reno.

Bill and Mat looked up as Joel came into the office carrying a hand full of letters and handed them Bill. “Well now let’s see what we got?” He went through them one by one then he saw an address on one that caught his eye and read the address. “Will I’ll be it’s from Mr. Owens from Paragould.” Bill opened the letter and begin to read; To Marshal Bill Anderson, Sir. I have been to all the towns within reach of Boydsville, Arkansas, having found that Mr. Henry Miller for the most part has stayed out of trouble and hasn’t done any business here. His routine on his visits were to the Post Office and News Paper. I have also been to the camp site, found little there, however I did find in the fire pit some burnt letters with some writing on them asking about land? I also found out that in Paragould he had some freight sent to him it’s now housed at the store house paid a years rent on it, the return address was Mr. John Johnson, Reno Oklahoma, This is all there is to be found, Signed, Mr. Owens, Boydsville, Arkansas.
Bill read the letter again then placed it on the desk and pointed at it and said, “Damn it all to hell, boys we got trouble.” Mat and Joel came over to the desk and read it together when they were done, Mat said, “Oh! Howdy.” Joel looked at Bill and Asked, “Well Bill what are you going to do?” Bill said, “I don’t know just yet, but I’m going out to Mr. Johnson place and take a look around.” The next morning Bill told Mat that he would be back around noon, and then headed for the Johnson place. When he reached the house he found it all lock up and with out a court order he would not enter he stood a bit then headed around back.

There wasn’t much in back then he saw the tool shed door was open and headed for it, after entering he saw tools lined the walls then something on a table caught his eye and went over to it. What ever it was it was all covered up, after uncovering it he begin to look it over on closer inspection he saw a plate in the machine. On the plate were some letters the plate was hard to read as they were all backwards. He kept working at it and after a while he knew what it said, it was a copy of a land deed. Bill looked around the shed and found nothing more. He covered the machine back up and upon leaving the shed he shut the door then said to himself, Henry what in the hell are you into.

On the way back to the boarding house Mr. Owens was wondering what he was going to tell June for she would be full of questions, damn you Henry Miller. Mr. Owens was saying to himself, I should have trusted my first instincts about him, but he is now my friend but even so I see he is a man not to be really trusted, I told June he would break her heart someday and it looks like I may be right.

After leaving Mad Dog Henry had planed to head for Wichita Falls, then on to Arkansas and back to June like he promised but as he rode this new calmness had given him a new way of seeing and the curiosity of youth and well hell she gave him a year, he smile to himself turned his horse and headed south and rode into a new adventure.

“Well? Mat asked, “What did you find out at the old Johnson place?” Henry said, “Looks like more trouble.” Then he told Mat and Joel what he found. Joel asked, “Well what are you going to do about it.” Henry said, “For now nothing we don’t know if he has done anything wrong.” Mat said, “That’s true we have no proof.” “And till we do well keep this all quiet and to are self’s.” Both Mat and Joel nodded their heads and went back to work.

Henry had been riding in and out of towns for a month now and had not found one as good as Mad Dog, all the while he had been working his way back to Wichita Falls. Henry had rode in valleys dry creek beds and the range and found he was liking this country more and more he was glad he decided not to work his land scheme here as he may need a place of refuge. The town of Big Rock was coming into view he would stop and see if they had a wire office and if so he would send one to Bill, and tell him he would be head back that way.


The stranger cast a shadow on the wire office wall as he tried to get a better listen, “Joseph take this over to the Marshals Office, sounds important it’s about Henry Miller.”
The stranger waited till the boy Joseph was out of sight, and then headed up the street after him. As he neared the Marshal Office the stranger headed into the alley, so he could come around the side of the office as not to be seen. The stranger bent down below an open window as not to be seen and listen. “Joseph what’s you got?” Bill asked as Joseph handed him the letter. Bill looked at the return it was from Big Rock Texas, he know this could only be from Henry. Bill begin to read the letter; To, Marshal Bill Anderson, Bill I’m heading back your way at the end of next month I’m thinking of spending a few days there before heading towards Arkansas, see you soon your friend Henry Miller. Mat was in the office when the letter came and asked, “What’s up?” Bill said, “Henry is on his way back, and well be staying a few days.” “What we going to do or say about this other mess?” “Not a damn thing we don’t know that he has done anything wrong yet, and as he’s are friend I will be glad to see him again.” The stranger pulled himself from the wall, so the grate Henry Miller is coming back; he put on a smile then turn and faded back into the darkness.

Earlier that morning Henry had stopped under a large shade tree to get out of the direct sunlight as it got hot on the planes early in this country. The tree sat at the base of a small range of mountains, Henry put his hand on his forehead to shade his eyes from the sun then tilted his head back to get a better look at the tops. Henry had spent all his time on the planes now it was time to see what the higher ground had to offer, although the mountains looked close it would be another full day before he reach them. Later the next day found him riding through a meadow of knee high grass toped off in a sea of yellow and white wildflowers, a small creek ran through the meadow Henry stopped to fill his canteen and let his horse take a drink, as he stood there he looked out into what was almost an endless sea of grass. As he rode he was beginning to make out the outline of the tree line that would take him higher he would camp there tonight. Henry had just finished dinner and was laid out on the bed roll, as he laid there his eyes turn to the night sky it was a endless sky filled with bright stars, as he laid there he began to think of June, he though of her and his promise to her, yes he said he loved her and he did but in a way that was hard for him to describe, but was it enough for him to stay, his eyes began to tire and as he close them in sleep he still had June on his mind.

“Mr. Owens I’m going out for a little while“, after she left the boarding house she headed for the open field as she always did at this time of night, when she reached the tree she used as shade in the day she took her seat. She sat there looking out over the field watching the shadows play their games. June looked up at the night sky it was filled with an endless sea of stars, as she stared over the field she did so, so hard that she could almost see him riding across the field and coming to her. June loved Henry every much and she hoped he felt the same, he said he did and would keep his promise to return to her, but was her love for him strong enough to hold him.
Henry had been winding in and out the trees about three hours, when he came across a clearing in the trees he stopped and looked out, far below was the valley he had left far behind, the valley could only be seen as a solid green mass with a crooked blue ribbon running through it, Henry turn his horse and headed for the next rise. He had ridden another two hours when he came to another rise he stopped and looked down into a valley that lay before him. The valley that laid before him looked like all the valleys he had passed the last two days, but as he looked over the valley he could tell there was something different, yes the valleys floor was green like the others and had a river that was larger then the others, but there was something else different, there were puffs of color on the valleys floor. Henry knew this could only mean that there was some kind of civilization in the valley. He stood and looked down trying to decide whether to go forward or turn away. He saw that the sun was setting; he didn’t like the idea of spending another night on the mountain, as the air up this high would get very cold. He looked about then saw a trail that lead down the side of the mountain; he made up his mind and headed down the mountain. By the time he reached the floor it was almost dark and by the time he reached the settlement it was pitch black.

Henry had studied the lay of the land on his way down the mountain and knew this was the main part of the settlement and headed up the road if you could call it that it was more of a dirt trail. As he rode up the road he took in some of the signs which read “Cold Water” this and that, well at lest he knew were he was “Cold Water Texas.” Henry could hear voices coming from the buildings. He stopped in front of a building that had more noise then any other buildings he had passed, he look up at the sign he could barely make it out, one word was saloon. He tied up his horse then checked his guns to be sure they free and his shot-gun was ready for use.

As Henry entered twenty-five heads turned his way, the room was filled with smoke and lamp oil, it took a moment for his eyes to adjust to it, he headed for the bar if you could call it that, the bar was two barrels with a plank on it, the man that stood behind the bar said, “Yah.” Henry looked around and saw no beer “Whiskey.” The bartender looked Henry up and down, “You’re a low lander?” Henry knew he looked out of place, as all the other men were dressed in heavy wool coats and shirts. Henry answered, “Just riding through, is there a place a man can put up a night or two?” The man answered, “Maybel’s, out the door turn left, at the end of the street go right then strait ahead you can’t miss it.” Henry turned and found an empty table and took a seat next to the wall if you could call it that. The saloon was more a tent then a building he had seen many of this kind before, this settlement was a boom town and as the top half of the buildings were made of tents it hadn’t been here long. After leaving the saloon Henry headed for Maybel’s it wasn’t hard to find, it was a large tent with a wooden door on the side of the tent wall was a sign that stated this was Maybel’s on the sign were prices that started at ten dollars a night but was now crossed out, there was a number of figures all crossed out till it read two dollars, it was the same for meals it started at two dollars and end at twenty-five cents.


Henry had seen this all before when a boom was on the prices were high and when it was over the prices came down, and by this sign this boom was over. A short stocky woman of about sixty-five answered to his knock. “Yes how may I help you young man?” Henry looked the woman over he like what he saw, she had a round face and eyes of gray that still held their sparkle that said she was still full of life. “I’m told you may have a bed? “ She looked at Henry and said, “It’s two-twenty-five a night with a meal.” Henry handed her five dollars, she took it with a smile and lead the way. She took Henry to the back of the tent there he found about fifteen cots; she pointed to them and said. “Take your pick,” then turned and left. Henry took one in the far corner, after putting his belongings under the cot he laid out, this was better then the cold hard ground but not by much, but a lest it would be a lot warmer. As Henry laid on his back he looked to the top of the tent and started to think of June, his thoughts of her were interrupted by the clap of thunder, then the rain began. He laid there listening to the sound of the rain hitting the tent, soon his eyes tired and was soon a sleep.

June went about her work but from time to time would stop and got a far away look in her eyes. Mr. Owens saw the look and said, “June quit worrying you’ll just make yourself sick he’ll be back.” June said, “But it’s been almost eight months now.” Mr. Owens said, “True but you gave him a year and it’s no over yet.” June went back work then stopped a short time later. “Why did he have to leave, to find something he lost and doesn’t know what, or where to find it?” Mr. Owens just smiled, and said, “ As a man gets older some times he feels that some how he’s lost something and goes looking for what he knows not, only to find out he was carrying it inside himself all the time.”

June looked at Mr. Owens with questioning eyes. Mr. Owens went on, “Many men go looking for what they thought they had lost and many will not find it, the lucky ones will come to realize that they were carrying it all the time.” Mr. Owens said, “Women go through the same thing but go about it in a different way.” June had stopped working and had taken a seat and was listening to what he was saying and all the while she was thinking. “Then your talking about old age” “Yes.” June said, “But he didn’t have to leave to find that out.” “Yes he did no one could tell him, he has to find it out for himself, and until he realizes he had lost nothing he may never return.” June just seat there thinking then she finely said, “Your talking about getting his youth back but no one can do that.” Mr. Owens said nothing he just stood there staring into space, then came back to the moment and said, “ No that’s true the feelings are still there but buried deep in side one self and until he fines a way to bring them back, well.” “Oh god he’s not coming back.”

Henry woke with a start for a moment he didn’t know, where he was then it all came back to him. He got up and seat on the bed and let his mind clear, the rumbling in his stomach said he was hungry and the smell of food some where out side the tent didn’t help, after getting ready he head for the smell. Once out side he saw Maybel working around a fire, there was a long table set for breakfast. He went up to her and asked a question she turned and pointed to the back of the tent, after he returned from his duty’s he was even hungrier.


Maybel put a plate in front of him and said, venison stew, sorry it’s all I have no supplies coming in, but it will stick to your ribs. When he was done he decided to look over the settlement, as he walked about he could tell from the signs on the ground there had been many tents, but now only a few remained. Henry soon found out why the settlement was there gold had been found and the rush was on, that was a little over two years ago, but the gold soon played out, some stayed still hoping to get rich, but now realize it won’t happen, and now with no supplies coming in and with winter coming on they too will be forced out of the valley.

Henry learned he had forty miles and two mountain ranges before hitting the low lands. Henry spent part of the day watching the men work and talked to some of the women and even played with some of the children. Around noon he went back to Maybel’s for more stew, while setting there he suddenly realized the valley was consistently being filled with the roar of the river. He said something to Maybel about it, she just smiled and said, “You get used to it, it’s when you don’t hear it you better watch out.” “Oh.” “Last Spring the roaring just stop, we just made it to the mountain before the valley filled with three feet of water, we had to spend four days on the mountain before we could come down again.”

Later that afternoon he took a ride through the valley and rode along the river. The valley empty out into a wide canyon, there were only two ways into the valley through the canyon or over the mountains, Henry decided to ride up the mountain, when reached the spot where he first saw the valley he dismounted. He went to the edge and let his legs dangle into open space, as he seat there his thoughts went to June and how she would love to be here. As he seat there and looked over the valley a picture began to form in his mind he saw a Indian village, then it turned to grazing buffalo, a few months ago he won’t have seen these pictures, he took in a deep breath of fresh air and smiled. Henry began to see dark shadows being cast on the valley floor, he got up and remounted his horse and head back into the valley.

It was almost dusk by the time Henry reached the valley, after attending to his horse, he headed for Maybel’s to see if any stew was left, on his way he saw campfires being started and lamps coming on. When he reached Maybel’s she looked him up and down then said, “Looks like you had an enjoyable day.” “How can you tell that?” She answered, “Well for one thing you have a smile on.” “Oh.” She said, “There’s some stew left care for some?” Henry handed over his plate. After he had finish he went about the settlement, stopping now and then to talk to some men, he finely ended up in front of the tent with the faded saloon sign; he looked about then stepped inside.

When Henry entered only a few heads turned as he was known in camp now. Henry went up to the bar, “Jack, Whiskey.” He took his drink and went to a table, as he enjoyed his drink he saw a card game starting up.


Henry seat there watching the game, he had thought of joining the game, then though better of it, as card games and drink don’t mix, and he didn’t need any trouble. As the evening wore on the chairs started to empty, until there was only two men left. Henry had been watching the game all evening, and there was something about the game but he just couldn’t but his finger on it. Henry kept on watching then he saw it, the dealer was cheating. Henry started watching the dealer and after a while he had it all figured out, but said noting but kept on watching. Henry could see that the man who was losing was getting madder and madder.

Henry knew it won’t be long before he said something, and he was right. The loser jump up and took a step back and said, “Jim you son-of-a- bitch your cheating.” Jim spoke, “You’re calling me a cheat?” “Your damn right I am, I just don’t know how but I know you are.” Henry could see this could turn deadly and he just couldn’t let that happen, for the loser had no gun but Jim did, Henry got up and went over to the table and said, “Jim you been cheating all evening and you know it.” Jim said, “Mister what business is this of yours?” Henry answered, “None but you’re wearing a gun and he’s not, I can’t let you shoot an unarmed man.” Most of the men were around the table now.

One of the men in the back came forward and said. “Mister your name won’t happen to be Henry Miller from Kansas would it?” “Yes.” “I thought so I saw you kill two men in Kansas City, gentlemen this is Marshal Miller.” Henry said, “Gentlemen it’s ex-marshal now.” The man spoke, “Being you have been a marshal you have see a lot of cheats?” Henry answered, “Yes I can spot most cheats after a while and Jim here was cheating.” The man asked, “Can you tell us how?” Henry went to the table and took the deck of cards and said, “You all seen how Jim dealt the cards, was it like this.” and he moved his hand away from the candle, “Or like this and moved his hand closer to the candle.

The man said, “His hand was always next to the candle.” Most all the men in the room seem too agreed. Henry said, “This is how it’s done, see the pool of melted candle wax.” and he passed a card over it and they all saw what the card was. The man said, “Well I’ll be damn he’s using the melted wax as a mirror.” Henry said, “Yes that way he knew what each man got.” The man spoke up, “Joseph your nothing but a cheat, ok boys take Jim out.” Henry started to say something, but the man held up his hand and said, “Don’t worry marshal no harm well come to him he’ll be held til tomorrow, then ran him out of the settlement. After the men had left Henry too, left and headed for Maybel’s to get a good night rest for he was to leave this peaceful valley tomorrow.

The next morning Henry spent a few hours saying his fair well’s to some of the men and women he had made friends with, he also saw that Jim was still in camp. Later he ran into the man he had talked to last night and asked about Jim. “Well we were going to run him out but then his wife started to crying and begging us not to, so we let him stay but he’ll be watched.” Henry said. “Well that up to you, but kept in mind that if he knows one way to cheat he knows other ways.”


Being done with his business he went and got his horse, his last stop was Maybel’s, he went inside and got his belongings, back outside he went up to Maybel to say good by. He found her fixing the noon meal. She said, “Well son I’m sorry to see you go and gave him a big hug. “Maybe I’ll head this way again.” She said, “By the time you get back this way, the valley will be empty for good.” Henry said, “that’s too bad, where will you go?’ “ Oh another valley or town, don’t worry well all make out just fine.” Henry gives her one last hug then had to turn away as there were tears in his eyes and he didn’t know way. He took to his horse and rode across the valley floor for the last time and entered the canyon.

Henry had been on the trail for two weeks when reached the outer limits of Wichita Falls. Henry took care of his horse, and then headed for the hotel, up on entering he saw the same clerk, and he went up to the desk and asked for a room. “Yes Mr. Mill, would like the same room you had last?” “That would be fine.” As Henry turn to leave the clerk asked, “Oh by the way did you friend ever catch up to you?’ Henry turned back and asked, “What friend.” “Oh around a month ago this gentleman came in and asked about you then left.” Henry asked, “What did he look like.” The clerk told him. “Has he been in lately?” “No that was the first and last time I seen him.” Henry thanked the clerk and headed for his room. When he entered the room He went to the window and looked out then he started pacing the floor he had to think.

Then was only one man Henry knew by that description the clerk give. Henry thought to himself it could only be the stranger, but how in the hell did he know to look for him here? Henry readied his room then left the hotel out side he headed for the restaurant he know, after taken his table he like the waitress came up and said. “Well Mr. Mill it’s been a while would like you’re usual?” “Yes.” While he enjoyed his meal he looked out the Widow, thinking he may see some one he knew like maybe the stranger. Back out side again he stood on the walkway and looked about, nothing in Wichita had changed the people were still going every which way. Then he spotted a sign he knew and headed that way. Henry stood in the door way and looked inside, he saw John behind the bar; he entered the Red Tail Saloon.

John looked up and saw Henry and said, “Well I’ll be damn if it isn’t Henry Miller.” Henry said, “Beer.” John said, “Remember the first one is on the house.” “Thanks.” Henry took a table and sit with his back to the wall. When John brought his beer he pointed to a chair and Henry gave a nod. Although Henry didn’t like him much he thought he could get some news out of him. John took a sip of his drink that he had brought with him then asked, “Did you ever find Mad Dog?” “Yes it was a nice town.”
John said, “Oh before I forget there was a guy in a while back looking for you.” “Oh.”
“Yes he said he was a friend of yours, so I told him were you went, did you see him?” “No” “To bad he acted like he really wanted to see you.” Henry asked, “Have you seen him lately?” “No that was the first time and the last time I seen of him.” Henry seat there thinking, he knew it had to be the stranger. Henry finished his beer and left the saloon, out side he stood and thought to himself, the stranger had been in town looking for him then he left, but where in the hell did he go, I don’t like this at all.


Henry went up the street to the wire office, he sent one to Bill, saying he would be in Reno in three days then he sent one to the town of Mad Dog. Wichita had a fine park and as it would be a while before he received an answer he headed that way. After enjoying the park he headed back to the hotel when he got there he found a letter waiting for him, he saw it was from Mad Dog. Henry open the wire and read, No one looking for you here all is quite, sign Father Paul.

Bill and Mat were on patrol when Joel met up with them, Marshal got a wire for you. Bill took it and looked it over he saw it was from Wichita Falls Texas. Bill read it then said, “Well boys it’s from Henry he’s in Wichita he’ll be here in four days. Mat said, “Boy it will be good to see him again.” That goes for me too Joel said. Bill said, “That goes for me too, now remember we say nothing about what we found out, he’s are friend and I don’t went to cause him any trouble and less there’s a need.” Bill asked, “Mat can you finish the patrol alone I need to send a wire.” “Sure Bill I can handle it.” Bill told Joel to head back to the office and he would meet him there later.

On the way to the wire off Bill’s mind was working, Henry is my friend and he saved my life more then once, but if we find he has been doing something against the law, I will have to bring him in I took a oath to up hold the law and if it comes down to it I will bring him in dead or a live. When Bill got back to the office he read the letter again an about the stranger, he didn’t like this at all there’s going to some big trouble. He hadn’t said anything in the letter to June for he didn’t went to worry her. Bill knew that when ever Henry and the stranger met up any one around Henry could be in real danger. Bill thought about it some more then told Joel he would be back and headed for the wire office again.

Mr. Owens was working at the bar when he heard the front door opened. “Well howdy Jim, it’s been a while.” “Yes it has the wife keeps me busy, how about a beer?” Jim and Mr. Owens talked for a while then Jim said he had better go or his wife would give him hell when he got home. Jim was almost to the door then turned back; he reached into his pocket and took out two letters and handed them to Mr. Owens. “I almost forgot to give you these; it’s why I stopped in the first place. “Thanks.” After Jim had left Mr. Owens looked at the two letters they were from Reno and one was addressed to him and June. The other was addressed to him this he put in his pocket for now. Mr. Owens called out, “June will you come here?” June came from the back. “Yes?” “We got a letter from Reno would you like to read it?” June answered, “Yes I would.” She took the letter and took a seat then opened it and began to read. “Oh Bill says Henry will be in Reno in four days then he’s going to stay for a week or so, then he’ll be heading our way.” Mr. Owens said. It will be nice to see him again.” “Nice, it will be grate, well I better get back to work.” as Mr. Owens watched June head back to the kitchen he thought her steps looked a little higher and he smiled to himself. After June had left Mr. Owens open the letter and read. Mr. Owens I didn’t put this in the first letter as I didn’t went to upset June, yes Henry is on his way back, but he says that the stranger is on the hunt again it seems that the stranger followed him to Texas.


Henry stated that he didn’t know how he found out but he did. Says he found out about it when he got back to Wichita Falls it seems that the stranger had been asking questions all over town about him, then he just up and disappeared. I thought I better let you know as we don’t know, just were he’ll turn up next. On this other business, that was official and not to be talk about to any one. When Henry heads back your way I’ll see if I can get some time off and come back with him, till then. Marshal Bill Anderson.

Later that evening before starting his patrol, Bill stopped at the Last Stop saloon for a beer. While enjoying his beer he saw Joel come in and he motion him over to the table. “Let’s have a talk.” Joel took a seat, “What about.” Bill answered, “About Henry coming back.” As they talked, back in a dark corner of the bar the strangers eyes opened wide and he leaned forward to hear better. As bill and Joel talked the stranger listen to every word, after a will they both get up and left. The stranger stayed to have another beer and while he was drinking he started to talk to himself, “Well Henry is coming back, will Bill looks like I won’t have to kill you after all.” It had been the strangers plan to kill Bill and let it be known that he did it, he know that would have brought Henry running back to Reno. The stranger lifted his glass in a salute and said, “This was your luck day Bill Anderson.”

After reading the letter Henry started for his room, “Mr. Miller.” Henry turned to the sound of his name and there stood the marshal. Henry asked, “Yes marshal what, can I do for you?” The marshal pointed to a chair Henry took it then the marshal asked, “How long are you going to be in town?” Henry answered, “Not long just for the night, I just get in from Cold Water, and now I’m heading back to Oklahoma.” “Cold Water never heard of it.” Henry said, “it was a boom town about two hundred miles out.” The marshal asked, “You say was.” “Gold played out.” The marshal went on, “I heard you were back in town and I also heard some one been asking around about you, you know any one looking for you?” Henry answered. “I only know one person, we call him the stranger.” The marshal looked at Henry with questioning eyes. Henry went on, “No one knows his name we just call him the stranger, he tried to kill me in Arkansas but missed then four times in Oklahoma, and we still don’t know way, he’s been trying to kill me but he’s not every good at it.” The marshal asked, “Have you see or heard from him.” No and if I had you would have known by now.” “Why’s that?” Henry said, “Because I would either be dead or he would be.” The marshal stood up “Just don’t miss your train.” He put out his hand Henry took it then the marshal turned and left. Henry went to his room, in it he found that his nerves were on edge he tried to rest on the bed, but the noise from the street kept him from doing so. He got up and looked out the window, then he looked around the room and found a chair that looked comfortable, and then he placed it next to the window and seat in it, then he blow out the lamp and waited for morning. Henry woke with a start then he realize he was still in the chair, he out stretch his arms and gave a big yawn, then he got up and started to walk around the room to take out the kinks.


After he finished getting ready for the day he left the room and headed for the front desk.
When he reached the desk he was given a letter, he took it then went outside. Once outside he took a bench in front of the hotel, he opened it and began to read. Henry haven’t seen or heard from the stranger, but the boys and I have been keeping a look out for him. I also wrote Mr. Owens and told him to keep a look out, as we don’t know where he’ll turn up. I also told him not to say anything about it to June; we don’t want to upset her if it can be helped, Signed. Marshal Bill Anderson. Henry didn’t like this, no one has heard from the stranger, but Henry knows he will show up sooner or later. He put the letter away then headed for breakfast, later after he left the restaurant he wander about town to see what he could see all the while he was heading towards the park. The park made him feel more at ease and reminded him of the talks he had with Father Paul.

After leaving the park he headed for the hotel then decided to stop at the Red Tail Saloon. John was behind the bar, Henry went to his table then John brought his beer, Henry looked around and said, “A little slow today.” John said, “Come back to night the place will be hopping.” “Maybe I will.” Henry finished his beer then ordered another after he had finished he headed over to the hotel. When left his room it was after 8 o’clock in the evening. He was almost to the door when he heard his name being call Henry turn to see the clerk holding up a letter he went to the desk and took it. “Thanks.” Outside Henry looked at the letter it was from Reno, thinking it was business he put it in his pocket and headed for dinner. After taking his table a waitress came up and asked, “Would you like your usual?” He started to say yes then changed his mind and said, I think I’ll have the chicken. When he was back outside he saw it was a little before nine and decided to walk up the street, later on his way back he started to pass the saloon, as he did he took a look inside. The place was full and John was behind the bar, as he started to pass John saw him and waved him in. Henry started to pass but changed his mind and step inside.

He looked around for a table as the one he liked was taken, evidently John had seen Henry looking for a table for he came up to him holding a beer and said, “This way I have a table for you.” John led him to a green felt table that sat in one corner and was block off. John said, “this is the bosses table and for special guests, people around here knows this is the bosses table so you won’t be messed with here they know better.” Henry took his seat and started to enjoy his drink. The bar was full and noisy so much so you could hardly hear the piano playing. Henry was enjoying himself, as men stopped at his table from time to time for small talk, Henry noticed that about four or five card games had started up, He was just finishing his last beer when he saw one of the men at one of the card games jump out of his chair, he could hardly hear what the men were saying. The man that had jump up seemed to be saying something like, “Mister your just too damn lucky,” the other was saying something like, “Well if you don’t like it the take your money to other game.” Henry had watched the game off and on through the evening but couldn’t tell who was dealing. Now that the chair was empty he could see who the dealer was, he couldn’t believe it, it was Jim from cold water. Henry thought to himself here’s trouble.


Henry looked for a candle on the table but there was none, he knows that Jim had to be cheating but he couldn’t see just how. Henry moved his chair so he could see between the payers. He didn’t see anything on the table; the only thing he saw was an open watch that was in front of him. Henry keeps watching him deal then after a while he saw how he was doing it. Henry looked towards the bar and finely got John’s attention and he came over. “Mr. Miller what can I get you?” Henry said, “John I want you to get someone to go find the marshal and bring him here.” John gives him a questioning look. Henry said, “I’ll tell you later, now hurry before someone gets killed.” John headed back to the bar, he thought to him self if Henry Miller wanted a marshal that’s what he was going to get. Back at the bar John walked to the end and said something to a man standing at the end and the man left in a hurry. John knew that if Shot-gun killing Miller was asking for a marshal he needed help. John eyed the shot gun under the bar; if Henry needed help before the marshal got there he would help him if he could.

Henry kept on watching the game, he could see the man that had jumped out of his chair was getting restless and he knew it may not be long before he was up and out of his chair again, and if that happen things could get deadly. It had been about forty-five minutes since someone left to find the marshal. Henry had just finish the last of his beer when he heard, ”You son-of a bitch, no one is that good.” Jim said, “Are you calling me a cheat.” “You’re damn right I am, let me see those cards.” Jim said, “You have to pay to see them.” Henry by now had made his way to the table and was standing behind the man. The man standing had a gun; Jim who was sitting may or may not have a gun Henry couldn’t tell. The man spoke again, “damn you let me see those cards.” Jim answered, “No I don’t think so.” The man said, “Then died.” and went for his gun. Henry step up and put the barrel of his gun over the man’s head and he fall to the floor out cold.

The men at the table started to stand but Henry moved his gun around and said, “Take your seats gentleman well wait for the marshal.” Henry turns his gun on Jim and said, “I see you’re at it again.” Jim at first couldn’t see who was standing behind the man but now he could and when he saw Henry he turn white and said, “marshal Miller.” “Well Jim I see you got caught again.” “Now marshal I wasn’t cheating.” Henry said, “Now Jim you know you were and would you like me to tell these men how.” “No.” “What in the hell is going on here.” Henry saw the marshal coming with his gun drawn, he put his gun away.

When the marshal saw Henry he said, “So it’s you I knew something like this would happen if you stayed in town to long, well let’s have it.” Henry said, “Well this here is Jim from Cold Water and he likes to cheat at cards.” “I caught him there and now his here, doing it again.” The marshal asked, are you sure?” “Yes I am given enough time I can always spot a cheat, and here’s how he did it.” Henry reached over and took the watch, and sat it before him. “See the inside of the watch cover, see how it shines.” Then he reached over and took a hand full of cards and passed them over the watch and as he did each card could be seen.


“Well I’ll be damn he used the watch as a mirror.” “Yes no one caught on because the watch always faced him.” The marshal pointed his gun at Jim and said, “all right Jim you’re coming with me and you to Henry.” When they came by the bar Henry said, “Hold it a second marshal.” Henry went up to John and said, “When he wakes up give him and pointed the man still on the floor, a beer on me and tell him how lucky he was to night.”

When they were outside the marshal said, “Hold up Jim, then turn to Henry “What time did you say you were catching the train?” Henry answered, “8 o’clock in the morning why?” The marshal answered, “Because I’m going to be there to see that you get on, now I want you to go to your hotel and stay there.” Then the marshal asked, “How did you get into this any way?” Henry said, “Well I saw Jim here cheating and I knew there maybe some shooting, and I didn’t went to be killed by a missed shot that would have ruined my day.” Then Henry smiled. Then the marshal said, “So you think this is all funny, well I’ll tell you what will be funny if you miss that train in the morning.” then he give Henry a hard look then poked Jim in the ribs and said, “Lets go.” Then turned and left Henry standing there. Henry thought to himself, the marshal had been right there wasn’t anything funny about it, he was just glad to have lived another day.

When Henry got to his room he took off his jacket, then remembered the letter he took it from his jacket and began to read, Friend I know when your coming and I’m waiting for you and you better hurry I can’t wait to long if you don’t come soon I may have to kill a friend of yours so you better hurry, signed a friend. Henry took a seat and reread the letter, He knew that his friends were ok so far or he would have head something by now, but that didn’t stop him from worrying.

The next morning Henry turned in his key and headed for the stables to see about his horse. After every thing was taken care of he headed for breakfast as he was leaving the restaurant, John step inside. John said, “I hear your leaving on the morning train.” “Yes.” John said, “Well if you head this way again, remember the first one is on the house.” “I’ll remember.”

As Henry already had his return ticket and had a little time left he headed for the park.
After enjoying the park, Henry started for the station. When he got there he found the marshal waiting. The marshal said, “Well I see you made it on time.” The marshal could see that Henry’s eyes were a little red and said, “Didn’t get much sleep last night?” Henry said, “I got this yesterday.” and gave him the letter. “Looks like your heading into trouble.” Henry said, “Yes, but I have to go.” “I know.” By now the train had arrived, Henry took the marshals hand. As Henry boarded the train it started to move, he found a seat and started to think, well back to Reno and maybe my death. It had been almost two days that Henry had been riding the train and in that time he was working on a plan on what to do.


Then decides it would safe to enter Reno in the daylight as the stranger always tried to kill him only at night. It was hard to get any rest on the train as it was always swaying from side to side. At the end of the second day the train stopped at a town that Henry couldn’t remember the name of, and as the train started to move again he heard his name being called. Henry turner around and there stood Mrs. Webber and her son Jimmy. Henry said, “Well Mrs. Webber how nice to see you and you too Jimmy.” Here take a seat; they took seats a cross from Henry. Mrs. Webber brought Henry up to date on the doings in Reno and Jimmy added some of his stories also. Henry told some stories of Texas, and before they know it they were entering Reno.

Bill was more on edge now as the trains arrival was near. Bill had Joel and Mat patrolling the area. They had been patrolling the town all day looking places for an ambush. Bill thought Henry would be safe arriving in the day as the stranger always struck at night. Bill saw Mat and Joel walking toward him. Joel said, “All clear.” As clear as we can make it.” Mat had been looking down the tracks. “Here she comes.”

As the people were getting off Bill kept looking around, then he saw Jimmy getting off then Mrs. Webber, Bill greeted her, “Mrs. Webber how was your visit to your sister?” “I had a lovely time.” Bill looked up and there was Henry standing in the door way looking about; Bill noticed that there was something different about him. Henry greeted Bill and the others and shook hands all around. Bill spoke, “Mat will you see to his horse? Then come over to the office.” At the office Henry was saying how the town had grown. Bill said, “Yes it has and it still growing it won’t be long and I’ll have to hire a new deputy.” and looked at Henry. “No.” Bill just smiled.

As Henry listened he notices something different about Bill a little older to be sure but there was something else, it was his eyes they were hard looking with deep lines under them, to deep for one so young. Bill was saying, “Now about this stranger.” Henry what makes you thinks he’s here?” Henry said, “I don’t think, I knew he’s here and Henry handed him the letter. As Bill read Henry walked over to the window and looked out.
When Bill was done he gave it to his deputy’s to read. Bill went up to window and Henry said, “I had been thinking of going straight to Arkansas then I got the letter, he knew I would come and he was right, I couldn’t let my friends get killed because of me.” Bill asked “How long are you going to stay?” Henry said, “As long as it takes.”

When Bill entered the house he called out. “Mrs. Webber, we have a guest.” Mrs. Webber came out of the kitchen, and said, “Nice to see you again Henry.” Bill said. He’s staying Joel’s room.” Then he turned to Henry, “I have to get back to the office, after you get settled and had some rest, come over to the office and well make some plans.” Bill headed out the door then turns back and said, “Oh by the way Jack Peterson will be on guard duty tonight so don’t, go and shoot him by mistake.” After dinner he went to his old room to get some badly needed rest.
Henry had just left the house when Jack Peterson came around the corner of the house, Henry said, “Mr. Peterson I see you’re on the job.” Jack said, “Yes till you leave town.” Henry started for the office and Jack followed, Henry turned around and asked, “Jack, are you following me?” Jack answered, “The marshal said I was to go where ever you go, just think of me as your second shadow.”

Over at the office Henry was saying, “But I don’t need a guard.” Bill answer, “Well you got one like or not, I’m not letting you get killed in my town if I can help it.” Henry said, “But if I have someone hanging on my coat tail he my not try.” After they talked about it a while Bill finely said, “Ok, ok I’ll have him guard the house at lest Mrs. Webber will feel safer and you can sleep a litter easier.” Bill went to the door and called out. ”Jack.” Bill had just got to his desk when Jole and Mat entered.

Joel thought out loud, I wondered why he didn’t try for you in Wichita Falls.” Henry said, “Could be he decided Texas was too big, and it was easier for me to come to him.” Mat added, “Besides that he didn’t know Wichita that well but knows Reno like the back of his hand.” Bill said, “That’s true enough, we hunted for him many time before and he couldn’t be found.” They talked it over and over and decided the best plan was no plan. Bill was saying, “About all we can do is keeping up the patrols as he has the upper hand.” Henry said, “Yes although we have him out numbered he has the surprise of attack on his side.” Bill said, “Joel you and Mat had better be thinking about the evens patrol.” Joel said, “Your right, come on Mat.”

Henry left the Marshal’s Office, then heading up the street to look the town over. As he walked the streets he found things a lot different there were more streets and buildings, and a lot more people. He stopped and looked about him, his town was gone it was now a city. Henry was making his way back to the house when he found himself in front of the Last Stop Saloon; he took a look in then decided to have a beer. Henry had finish half of his beer when he saw Bill coming his way. Bill pointed to the glass and asked, “Another.” Henry said, “Why not”. “Well how do you like the town?” Henry said, “Ok I guess, this town turned into a city and you know how I hate cities.” Bill gives Henry a look. Henry saw it and said, “Oh don’t get me wrong I’m glad for the people they needed it, I’m just glad I resigned when I did.” Over the next few hours Henry told of some of his adventures in Texas. Bill said, I think I would have liked Cold Water.” Henry said, “Yes it’s still wild out there, it’s too bad it had to die you would have fit right in.” Bill took a look at his watch and said, “I better get on patrol.”

Henry left the bar and headed for the house, before the streets had been dark and uninviting but now it was like walking in the day light as there were rolls after rolls of street lamps. As Henry turned the corner some light shined on some bright metal. In the darkest part of the alley stood the stranger with his rifle pointed at Henry’s back. The stranger said to himself it’s time to die Henry Miller then he stop no this is too easy. I think I’ll let you live a little longer.


Monday, September 1, 2008

Buckskin Colorado

Benjamin Ridgeway, had just rode across the planes of Colorado, he had just spent the last six months in the mountains, and was now entering Buckskin.

Benjamin rode slow as he entered the town, so he could look the town over, nothing had changed, but then in buckskin nothing ever did. As Benjamin rode towards the stable he noticed how quiet, the town was, even thought it was still early he knew there should still be more people on the streets.

Then the ringing sound of steel on steel came to his ears as he neared the stable. “Howdy Ben, it’s been a while?” Benjamin got off his horse and said. “Joe can you bed him down?” Joe was the blacksmith, and the owner of the stables, “Sure thing.” As Joe lead the horse to a stall, Benjamin asked. “Why is the town so dead?”

Joe answered. “Then you haven’t heard?” Benjamin said no and that he just got in, “Well Bob Lee, killed John Kinney the other day, and now the whole town is shaking.” Benjamin know of the Kinney’s they owned most of best land around, and was the most powerful family’s in the county. Benjamin asked. “What’s James going to do?” James Campbell was the sheriff of the town. Joe said. “What can he do?, he has Lee over in the jail for now, the judge won’t get here till next week.” Benjamin know when old man Kinney found out about one of his sons being killed, there won’t be a need for a judge, by the time he got here he’ll find Lee hanging in the old tree at the end of town.

After leaving the stables he headed up the street towards the Sackett House, it was a cheap boarding house just up the street. He could have gone to the hotel, at the end of the street, but the boarding house was cheaper, and after being in the mountains for six months the boarding house would do just fine.

Benjamin got his key to his room then headed for the sheriff office, along way he passed the undertakers and saw he was getting ready for some new business that was coming his way real soon.

When he got to the Sheriff office he found the door locked, he pounded on the door then heard a voice from inside say. “Yea, who is it?” Benjamin answered. “Benjamin, Benjamin Ridgeway.” The voice inside said, “Hold on.” Benjamin heard some noise behind the door then he heard the key turn, then the voice from inside said. “Ok come on in but slow.” When he entered he saw James standing in a corner with his shot-gun pointed at the door. When James saw that it was Benjamin he lowered the gun. Benjamin said. “Nice to see you too.” James smiled although it was hard to till with that full graying beard and mustache he had on his face. James went to his desk and took a seat with a heavy sigh and asked. “Well, Benjamin what can I do for you?” As Benjamin took a chair he said. “I just got into town and heard of your trouble, and thought I would come down and see if you would like some help?” James said. “Thanks but I can handle it the judge will be here the day after tomorrow, and he’ll stay put till then,” and pointed to Bob Lee in the cell.

Benjamin had been there about hour catching up on the news when he realize he was getting hungry and said his good by’s, but before he left he asked. “How’s is it if I come by in the morning and watch Bob well you go out and get some rest and something good to eat?” James thought this over a moment then said. “How’s about 7 O’clock?” Benjamin said he would be there, after he stepped outside the door he hear the key turn in the lock.

Being hungry he headed for best place in town, the hotel was not only the best place to eat, but to get the local mews, most of the head men of the town went there to eat. Benjamin was enjoying his meal when he hear a raucous from one of the tables, Benjamin look that way and saw it was old man Kinney and two of his sons. By the time he had finished the Kinney’s table had quieted down. As he was leaving he stopped at their table and told Mr. Kinney, he had heard abut his son and was sorry to hear about it.

Mr. Kinney looked at Benjamin for a moment then said. “Not as sorry as your friend the sheriff, is going to be if he doesn’t let me have Bob Lee.” Benjamin said. “Now Mr. Kinney why don’t you let the sheriff do his job, we all know Bob Lee is going to hang anyways.” Mr. Kinney said. “He could be sent free and I won’t take a chance, besides I want to be the one who puts the rope around his neck.” Benjamin saw he won’t be able to say anything to change his mind, so he turn and left the hotel.

Benjamin stood on the boardwalk out side the hotel and looked at the sky it still looked like rain, it been looking like rain all day, but it still held off. He saw it was still to early to turn in so he headed for the Last Chance Saloon.

The sun was just starting to set as he came to the saloon, he stood in front of it and looked it over. He could never understand why it was called the Last Chance?, he would have call it the “ 4-heads,” because of the four steer heads that hung on the sign over the door. After entering he saw a few friends, and had a beer or two with them, then he played a round or two of cards but soon found it hard to keep his eyes open.

He told his friends he had a hard ride, and was turning in. Benjamin stood out side the saloon and made a smoke and lit up, as he did he listen to the music and watch the shadows, moving about the room from the yellowish-orange glow coming from inside the saloon. He had just reached the boarding house when a light rain started to fell, he took out his room key and head inside.

The next morning found Benjamin heading for the hotel for some breakfast. After having his fill he saw by his watch it was time to head over to the sheriffs office. He had told James he would be there around 7 O’clock. On the way he now and then, would stop and look in one of the stores windows, most of the stores were still closed this early in the morning. One of the stores he passed was the dress store, of course this was closed as no proper woman would be caught in town this early in the morning.

He did stop at the next store as there was a new display sign outside the store, the sign read photographing it was something new he had heard about, in the display were what was called tin type pictures. As he stood there he looked over the faces, of the men and women they looked half scared to death. He understood the pictures were taking with some kind of box called a camera, he took a last look and laugh to himself and said. “There no way in hell you’ll see me in front of one of those boxes.” He was still smiling to himself as he reached the sheriff office.

Benjamin pounded on the door, James voice came from behind it. “Yea, who is it?” Benjamin called out. James voice came through door and said to hold on a minute, then he heard the key turn in the lock he didn’t wait to be invited in. James took his seat behind his desk while Benjamin took a chair. James asked. “Anything new happing in town?” Benjamin told him about seeing Mr. Kinney at the hotel last night. James said. “That Kinney is an old fool, and he knows his son was no good in the first place, why get yourself killed for someone like that?” Benjamin said. “You know the old saying, “Blood is thicker then water?” James just shrugged his shoulders and said. “That’s what I hear, but he was still no good.” James finely said he best get going or he won’t get any rest at all. Benjamin let James out then lock the door then put a bar across the door. James was to be back around 5 O’clock, there was little to do so he sat at James desk and read the wanted posters, as Bob wasn’t talking he just laid on the cot in the cell and wept now and then. He took cat naps to pass the time, then around five he heard same yelling out side.

Benjamin went to the window and looked out and saw that the Kinney’s had caught James out in the middle of the street. He never thought they would be so bold to try something like this in broad daylight. There was little he could do as he didn’t dare go out, as there may be someone waiting for some to come out of the jail. Benjamin know that James may not look like it, but he could handle himself all right.

He watched the scene unfold before him, he couldn’t hear all that was going on but he could see that the Kinney’s were not liking what they were being told. Finely James turned his back on them and headed for the jail. Benjamin know that may have been a mistake, and he was right. James got about fifteen feet when one of the boys said something. James must of know this may happen as he was ready for it.

James turned back and as the did a shot ring out, it was all over in less then a minute, when the smoke cleared Mr. Kinney was standing alone as his last three sons laid dead at his feet. James just turned his back on him and headed for the jail, and all the while Mr. Kinney was jelling and swearing at him, James never turned back, it was all over and he know it.

Two days later the trial began, and when it was over Bob Lee was found guilty and was to hang three day later, ever one know what the out come was going to be. There had been no trouble during the trial, as Mr. Kinney was now a broken man. His sons were all dead now because of his desire for his own kind of revenge. The day after the hanging they found Mr. Kinney hanging in his barn. The only thing their could think of was, that now all the things he had worked all his life for were all gone, there was no reason to go on.

Benjamin had enough of the town it was time to head back to the mountains. The next day he was at the supply store getting what he needed, after he had finish he went over to the sheriff office and found the door wide open. He found James at his desk. James saw the horse out side and asked. “Leaving town?” Benjamin answered. “Yea, I have had enough of town life I’m heading back to my mountains.” All James could say was. “Well you’ll be missed, I’ll see you in about six months?” Benjamin shook James hand and said. “Could be.” Just as he was out town, he looked back to take a last look. He just shook his head and said to himself, “Noting ever changes in Buckskin.” He turn back to his horse give him a heel and rode a cross the planes and back into his mountains.

This story of course was not real, but the town is very real although I changed the name a bit. The towns name is Buckskin Joes and is in Colorado. Many Hollywood movies were made there. My wife and I went there a couple of times over the years. There is a lot on this town on the web here is one site that is very good: Be sure to use there site map at the bottom of their page. All the photos in this story were taken by this author.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie.-Chapter 3.

It had been a week sense anything had been hear from the stranger, they were all in the office talking about that when Jimmy came in. “There’s a small herd coming in. Henry said, “Bill and I will go meet it.” When they stepped out side the air was still. On the way out they could see the dark clouds rolling in “Jimmy was right there is a good one coming.” “We better hurry or will get caught out in the open.” When they rode up Henry asked for the trail boss. Henry told him the same as he told all the others. He was none to happy but said he would turn them in the morning sense it was late and there was a storme coming he would bed them down here. Henry said, “We have holding pens you can take them there if you like.” “No will hold them here but thanks.” Henry and Bill headed back for town they reached town as it started to rain. They were all in the office when Henry said, “I don’t believe there is a need for all of us to be here sense the storm is about to hit.” Just then there was a flash of lightning and followed by the rumble of thunder. “Bill and I can handle it all right with this storm there won’t be hardly anyone on the streets,” “Joel why don’t you and Mat get a move on before you get wet.” As Joel opened the door there was another crack of thunder it was so loud it shook the whole town.

The rumbling of thunder went on and on there was hardly any let up. After a while it slowed a bit and when it did Henry said, “I best go on patrol before it starts up again.” “You need me to follow? “ “No not to night I think it will be ok? “ Henry opened the door to more rumbling and was gone. Bill had been sitting at his desk for about and hour writing a letter when he felt a shaking under his feet at first he thought it was from the thunder but it last to long and it was getting heavier. Then Bill’s mind flashed back to his day’s as a drover and his face went white, if you ever been in one you’ll never fore get it, it’s the one thing a cattle drover fears the most it’s the stampede. Bill left his office and ran up the street all the while yelling stampede! Stampede! Henry came running up and asked, “What’s all this yelling about a stampede?” Bill said, “Stand still.” “Henry did as he was told. “You can feel it under your feet.” Henry could feel it under his feet now, “How much time we got.” Bill answered. Maybe ten or fifteen minutes no more. Bill said, “You know when cattle get to running they can’t be stop, and there coming through town.”

Henry and Bill went about trying getting people off the streets and yelling in open door ways of the stampede. Henry was coming down the walk when he heard two sharp cracks at first Henry thought it was from the storm then another crack but this time wood from the roof support that he was standing by flew into his face. He got down and tried to see where the shots were coming from then he saw a flash from the gun as other shot came. This time he returned fire and looked for cover. He knew the stampede was coming but he had his hands full with the stranger. Bill had seen Henry bend down fast and now could see the flash’s from each gun, but he couldn’t help as he needed to get the people off the street. Henry went for more cover and as he did so he fall the stranger had fired at the same time and thinking that he had hit him came out into the open yelling.


“I’ve got you now you-son-of a bitch.” The stranger started across the street to finish him off. Henry could have killed him as he got to the middle of the street but he didn’t shoot. Henry didn’t know why he didn’t shoot he just didn’t. The stranger got in the middle of the street and fell he was trying to get up. Henry could tell he was drunk, as the stranger was trying to get up he stop and looked up in bewilderment then horror as he saw the stampede coming down on him he tried to get up again but it was to late there was a short scream then all that could be heard was the pounding of the cattle’s hoofs. Bill saw the cattle coming and headed for the safety of an open door way as he looked back he saw the stranger crossing the street then fall he could see he was trying to get up but it was to late the cattle pass over him and he was gone, at the same time he saw Henry jump into a alley way and safety.

When the cattle came into town they came down Main street then they started to get backed up and took to the boardwalk as they went they hit support posts for the roofs as the posts fell away so did the roofs, they fell on to the walkway’s this forced them into open doors and through store front windows. The stores that had goods out front their stores was being push up and out in the street. There were shots being fired, women screaming and children crying. The stampede lasted less then ten minutes. After they had passed all that could be heard was bellowing from cattle that were still stuck in some of the stores or to hurt to move.

Henry and Bill looked over Main Street it was a mess with store goods all over the place and dead cattle here and there. Henry looked at Bill and said, “It will take week’s to get this all back in order. “ You’re telling me.” Joel and Mat had just got there. Joel said, “I tried to get here sooner but couldn’t get by the herd.” Mat said, “I was at the Sun’s Saloon and couldn’t get out I was blocked by a cow it was putting up such a fuss that I had to shoot it so no one would get hurt.” Henry said, “The three of you go up and down Main Street and see if any one was hurt or killed I’ll go over to the office and start the report.”

Henry was still making out his report when his three deputies’ came in to make their report. Joel said, “Well it looks like one broken arm and one broken leg a lot of cuts and bruises and about thirty head lost.” Henry asked,” What about the stranger?” Mat spoke up. “ We looked but couldn’t find anything of him, Main street was so muddy from all the rain and with about eight hundred head going over him, more then likely he’s buried some where in main street.” Henry was saying, “I don’t think there will be a need for any more patrols to night.” About this time the office door open and in step the trail boss of the herd. “We tried to turn them but by the time we got back in the saddles they were to far a head. Henry said, “Well from what we can tell you lost about thirty head.” “Damn I was hoping for less, I brought two men with me will get started dragging them out of town.” Henry asked, “What about all the damage. “ “The trail boss said. “As I see it, it was an accident an act of god if you will and I shouldn’t be held accountable.” “However if you will make out a report and wire it to the owner he will make full restitution.” He then handed Henry a piece of paper with all the information on it.


“Well I better get out there and help the boy’s.” Three week’s had passed since the stampede and main street was almost back in order. Henry was in his office when he received a wire from the marshal in Oklahoma City Saying that they need him to send someone up and take a prisoner back to Helena Arkansas and at that place a Kansas marshal would take the prisoner. Henry knew he was going but should he take some one else, he was thing of Bill. “ Will boy’s The rails have been laid and the cattle drives are over for this season, so I need to cut the force by two I was going to do it to day but I need you to stay on for a while longer.” “Main street still needs work and work on the train deport starts next week and Bill and I will be on are way to Arkansas.” The deputy’s looked at Henry as he went on. “ I just received a wire from Oklahoma City they need some one to take a prisoner back to Arkansas I’ve decided to take Bill if he once to come? “ “You bet I do I have family I haven’t seen in a very long time. “

Henry looked at Joel and Mat. “I’m trying to keep you on as long as I can but I was only to hire you as long as the rails were being laid and for the cattle season, but thing have charge the town is even getting bigger to big for two men, so if you like the job and went to stay on as deputy’s let me know when I return.” Joel said, “Mat and I don’t have to wait to give are answer we have already talked this over as we knew this day was coming we would like to stay on,” “Even if I was no longer Marshal? “ All three deputy’s looked at Henry and wanted to ask what he meant by that remark but only said they would still went the job. Bill asked when we leave “Tomorrow afternoon.”

The deputy’s left the office to go on about their duty’s as they went up the walkway they started to talk I wonder what he meant about that remark, Bill you know him the best do you think he’s leaving. “ I know he’s been troubled about something lately and he has had a far away look in his eye’s to, but I’m not asking, you know how he feels about people asking about his business and I for one don’t went my head handed to me, when he’s ready he’ll tell us what’s on his mind.”

June and Mr. Owens were sitting at a table as June read a letter she just received from Bill. She read a little then told Mr. Owens what it said. “He say’s that the rails have been laid and the new deport is going up at the end of the month.” She read a little more then said. “The cattle season is over.” then she look up from the letter. Mr. Owens they had a stampede go through town and made a mess of everything. Mr. Owens said, “That I believe once cattle get going they’ll run over everything.” “Oh! No.” “What’s the matter.” she said, “You know that stranger? Well he found Henry and tried to kill him four times.” Mr. Owens asks, “Did Henry kill him? “ “He didn’t have to it seems that on the night of the stampede he was trying to kill Henry but fell in front of the stampede and was killed himself.” Mr. Owens said, “Good that’s what he gets.” “Bill say’s something has be troubling Henry of late but won’t say what it is, you know how he holds all his feeling in.” Mr. Owens thought he knows but said nothing to June. Henry and Bill were out side the office; Henry was given the last of his instructions. “We should be back in two week’s, be sure the workers from the Deport don’t cause any trouble.”


“I don’t think you will have any as most of the workers are from here but there are a few who are not. “ “Joel goes out some time this week to the German settlement and sees Mr. Johnson and sees if he needs anything he hasn’t been feeling well lately.” “Will do
Marshal,” With that they shook hands all around then Henry and Bill rode out of town.

Once out of town they followed the trail made by the cattle drive. Both men felt good about being out of town breathing in the fresh air and the only sound that could be heard was the sounds of the prairie. They didn’t say much to each other that afternoon each was in his own thoughts this was the time to clear ones mind and not to fill it with more talk. They rode till the sun started to set then they turned off the trail then went about setting up camp. After they had ate and things were put away they set at the fire enjoying the warmth of it, then Bill said, “What did you mean by that remark at the office about if you weren’t marshal?” Henry looked at Bill a long time before he answered, “Bill you know damn will I don’t like talking about my business or my feelings, when I’m ready I’ll tell you, when I do you may be surprised then maybe not but I will say this much you earned it.” Then with out saying anything more he got up and went to his bed roll. Bill knew it was no use to ask any more questions as he won’t get an answer so he put on another log on the fire and went to his bed roll as will.

They reached Oklahoma City around noon of the next day. First they took care of the horses then headed for the court house that also held the jail. The man behind the desk took Henry papers and looked them over then said, “Here are your tickets, the train leaves at 4 o’clock the prisoner will be ready at three.” Henry said, “Let’s find some thing to eat then we can look around a bit.” The man behind the desk spoke, “I read that you had a stampede go through your town that must have been a site to see.” Henry look at the man for a moment then said, “If you had been there I don’t think you would have thought so.” Henry and Bill turned and left. The man behind the desk watch them leave he had a puzzled look on his face then he shrugged his shoulders and went back to his paper work.

Henry and Bill found something to eat then went around town to see what they could see. Then they went to the Crystal Palace saloon for a drink. When they came out they saw it was 2 o’clock and time to head back to pick up their prisoner. The prisoner was waitting for them when they arrived. Henry went up to the man at the desk and signs some papers and the prisoner was his. Henry asked him to stand and as he did so Henry checked him for weapons. Then said, if you try to run I’ll stop you with this and pointed his shot-gun.

By the time they got the prisoner to the train station and check on the horses the train was arriving. They boarded the last car and took seats near the end after a few minutes the train started moving towards Arkansas. Joel and Mat were in the office in between patrols. Joel was thinking out loud. “I wonder what he meant about not been marshal. “ “Mat said, “He’s resigning that’s what he meant we all seen it coming but none of us wanted to say anything.”


“You’re right of course I saw that his heart wasn’t in the job any more and he was just going through the motions.” Joel asked, “If he dose leave are you staying on? “ “Yes I like this job and it can get exciting some times.” Mat asked, “Who you think will be marshal? “ “I’m thinking it will be Bill he would make a good one and he’s better then the two of us.” “Yes Bill could handle the job.”

Henry and Bill had been on the train a whole day and another to go before they get to Helena as for the prisoner he hadn’t give then no trouble so far. It would be on the second night when the trouble would start. Bill notice as the second day went on he became more nervous. Henry and Bill were sitting across from the prisoner as there wasn’t room on their side. Once in a while the train would stop at a town at that time they would get off and find some food to take back on the train or to relieve themselves. That night Henry was on guard as Bill rested and the prisoner was also a sleep at lest he thought so. Henry closed his eye’s a moment and when he did the prisoner made a brake for the back door.

Henry got up and took a ran at him but only got two steps and fell on his face by the time he got to his feet the prisoner had the door opened. He got up and out the door just in time to grab the prisoners arm as he was jumping. Buy this time Bill was at Henry’s side they pulled the prisoner back in side then they handcuff him to his seat. Henry asked, “Are you nuts just where you think you were going if you had jumped you would have just kill yourself.” The prisoner just looked a head and said, “That was the whole Idea I can’t face the hangman I just can’t.” Then the prisoner began to weep. “Oh that’s just great we won’t get any more sleep now he’s suicidal.”

The train pulled into Helena early on the morning of the three day. They took the prisoner to the jail and there Henry signs some papers and handed him over to them. The prisoner being taken care of Henry and Bill decided to have an early Lunch after eating Henry took Bill to the park he had found on one of his earlier trips. Bill had enjoyed the park and could see why he came often. Henry said, “Well now that the prisoner has been taken of I need to thinking of leaving soon, but first how about a drink.” “I could have a cool one.” Henry lead the way and it lead to the Black Dog saloon. In side they took a table next to a wall and ordered two beers. Henry was saying, “I’ll be leaving for Boydsville in a couple hours you coming, ““When we heading back to Reno? ““Two day’s today is the third I’ll be leaving the morning of the sixth. “

“ I won’t go with you now I have family I’d like to see it’s about a three hour ride from the boarding house I’ll meet you there on the morning of the sixth. They were still making plans when something made Henry look to the front of the bar and saw a man he called a friend. The man saw Henry at the same time and came over to their table. “Henry.” Henry Said, “John takes a seat.” John took a seat and got a beer then looked at Bill then back at Henry. Henry said, “John I’d like you to meet my deputy Bill Anderson.” John looked Bill over then said, “He’s a little young ain’t he.”


“In years only, he’s almost as good as I am.” John said, “Will son if you can get him to say that about you that’s saying something?” Henry asked, “What brings you here a trail? “ “No came to pick up a prisoner.” “So you’re the one picking up my prisoner.” “Yes.” Henry said, “You have any help? “ “No why? “ “Well you’re not going to get much sleep.” John asked, “Why not?” “He’s suicidal last night Bill and I had to stop him from jumping off the train he said he won’t go back a live.”

Bill stood up and said, I best get going if I’m to get there before dark, Henry see you on the sixth. Bill shook John’s hand and nodded to Henry and turn and left. When Bill had left John restated. “God he’s young.” “Yes and so were we.” John said, “Yes and it was a long time ago.” Henry and John were enjoying the last of their beer when Henry heard a loud crack he knew that sound. Henry told John. “Come on this only one thing that can make that sound and that means Bill got trouble.” Henry and John hit the boardwalk at the same time Henry looked up and down the walk then he saw Bill about half a block away. He was standing in front of a man and woman the woman seem to be crying and it looked like the man was about to hit her. John started to head that way when Henry put out his hand and held him back. “Just watch this should be good.” Bill must have said something to the man as he turned to face him.

The man carried a cigar in his mouth he put it to one side of his mouth then said some thing to bill. There was loud crack and the cigar was gone the man put his hand to his face with a look of surprise. Bill said something to the man again this must have made him madder for he went for his gun. Bill was ready there was another loud crack and the gun was gone. Bill pointed at the man, the man was red faced but turn and started to walk away he got about two feet when the crack of the whip came again it had hit him in the butt, he must have jump at lest two feet in the air. When he came down he fell, the whip sounded again and the heel of his boot was gone. Bill give him one more over his head the man got up and half ran and hop down the walkway. Bill went over to the woman and said something to her than he tip his hat turn and walk a way.

Henry turned to John who had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard. John said, “Now I see why you said he’s one of the best.” “Yes and he’s as good with the gun right or left handed.” John said, “Remind me not to get him mad at me.” “No that won’t be a good idea and to tell you the truth I don’t know if I could take him either but don’t say I said so he may get a big head.” “Well John I need to be going.” “Me to,” Henry said, “John you watch out for that prisoner he’s as nut’s as they come.”

Henry left Helena at 2 o’clock that afternoon and had rode hard all day it was now 10 o’clock in the even and he just came to the open field that would take him to the boarding house. He rode up to the front of the house there were no horses there. When he entered Mr. Owens looked up and said, “My god, Henry Miller.” “Mr. Owens you have any rooms? “ “The one you had last time.” Henry said, “Thinks, how about a beer? “ Mr. Owens said. “Sure, when you get in, ““Just now.”


June who was working in the kitchen heard voices and came out to see who was there. When she saw Henry she turned white as a ghost and proceeded to faint Mr. Owens and Henry helped her off the floor and seat her up in a chair. As June started to open her eyes she was mumbling Henry! Henry! When she could see better she saw that it was really Henry standing before her. She got up and put her arm around his neck and started to cry. After she was feeling better she asked, “How long can you stay? “ “I have to leave on the sixth.” “But that’s only two day’s.” He said, “I know but this trip was official business Bill and I had to bring down a prisoner to Helena now I must get back as soon as I can.” June got up and ran back to the kitchen. Henry looked at Mr. Owens and said, “I’ll go see her after she feel’s a little better.”

Mr. Owens asked, “Did you say Bill came with you? “ “Yes he left before I did he has some family near here you’ll see him he’s meeting me here on the sixth.” Henry asked, “May I have my key, “I guess I better go see her for a while.” Henry went back to the kitchen when June saw him come in she went up to him like a woman and not as a child. She slowly put her arms around him and gave him a long and passionate kiss. June could see he was tired. She asked, “Hungry, ““Yes I could eat a horse.” June went about getting him some thing to eat. Will he was eating she said, “After you have eat go rest and will talk in the morning.” Henry couldn’t believe his ear’s she was talking more and more like a woman. After he had eaten he got up and kisses her good night.

He over slept the next morning. When he came down for breakfast it was 8 o’clock he went to the kitchen and seat at the table. June heard him come in “Good morning Henry”. “Good morning.” She asked, “What would you like?” “Ham an eggs and coffee.” June didn’t talk to much to him will he eat when he finish he would feel more like talking and she was right. Henry asked, “How’s thing been for you,” “Fine about the same as always.” As they talk she went about doing her work. He began to notice something different about her then he saw it. She was taller and fuller and when she walked it wasn’t heavy footed as a child would; now when she walks it was as if she was gliding across the floor. While he had been gone she had turned into a full woman. This made him sad a little for by becoming a woman she had lost something and she won’t realize it for many years to come. Maybe he was just realizing this for himself maybe this was what was troubling him of late? He came out of his thoughts and asked, “What would you like to do today?

She too had been watching. As she went about her work she saw the far away look on his face he looked tried but not just from his out side appearance he was tried in side as will she could tell and his eye’s had lost their shine and were dull and hard looking. She said, “Let’s spend the day here we can take a walk later and have lunch under a shade tree by the open field how about that? “ Henry said, “That’s ok I would enjoy that.”
Henry thought to himself she had sense he was tired and needed rest yes she had become a full woman. Henry spent the rest of the morning sitting on the front porch and looking after his horse.


Then about 1 o’clock June came carrying a basket she asked, “Lunch? “ “Yes I could eat.” They took a walk up to the open field and found a spot under a shade tree. There was a nice warm breeze coming from the field and the sound from the running creek made it all very restful. They set in each other arms and looked up at the sky watching the clouds change shape. She asked, “How do you like your job? “ She felt him go tense. “Ok.” Now she didn’t know what to say she didn’t go to say anything that would get him upset. Then she said Bill had been writing and telling stories of the town and Joel and Mat. Then she asked, “What are Joel and Mat like?” He began to tell some stories of his deputy’s this seem to be a subject he felt comfortable talking about and she could tell he was becoming more at ease. He finely started telling her other stories of the town he even laugh now and then. She told him it been a wonderful afternoon but now it was time to get back to work. As he was helping her put things away their heads bump together then their lips touched she thought another half hour won’t matter.

Back at the house June went back to work and he went to the bar and took his table. Mr. Owens brought him a beer and seat down. He asked, “Heave a nice lunch? “ “Yes and very restful.” They got to talking about this and that when Mr. Owens asked, “Did you ever find anything of the stranger after the stampede?” “With eight hundred head going over you what’s there to find.” Mr. Owens said, “Then you don’t really know if he’s a live or dead? “ “No that’s true but I haven’t put to much thought into it.” Mr. Owens went on. “Maybe it’s something you should put in the back of your mind when on those patrols of yours.” Henry thought Mr. Owens was right he didn’t know and not knowing could get one killed. June came in and said dinner would be in a little will. She wanted to know what they been talking about, “Oh Nothing really.” “June said, “Well did you at lest tell him what Bill did to that man in Helena? “ Mr. Owens spoke up. “No he hasn’t but I’d like to hear about it.” “Ok! Ok! “Henry started to tell the story with all the hand jesters and sound effects by the time he had finish the story Mr. Owens was laughing so hard he almost fall out of his chair. He said, “Damn I would have giving anything to have seen that.” “Yes I must say it was a site to behold.” A call came out. “Dinner” Henry got up and nodded to Mr. Owens and headed towards the kitchen. While he eats he told her that he thought Mr. Owens was going to bust a gut when he told him that story. June said, “Well it was an amusing story,” and she started laughing all over again.

“I’m going to Boydsville tomorrow would you like to come. “ “Yes.” We leave at 7 o’clock.” I’ve got to wire Reno.” “ Well I best let you get back to your work?” He got up and gives her a soft kiss and headed into the bar. Mr. Owens was working behind the bar when Henry came in he looked up and said, “Henry could I ask a favor of you? “ “You may what is it.” “ Will I was cleaning out some things today from my room and I been trying to get it out to the barn all day, would you mind taking it out you can seat it any where out of the way.” “Sure where is it?” “Just in side of my door it’s not all that heavy.” He went down a short hall to a door marked private and opened it. Henry had been right Mr. Owens had the finest room in the house.


The door open to a parlor like room there was a large rug with a table on it and some nice chairs and a book case and some end tables and piano, he picked up the box of junk and took it to the barn.

When he returns he asks Mr. Owens about the piano. “Oh that old thing it was my wife’s it hasn’t been played in over fifteen yeas.” Henry asked, “Would you mind if I try it it’s been a while? “ Mr. Owens thought a moment then said,” I don’t allow guests in my private room but your more then a guest Just leave the door open so if you get it playing I would like to hear it.” “Thinks “

Henry got up and went to the room and left the door open. He went and seat down at the piano he uncovered the keys and tested a few notes then nodded his head and began to play. Soon the house was full of music. Up on hearing the music June came from the kitchen and asked, “Who’s playing?” “Henry.” She said, “I didn’t know he could play.” Mr. Owens said, neither did he, he’s full of surprises.” June started for the sound but he put out his hand and shook his head and said, “Leave him a lone.” Mr. Owens had an idea what was to come. At first the music was happy and gay then as he played on the music became softer and slower it had a sad sound. Mr. Owens had been right, his wife had been the same way if she was sad the music was and if she had been up seat or mad it may be a little of both. After about an hour the music stop then they heard the door close. When came of the hall way he was holding a handkerchief up to his face and mumble something about needing some fresh air and went out the front door. June started for the door, but again Mr. Owens stops her. She said, “You saw his face I must go to him.” “Yes I know but nothing you say nor I will help, he’s in a fight with himself and what needs fixing is deep inside him and no one can help him but himself.

When he returns he looked better June went up to him and said, “That was beautiful I didn’t know you played, ““I learned as a small boy.” Mr. Owens spoke up “Beer? “ Henry went to his table and waited for the beer. June seat next to him and said, “I never heard some of those songs” “Their German.” Mr. Owens brought his beer then June gave him a light kiss and went back to the kitchen. Mr. Owens said, “You may have the use of the piano any time, just ask and now that June knows you play I’m sure you will be and I would enjoy it as will. “ Henry got up and said, I guess I’d better go in and say good night to June.” June came up to him when came in. “Oh Henry the music was lovely will you play for me again before you go?” “Yes I’ll play for you tomorrow but now I need rest I just came in to say good night.” June put her arms around him and said good night.

Henry was down early the next morning he went in and had his breakfast. June said “I’ll be ready to leave any time your ready. “All right I’ll get readies the horse or buggy? “ She said. “I know the buggy is slower but this is are last day together and I would like it to last as long as I can.” “Buggy it is.” Henry headed for the barn after he had been gone a few minutes Mr. Owens called out, “June watch the bar I’m going out to the barn.” When he entered the barn Henry was getting ready to hook the horse to the buggy.


Mr. Owens stood watching then said, “Have you decided?” “Decided what? “ Mr. Owens said, “You know damn while what I’m talking about are you resigning.” “Oh I decided that before I left Reno.” Henry said, “Mr. Owens I’ve lost something in side me and I don’t know what it is and I need to find it again if I can, I have no Idea what I’m looking fore or where to find it but I know I must look if I don’t I will be no good to myself or any one else.” Mr. Owens asked, “Then I take it you won’t be coming back this way for a while? “ “No not tell I find what I’m looking fore and that may be a while for I don’t know what it is I’m looking for.” “Have you told June yet?” “No and I don’t think I can how can I tell her something that I don’t understand myself.” Mr. Owens said, “As you have noticed she not a child any more but a woman she may not understand all of it but she’ll try.” “If you don’t tell she and when you do come back there may be nothing to come back to.” Henry just nodded his head and said, “She’s waiting I best get going.” He took the horse and led her out of the barn.

Henry helped June into the buggy the ride to Boydsville was a quiet one as he had a lot his mind. After entering town he sent his wire then they went around town looking in stores while he waited for an answer. June always liked coming to town even if she couldn’t buy anything. They finely ended up at the general store when they enter all the men that were there said good afternoon. He stood around telling stories will he waited for an answer to his wire. An answer came about a half hour later it read: Boydsville, Marshal Henry Miller, Will see you on the tenth all fine here. Trains are running now can come straight home, Signed Deputy’s Joel and Mat. After reading the wire he thought good they won’t have to go to Oklahoma City and then back track to Reno. He told June it was time to go. He help her into the buggy as they were leaving town they would pass men on the street and as they passed they would tip their hat to her and she would either nod to them or smile to them. Henry didn’t like it a bit this was his woman. He had finely said, it to himself “This is my woman.” “He made the buggy go faster out of town.

They talk more on the way back and he told her what the letter had said. As they went on he finely decided it was time to tell her and starter looking for a place to stop. When he started to pull over she looked at him and he said we need to talk. He stops by a big shade tree with a big rock under it and seats her on it. “June I’m resigning she started to say something but he put up his hand and stop her. He went on he told her in the way he had told Mr. Owens when he was done she looked at him a very long time then she said, “I understand but, I don’t understand, but I know that my love for you is not strong enough to hold you here, and if you did stay I can see you would be unhappy.

She went on. “ I love you very much but I won’t try to stop you, but I will give you a year from today to fine what your looking for if by that time if you haven’t found it don’t come back here, Henry I’m tried of waiting I have given you all I have to give, I have nothing left to give.” She seat there looking at him, somehow he looked smaller.


Henry listens to her talk and when she had finish he said, “When I come back I’ll be ready to stay. She smile and said, “It’s time to go.”

When they got back she got out of the buggy and he took the buggy to the barn. Will he was putting the baggy away Mr. Owens came in and asked, “What happen between you two.” “I told her what I told you this morning why?” “ So that’s it when she came in I ask her something and she like to hand me my head and I won’t go into the kitchen just now she as mad as hell I can tell, she banging things around mumbling to herself out loud, if you do you’ll be taking your life in your own hands.” “Well at lest this time she didn’t cry.” Mr. Owens said, “She a woman now and when women get real mad they well and can kill just like a man you best keep that in mind.”

It was late in the afternoon before he went into the kitchen. “Hi.” “Don’t hi me Henry Miller I could kill you right about now.” When she turned she had a big kitchen knife in her hand. Henry remembering what Mr. Owens said earlier and took a step back. She had a puzzle look on her face when he did that, then she looked down and saw the knife and she smile. “Sit and I’ll cut you a piece of apple pie.” She used the knife as a pointer and aims it at their table. When she brought the pie she had a twinkle in her eye’s and said, “Enjoy your pie for it’s the last piece you’ll get in a very long time.” Then she looked him in the eye put on a smile and turned back to work. Henry asked, “Would you like to talk about what we were talking about early?” She turns to him. “Will it change anything no, so what’s the point. “ “I thought you would try to understand.” She had her back to him as she said, “Well I don’t understand and never will.” He could see her hands were starting to shake he thought it was best to leave as he got to the door he heard her say.” Damn you Henry Miller,” then a thud he looked over next to his side and saw the knife stuck half way into the wall. He looked back at her she was standing next to the wash basin her face was as red as the apples on the table. He looked at her a moment then with out saying a word turned and went out the door. He thought to himself I learned one thing never turn your back on a mad woman especially if she holding a knife.

Mr. Owens brought him a beer and seat it in front him and said, “What was all that about?” “Are talk from this afternoon.” “Oh.” Then Henry asked, “Do you mind if I play for a while?” “No just leave the door open.” He went to the room marked private and went in soon music could be heard coming from the room. June heard the music from the kitchen and her heart was lifted from the sound of it she went to the bar then on to the room. She stood in the door way and watch him play then he must of sense someone there for he turn when he saw her standing there he held out his hand as a offering she took it and seat down beside him. She laid her head on his shoulder. Mr. Owens came to the door and saw them he shook his head and softly close the door.

It was about nine when the front doors open at first Mr. Owens couldn’t see who it was then he got a better look. “Will if it aint Mr. Anderson,” “Mr. Owens how are you,” “Oh just fine and you,” “The same.”


Bill took a table and asked, “Is Henry around? “ “Hear that music that’s him and June’s with him.” Bill said, “So he found another one.” Mr. Owens asked, “You knew he played?” “Yes he befriended a man at the German settlement and goes there and play’s for him a lot.”

Mr. Owens asked, “How do you feel about his resigning?” Bill looked at Mr. Owens a moment then said, “He hasn’t said anything to use yet although we had a pretty good idea we could see that he didn’t have the heart for the job any more.” Mr. Owens said, “Didn’t let him know I told you ok.” “Ok.” The music stop then they heard the door close. When they entered Henry saw Bill and said, “Will Bill I didn’t expect you till in the morning.” Bill said, “ Family you know how that goes, any way I thought this way I’d be here on time when you were ready to leave.”

June was standing there listening she look at Bill he look older then the last time she saw him a lot older. Bill saw her and said, “June nice to see you again you look as pretty as the last time I saw you even more so, and then he took her hand and kiss it. June’s cheeks turned rosy red. She said, “If you gentleman will excuse me I have work to do.” After June left Bill said, “Henry that’s a fine woman there you should marry her.” Now Henry’s creeks turned red. To change the subject Henry said. “I got a wire from Reno today they say the train is running now so we can go straight to Reno.” Mr. Owens said, “Bill, Henry told me a story about you in Helena, I laugh so hard I thought I’d bust a gut.” “Henry asks, “What was all that about anyway.” “ Oh you saw that did you?, well his wife wanted a new hat and he wanted a drink and he got so mad about the hat he was about to hit her of course I couldn’t let that happen and will you know how it ended.” “ John and I were just finishing our drinks when I heard your whip crack and know something was up so we went out to watch, John wanted to help but I said no and to watch the fun, John got to laughing so hard if he hadn’t been holding on to the bar doors he would have fell to the walkway.”

June came back from her work she took a seat next to Henry then she said to Bill “ I went to thank you for all your letters I enjoyed them all and Mr. Owens like them to I hope you will send more.” Bill answered, “I was happy to do it I enjoy writing and I know if I didn’t write you wouldn’t know what’s going on with Henry, besides any time I can send you and Mr. Owens here a good laugh I’m happy to do it.” Henry didn’t like the way the conversation was going so he asked if she cared to take a walk. “But of course, will you excuse us will be back in a little while.” Bill said, “While their gone I’ll take my leave it’s been a long day you do have a room?” “But of course.” Bill took his key and said good night.

After Henry and June left the house Henry put his arm around June and headed for the open field there they seat looking up at the moon. June said, “Oh, Henry this is last night together for what maybe a very long time.” “It may not turn out that way, I could be back in a few week’s you never know.”


June said, “Why couldn’t you look for what you lost here?” “It just doesn’t work that way I don’t why but it just doesn’t.” June asked, “Well you let Bill write me so I know how you’re doing, ““For a while but you have to remember that he won’t be coming with me I go alone.” Henry lean over and gave her a kiss and she returned it. Soon no sound could be heard but the sound of the tall grass rustling in the night.

Every one was up early the next morning for this would be the last time they would eat breakfast together. Bill asked, “When do we leave? “ “No later then 8 o’clock for we have a full day’s ride to Paragould.” They talked as they eat but said little as each had their own thoughts on how this day would end. June said, “I’ll fix you something to eat on your ride.” Henry asked Bill, “are you all pack?’ “Not yet but it will only take a moment I will do that right now.” He got up and left. Mr. Owens said, “ It’s going to be lonely around here when you two Leave I know June will still be here but a man need another man to talk once in a while. “ Henry said. “But you have men coming here all the time.” “True but one needs someone they can call a real friend like the two of you.”
June came back. “I have things ready for you, Henry will you play for me before you go? “ Henry took out his watch and looks at the time and said, “I have time for one or two.”

Henry looked at Mr. Owens who nodded Henry took June’s hand and lead her to Mr. Owens room. Soon music fill the house June seat next to him with her head on his shoulder there was no talking for there was nothing left to talk about it all had been said,
Mr. Owens and Bill enjoyed the music from the bar while enjoying their beer. Mr. Owens said, “Bill I hear that Henry will ask you to become marshal is that right?” “He hasn’t asked yet but if he does I’ll say yes.” Mr. Owens then asked, “Why would you go the job? “ “A sense of belonging the town needs some one to watch over them and I have friends there it’s my home,” Mr. Owens just nodded. The music stopped Henry and June came back into the room. He said, “It’s time to go no since putting it off any longer.” “Mr. Owens care to help saddle up.” The three men headed to the barn.

June was left alone again she was always being left alone she felt if she was alone one more time she would go insane if it wasn’t for Mr. Owens understanding and caring she may have gone mad lone ago. She pulled herself together and headed for the barn. When she got there the horses were all saddle and ready to go. Henry and Bill lead the horses out of the barn Henry gave June a long kiss then they shook hands and all around then took to the saddles. They rode behind the house for the open field with June following behind. June watched them cross the field she stood there till she lost them in the tree line then she drop to her hands and knees and started crying not as a woman but as a child for this day she did not feel like a woman.

Henry and Bill made good time they reach Paragould at 5 o’clock that afternoon. First they went to the train station to see when the next train would be leaving it was to leave at 8 o’ clock that even. Next they went to the stable to have their horses looked after. Henry and Bill decided to look for dinner.


Henry led the way he found a restaurant he had eaten at before. After eating Bill decided he would like a drink they found a saloon that looked promising and went in. They took a table in the back to get away from the crowd. After taking a few sips Bill ask, “Are you resigning Henry? “ “Yes,” “When?” Henry said, “As soon as we get back.” Then Bill asked, “Have you decided on who well take your place?” “Yes, but I have to go to the Mayor first then he’ll have to see the town committee.” I think they will see it my way.” Henry said, “ Bill do me a favor when we get back will you wire June and tell her we made it back all right and anything else you like?” Be glad to.”

Bill had been eyeing a card game and said, “I think I’ll try my luck.” Henry looked around his surrounding and said. “I don’t think this is the best place to be playing.” “I can hold my own.” He went over and asked if there was room for one more the men looked at him and nodded Bill took a seat. Bill had been playing about an hour he had been winning some and losing some. Henry had been watching Bill’s face he could see it working and he could tell by his look something was up. Henry was ready he all ready had his gun in his lap and was waiting to see what Bill next move would be. He didn’t have to wait long the dealer laid the cards on the table Bill had lost again. But this time Bill said something, “Mr. you best give all these man their money back.” “Why would I do that? “ “Will I wasn’t sure at first but now I am, you been pulling cards from the bottom of the deck.” “Are you calling me a cheat?” Henry saw the look of the two other players and knew Bill had real trouble on his hands. Bill said, “Yes I am and if you don’t give the money back I’ll see you in jail now what’s it going be?” “You can’t call me a cheat in front of my friends.” “Bill said, “As I see it you have no friends here now.” Henry could see by the dealer face it would be soon. “You son-of a bitch, I’m going to kill you for saying that.” The dealer jump up and took a step back and as he did so his chair fell to the floor. Bill said, “Mr. If you go for that gun the only one who will die is you.” Bill took a step back and waited. The dealer looked around half of the saloon was empty no one wanted to get in the line of fire.

Bill stood there holding his ground not taking his eye’s off the dealer. The dealer called out. “You son-of a bitch,” And went for his gun. Bill was faster and the dealer took one in the chest and fell to the floor dead. Henry saw the second man go for his gun about the same time. He shot him in the arm the third started to move Henry called out “Move and you’re died, and pointed his gun his way that brought it all to an end. “Shot-gun-killing Henry Miller I should have known.” Henry turned around to see the Marshal standing there holding his gun when he saw Henry he put it a way. He said, “Will give me the story.” “Henry and Bill give their side of it there was no need to hear the other side for he was dead. Henry said, “James I’d like you to meet my deputy Bill Anderson.” James asked, “Son what you doing hanging around an old coot like this,” “Learning.” “Well you can learn a lot from him if you live long enough hanging around him can shorten your life.” Henry said, “Nice to see you to,” “James said, “Henry how long is you going be in town?” “Henry took out his watch and said, “About another hour train leaves at 8 o’ clock, we are on the way back to Reno.”


“Oh that’s right I heard you were marshal some where in Oklahoma.” “Ok try not to kill any more of my town’s people in the next hour.” James looks over to the bartender.” Joe sees that some one cleans up this mess and you two he pointed to the two men, start heading for the jail.” Henry said, “Lets leave I don’t think the bartender thinks we are good for business.” Bill said, “Let’s look the town over.”

After a will they decided they had enough and headed for the station. At the station Henry was looking around when he saw a poster on the wall it stated that if Jesse James would give himself up the Governor of Missouri would give him a pardon. Bill saw the poster to and said, “That’s right you know him don’t you, sounds like a good deal will he take it?” Henry said, “Hell no he won’t take it, he’ll die with his guns a blazing and his boots on.” The sound of the train whistle told them it was time to leave they picked up their belongings and waited, after the train stop they got on board and took seats at the end of the car. Bill said, “At lest we don’t have to worry about some one jumping offs the train. The train started to move they would be in Reno in two day’s they both closed their eye’s and lean back and waited for the long ride to be over.

The train arrives in Reno on time Joel and Mat were waiting when they left the car they came up shook hands all around. Joel asked, “How was the trip?” Henry said, “Fine hardly any trouble.” Mat asks, “Trouble what kind of trouble?” Henry said, “I’ll tell you all about it but for now let’s get the horses taking of.” Henry asked, “Joel you and Mat take the horses over to the stable while Bill and I go to the office and start our reports,” “Will do.” Henry and Bill headed for the office on the way they meet Mrs. Webb Henry said, “Mrs. Webb how are you this fine day.” “Oh just fine marshal, Bill you’re looking good.” Bill answered, “Thinks to you.” Henry then saw her eye it was black and blue. He asked, “What happen to your eye?” She put her head down and said, “John’s back in town.” Henry said, “If you have any trouble with him come to me right away.” Henry said. “Mrs. Webb you know a time will come when I may just have to kill him.” Mrs. Webb looked straight into Henry’s eye’s and said with a sneer of a smile” That would be nice.” then she turn and walk away. Bill asked, “Would you kill him? “ “In a heart beat if he gives me a good reason, hell it don’t have be a good one.” Henry said. “Lets get to the office and make out our reports; I went to take them to the Mayor in the morning.”

Bill had hoped Henry wasn’t going to resign but he was and there was no use trying to stop him. The next morning found Henry sitting in front of the Mayor he was looking over the report that he had given him. The Mayor looked up from the report and asks, “Did he have to kill that dealer couldn’t he have taken him some other way?” “No and the witness’s all testify that it was justified.” “Ok then if there is no other business I call this meeting over.” “Henry said, “I have one more thing and handed over a piece of paper. The Mayor Begin to read then he jump up out of his chair and said, “You can’t resign?” “I just did and there is my resignation, I leave at the end of next month.” The Mayor started to stammer “But! But! You can’t what will happen to the town.” “The town was doing alright before I came and will go on after I leave.”


The Mayor asked, “Who will we get to take your place? “ Henry said. “I went Bill Anderson in my place.” “Bill but he’s too young.” “Not any more, less face it William the only reason I was hired in the first place was for the reputation I brought to the town.” “Bill has built his own reputation and it’s a good one and he’s earned the job.”

“If Bill becomes Marshal Joel and Mat will stay on but they would like to stay not matter whose marshal, but no matter how it turns out I leave at the end of next no matter what.” The mayor said, “I’ll talk it over with the committee we will have to wire Oklahoma City this will take a few weeks.” Henry had just left the Mayors office when he heard. “Damn it all to hell” then he heard something hit the wall. Henry just kept on walking.

A week had pass and no word from the Mayor. Henry was sitting at his desk working when Mat came in and said, “Some of the Germans were in town today I heard one say that Mr. Johnson hasn’t been feeling will lately he’s been sick over a week now. Henry said, “Maybe I better go out and see if he needs anything,” “Where’s Bill at you know? “
Mat said, “Over at the saloon.” Henry headed for the Last Stop saloon Bill was just coming out when he got there. “Bill I think I’ll ride out to see Mr. Johnson he’s been sick lately I should be back some time this even.” He always enjoyed the ride out to the settlement it gave him piece of mind not like he could get in town. He rode up to Mr. Johnson home and knocked on the door a weak voice from in side said comes in. He went in and found Mr. Johnson sitting in a chair with a shawl covering his lap. Henry asked, “How are we feeling today?” “Not to well.” “Would you care for something to eat?” “He said, “No think you I couldn’t eat anything.” “ Henry asked, “Is there anything I can get you? “ “No some of the women will be by later.” Henry talk with him for a while then see he was tiring he got up to say his good by’s. Then Mr. Johnson asked him if he would play his favorite song. Mr. Johnson said, “I’m tired mind if I close my eyes?” “No not at all.” Henry started to play when had finish he went to him to say goodbye but found him a sleep in death. Henry carried him to his bed then rode over to the nearness house. He asked them if they could take care of it if not he would see to it.
Henry said, “He had asked to be put next to his wife.” “That’s ok marshal we been taking care of him, he took care of everything two month ago when he found out he was dieing.

Henry asked, “Why didn’t he say anything,” “Because he wanted his friends to remember him as he was and not as he is now.” Henry said, “Well you have some one tell me when the funeral is I would like to be there.” “Of course we will he would say it would be an honor to have you there. Henry had hard time concentrating he kept thinking of Mr. Johnson he was only sixty years old some would say he was very old, in years maybe but not in heart. His passing brought his own mortality into question. When he reaches town the first place he went was the saloon after a half hour he went back to the office. Joel was there he asked, “How was Mr. Johnson?” Henry told him what happen. “Sorry I know he was a good friend of yours.” “That he was.”


The second week came and still no word Bill was becoming a little concern but Henry said, “Don’t worry they will see it my way.” “But there so pissed at you they may pass me just because you asked for me.” Henry said, “They will talk it over and try to decide what’s best for the town, and you’re the best so don’t worry.” Bill and Henry were getting ready for night patrol and were waiting for either Joel or Mat to hold the office. Mat was the first to enter.

Henry said, “Looks like you got it for a will, by the way have you seen Joel? “ “Yes he’s over at the gun smith it was broken into last night.” Bill said. “That’s the third brake in this week.” “Henry said. After this patrol while all meet here and talk of a plan to catch this thief.” On this mid afternoon patrol Henry took his time as he hadn’t taken a good look at the town since the stampede, a lot of the stores had new roofs and sings. He thought to himself how people look at something but don’t really see it. Like Henry he’s been back for two week and yes he saw the town but he didn’t really see it at all.

Every one was in the office. “Ok who has an Idea? “ Mat said. “How about no patrols we just sit at a spot and wait maybe he’ll get bolder.” Joel said. “How about shorting the patrols instead for four hours we make them two hours.” Bill said. “What if instead of one person on the late patrol we all go but in three different directions.” Henry said. “I like all the Ideas but I think will try Bill’s, if that doesn’t work will try one of the others.”
“Who of the four of us had the less of sleep? “ It turns out that Bill and Mat had less sleep. “Ok you two go get some rest then meet us back here for the last patrol.” Henry and Joel were on the 8 o’clock patrol the town quite for a change only one drank had to be sent to jail so far. Henry was about to go in a store when he saw Jimmy walking down the boardwalk with his arm in a sling. When he got to Henry he asked. “Jimmy what happen to your arm? “ “Fell down running from father and broke it.” “Will I don’t went to keep you?” After Jimmy had left Henry said more to himself then any one “Mrs. Webb has a black eye and now Jimmy’s arm you know I’m just going to have to kill that son-of-bitch.” Joel looked at Henry’s face it was dark and his eye’s were even darker Joel never see his face this dark before and yet he had a smile on his face.

He thought to himself that he needed to talk to the others. He could tell that Henry was going to kill Webb, oh he would do it under the law if he could, if not he would find away. Joel would hate to have to arrest Henry for killing a damn fool like John Webb and he knew, none of the others wouldn’t went to either.

It was time for the last patrol they were all in the office. “ Ok will leave at five minute intervals I’ll take main street Bill you take one alley Joel you the other and Mat I went you at the four corners just keep moving go up a half a block the back down then back the other way. With you in the center of town if any one needs help you’ll be able get to them before the others.” Henry took his time to see if each business door was lock and looking into the store windows and when he came to an alley he would stand a moment looking into the dark to see if any shadows moved then on to the next store.


Joel hated the alleys there was all kinds of junk laying around and you never know when an animal or person will jump out at you, as he went by each door he looked to see if they were lock. Bill was comfortable in the ally’s he used them night and day he felt more at ease in the alleys then on the main streets as he felt he was being crowded he had to walk them will on duty but every chance he got he took to the alleys.

He knows every piece of junk in the alleys and could tell when something was out of place when something didn’t look right he would check it out. Mat felt like a walking target walking back and fourth if someone was to see him they may think he couldn’t deice which way to go. He felt a little better when he saw Henry heading his way. When Henry came up beside he said. “Cross over and take the other side.” He did as he was told and started all over again.

The next morning they found that there had been no brake in the night before “Well boy’s should we try it again to night? “ Joel said, “Yes but lets change places.” the rest agreed.
Henry said, “I think I’ll go get some rest I’ll be back in a couple hours.” After he had left Joel told the others what happen last night and what Henry said he would do. Then Bill told what happen the week before. Joel said, “You should have seen his face I never seen him that mad I tell you if he had seen Webb on the street and I hadn’t been there he would have kill him right then and there.” Bill said, “Will just have to keep an eye on him and if something happens will just have to hope it’s all legal.” “ I don’t went to have to try to arrest him and I don’t think he would allow himself to be taken and I for one don’t went have to kill my best friend but I will if it comes down to that.”

Later that night they all had taken their places, and been on patrol for about and hour now. Henry had taken one of the alleys he was making his way to the end when in the middle of the block he smell the odor of whiskey at first he paid no mind as he was behind the general store and he expected to smell whiskey he started to move on when he saw the back door was ajar. He step back in the dark and waited after a moment he saw a shadow backing out the back door carrying a sack Henry said, “Hold it your under arrest.”

The shadow turn fast and throw the sack in his face and started running Henry took a shot but missed then he shot again the shadow went down. He ran up to the shadow and turns him over. “You, I got you now you son-of-bitch and it’s time to die.” “Hold It Henry, you pull that trigger and I’ll have to kill you. “ Henry look back it was Bill and he had his gun pointed at him. “But he deserves to be killed.” “ Maybe so but not by you, we have him he’s not going any where, we have him on braking and entering and assault on a law officer he’s going away for a very long time, there is no need to kill him and if you do I’ll have to shoot you.” Henry looked into Bill’s face and saw it was set fast and he know Bill would do just as he said would. Henry stood up and looked down at John Webb and said, “This is your lucky day.” Then he put his gun away and said, “Take this trash away.” Then he kicked Webb in the side turned and walks away.


Henry and Bill were in the office the next morning waiting for Joel and Mat to get back from there rest so they could take theirs when Henry asked Bill, “Would you really have shot me last night.” “Yes I would have done my duty, don’t put me in that position again I hate killing my friends.” Joel and Mat return about an hour later Henry got up from his desk “You coming.” Bill said, “Go a head I’ll be a long in a minute.” After he left the three deputies got to talking about last night. Bill said, “If I hadn’t been there he would have shot him dead.” Joel said, “It’s a good thing you were at the four corners me I was to far away. Mat said, “The same for me I was on the wrong side of the street at the end of the alley.” Bill said, “Well it’s all over now and looked over his shoulder and saw Webb a sleep in his cell.

When Henry got home he put some stuff on the dining room table and went up stairs he went to his bed room door and unlock it and started to step in when a blinding flash hit him in the face and then he fell to the floor. As soon as Bill enter the house he could smell gunpowder he pulled his gun and started looking around then he saw Henry stuff on the table. He called his name but got no answer so he ran up the stairs when he got to the top he saw a leg laying in his door way. His heart started beating faster as he went to the door way. He saw Henry was lying in a pool of blood Bill bent down and found he was still a live. He ran down stairs and out the door as he did so he saw Jimmy rounding the corner and called out. “Jimmy! Jimmy! Come here quick.” He came a running “What’s up? “ Bill said, “Go find the Doc.” The marshal has been shot and his hurt bad now are quick about it. Bill went back in the house to see what he could do for him.

Joel and Mat were at them desks when they heard “Where’s the Doc.? the marshal been shot, the marshal been shot.” Both Joel and Mat ran up to Jimmy and asked, “What’s wrong? “ Jimmy said, “Bill told me to fine the Doc., The marshal been shot and he’s hurt bad,” “Where at?” “The house,” Joel said, “Mat goes with Jimmy to fine the Doc.” Joel took off running to the house when he got there he called out. “Bill? Up stairs,” he took them two at a time when got to the top he found Henry still laying on the floor. “I didn’t want to move him till the Doc. Says it was Ok.” Joel asked, “How did it happen?” “I don’t know I came in the house and smelled gunpowder and I found him like this.”

“Joel, Bill? Up stairs, Mat and the Doc. Went up the Doc., Bent down and looked over Henry then said, “His pulse is strong let’s get him on the bed.” After he had looked him good he said, “He will need some stitch’s and when he wakes up he’s going to have one hell of a headache but he’ll pull trough.”

Bill had just come from seeing Henry he was feeling better but still had headaches Mrs. Webb was taking care of him. Joel who was in the office said, “I wonder who tried to kill Henry.” “That’s what I like to know it couldn’t have been John he’s in his cell and I don’t know any one else that would.” Bill said, “I do that stranger.” “But he was killed in the stampede.” Bill said, “Was he, we found no proof of that hell we didn’t find any thing of him.”


Mat came in the office and said, “Bill the Mayor asked for you to come over.” Bill put on his hat and headed for the door both Joel and Mat said good luck. Bill went to the Mayors office he went to the door. “Come in.” Bill went in. “Good morning Mr. Anderson please take a seat.” He took the one in front of the mayor desk. The Mayor asked, “How do you like been deputy here?” “Fine,” “The marshal has told me a lot about you he speaks very highly of you. Of course you know about his resigning I take it.” “ Yes.” The Mayor went on. “We were going to wait till the end of the month but with the marshal shot up we need some one now to take his place now.” “Henry asked that you take his place as marshal.” “We looked into Henry’s reports and wire all the marshals from those reports and they state that you performed your duty honorably and they also stated they would be glad to have you on their law force.” Bill said, “I glad I’m spoken so highly of but I was just doing my duty.” Then the Mayor said, “I have the marshals report on John Webb here in it he says that you would have shot him if he had continued harming Mr. Webber, is this true?” Bill answered, “Yes I felt he was going beyond his duty because of personal reasons, and that I could not allow I took an oath to uphold the law no matter what my personal reason may be, the honor of my word is all I have.” “We I mean the town and I would be honored to have you as are new marshal.” “Think you Mr. Mayor I will do my best to honor the oath.”

“Will look here it’s the new marshal.” When Bill entered the office he was wearing a new badge. “It’s not official till the end of the month when Henry leaves but I have taken the oath so as of now this town has two marshals.” Bill said, “Joel it’s about time you were on patrol.” “Mat I would like you to stay here will I go over and see Henry to see if he can remember anything more.” Bill found him sitting up Mrs. Webb was feeding him some soup then he saw Bill standing there. “Come in Bill.” “I can come back later If you like? “ Mrs. Webb I’ll eat more lately.” Bill went in and took a chair next the bed and asks, “How are you feeling this afternoon?” “Better earlier I try to get out of bed but almost fell on my face so I guess Ill be in bed a while longer.” Bill said, “Take your time there’s a new marshal in town and pointed to his new badge.” “I hoped you would take it you were the best for the job.” Bill asked, “Can you remember more on what happen?”

“No like I said earlier I went up stairs open the door and wham that’s all I remember till I woke up here.” “I and the boy’s think we know who it was but you not going to believe us.” Henry answered, “The stranger? “ Bill said, “Yes and remember what Mr. Owens said just be cause we didn’t find any thing of doesn’t mean he’s dead.” “ but if he did survive he’s taking a hell of a chance he’s got to know that if you our anyone of us see him he surely would be kill out right.” Henry said, “That’s true but remember he doesn’t want to face me he just wants to kill me so it could come from any where at any time.”
Bill said, “I best am going so you can get some more rest.”

June just came in from her walk she took every day to the open field Mr. Owens was at the bar holding a letter he handed it to her she took a table and began to read. She looked up from the letter and said, “Bill says Henry has resigned and he is now the marshal.”


Mr. Owens said, “I’m sad for Henry but happy for Bill.” she read on. “No! That can’t be true he wouldn’t do that he wouldn’t.” Mr. Owens asked, “What is it.” Bill says he almost had to shot Henry to keep him from killing another man by the name of John Webb it seem he had been beating his wife and son off and on for weeks and Henry had an enough. Then last week they caught him braking in the general store Henry was going kill him but Bill told him if he tried he would have to shot him. But in the end it all works out alright. June said, “Bill really wouldn’t have shot Henry would he?” Mr. Owens said, “ I know both of them every will and if Bill thought Henry was out side of the law then Bill would have to up hold it, and yes he would have shot him.”

June kept on reading then she started to crying and saying at the same time, “Oh my god, Oh my god!” “Mr. Owens asked, “What’s wrong?” Henry was ambush in his house he was shot in the head Bill said it looked bad for a while but he’ll be ok soon and still will be leaving at the end of the month, they been trying to figure out who done it they think they know but it’s hard to believe they think it was the stranger, as they couldn’t find anything of him after the stampede. They think he some how survived and is on the hunt again.” Mr. Owens said, “I told them just because they couldn’t find anything of him doesn’t mean he’s dead seems I could be right.”

After seeing Henry Bill headed back to the office. “I talk to the marshal he thinks we could be right and the stranger is back.” “When we are on patrol tonight kept a look out for him I don’t think he’ll be foolish enough to be in town but you never know he’s as crazy as they come.” Bill paid extra attention to the faces of the people of the town but by the end of his patrol he could not find him. It would be the same for Joel and Mat although Mat thought he had him and followed the man for an hour before he realized he was wrong.

Henry although weak could get around a little by himself even though Mrs. Webb wasn’t too happy about it she was afraid he would fall and hurt himself. Henry decided to get out of the stuffy house and into some fresh air as he walked around the yard he saw a rider coming up the road Henry paid no mind as there was always some one on the road. Then he hears some one say, “Bang! Bang, your died you son-of-bitch. He looks up and couldn’t believe his eye’s his heart almost stop the stranger was sitting on his horse pointing his gun at him. Henry said, “I thought you were died. “ The stranger said, “No I was lucky some of the lead cattle were longhorns scoop me right up and threw off to the side then before anyone saw me I crawled away, I thought I would stop and say hi and tell you that you were going to died but don’t worry it won’t be today,” He started to laugh and he was still laughing as he road out of sight. Henry decided right then and there that he would go no where with out his gun even if it was just going to the outhouse.

Henry told Bill what happen last night. Bill said. “His like a fox keeps going in circles then doubles back and lets us chase are tails. Henry said. “The best way to outfox a fox is not to chase him but let him come to you, so well sit and wait he’ll be back.”


“You’ll have to keep looking over your shoulder till we get him.” “True but now I know who I’m looking for but I still won’t know from where it will come or when it will come.”

On the way back to the office Bill’s mind was working out a plan by the time he got to the office he knew what he was going to do but Henry won’t like it but he didn’t care what he thought, Henry wasn’t the marshal he was. Back at the office Bill asked. “Do either of you know some one who is dependable and good with a gun and would like a job.” They thought, and then at almost at the same time they said. “Jack Peterson.” “One of you goes find him and ask him to come to the office.” Jack Peterson came in about an hour later and said. “You want me marshal, ““Yes I hear that your dependable and good with a gun how would you like a job?” “ Yes I would like a job.” It’s for only a week and pays twenty dollars.” “ I’ll take it.” Bill asked. “You know where Marshal Miller and I live?” “Yes I go by there almost every day.” “Good I went you to go over there and watch the house lets say 7 o’ clock in the morning to 1 o’ clock in the evening and if Mr. Miller goes any were and I don’t care if it’s just to take a piss you’ll go with him for no reason will you leave him alone unless he’s in the house.” Bill said. “ No one is to get near the house unless you know them, now go over and tell Mr. Miller who you are and what your doing, and Jack if he give you any lip have him come and see me.”
Jack asked when I start. ““Now,”

Joel and Mat both said. “Henry isn’t going to like this he’ll say he doesn’t need any damn babysitter.” Bill answered, “I don’t care what he likes or doesn’t like I’m not going to let him get killed in this town,” Both Mat and Joel nodded to that. But to every ones surprise Henry was glad to have Jack around he said he could rest better and don’t have to jump at every little sound. The week went by with out any trouble and Henry got all the rest he need so much so he said he was ready to leave. Henry spent his last two days saying well by to all his friends then it was time to go. Henry was waiting for the train to arrive. Bill asked. “Where you headed?” “Texas I never been there.” “Is there anything you went me to tell June?” “Just tell her I miss her. “ He boarded the train Bill shook his hand the train started moving and he was gone.

Bill would like to have gone with Henry but he took an oath to the town and once he gives his word he stands by it no matter what. Back at the office Joel asked. “He gets away on time?” “Yes.” Mat said. “Will now we won’t have to worry about the stranger any more.” Bill said. “I suppose, but not Henry he may have to the stranger always seems to find him.” As Joel and Mat walked their patrol they talk about Henry and his going away to Texas as they passed a alley little did they know the stranger was listening to every word they spoke, after they passed. The stranger headed for the end of the alley then on to the train station to see if he could find out just where in Texas he went.

The next morning as Bill was about to leave when Mrs. Webb handed him a piece of paper saying. It must of fallen under Henry’s bed and don’t know it,”


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