Monday, September 1, 2008

Buckskin Colorado

Benjamin Ridgeway, had just rode across the planes of Colorado, he had just spent the last six months in the mountains, and was now entering Buckskin.

Benjamin rode slow as he entered the town, so he could look the town over, nothing had changed, but then in buckskin nothing ever did. As Benjamin rode towards the stable he noticed how quiet, the town was, even thought it was still early he knew there should still be more people on the streets.

Then the ringing sound of steel on steel came to his ears as he neared the stable. “Howdy Ben, it’s been a while?” Benjamin got off his horse and said. “Joe can you bed him down?” Joe was the blacksmith, and the owner of the stables, “Sure thing.” As Joe lead the horse to a stall, Benjamin asked. “Why is the town so dead?”

Joe answered. “Then you haven’t heard?” Benjamin said no and that he just got in, “Well Bob Lee, killed John Kinney the other day, and now the whole town is shaking.” Benjamin know of the Kinney’s they owned most of best land around, and was the most powerful family’s in the county. Benjamin asked. “What’s James going to do?” James Campbell was the sheriff of the town. Joe said. “What can he do?, he has Lee over in the jail for now, the judge won’t get here till next week.” Benjamin know when old man Kinney found out about one of his sons being killed, there won’t be a need for a judge, by the time he got here he’ll find Lee hanging in the old tree at the end of town.

After leaving the stables he headed up the street towards the Sackett House, it was a cheap boarding house just up the street. He could have gone to the hotel, at the end of the street, but the boarding house was cheaper, and after being in the mountains for six months the boarding house would do just fine.

Benjamin got his key to his room then headed for the sheriff office, along way he passed the undertakers and saw he was getting ready for some new business that was coming his way real soon.

When he got to the Sheriff office he found the door locked, he pounded on the door then heard a voice from inside say. “Yea, who is it?” Benjamin answered. “Benjamin, Benjamin Ridgeway.” The voice inside said, “Hold on.” Benjamin heard some noise behind the door then he heard the key turn, then the voice from inside said. “Ok come on in but slow.” When he entered he saw James standing in a corner with his shot-gun pointed at the door. When James saw that it was Benjamin he lowered the gun. Benjamin said. “Nice to see you too.” James smiled although it was hard to till with that full graying beard and mustache he had on his face. James went to his desk and took a seat with a heavy sigh and asked. “Well, Benjamin what can I do for you?” As Benjamin took a chair he said. “I just got into town and heard of your trouble, and thought I would come down and see if you would like some help?” James said. “Thanks but I can handle it the judge will be here the day after tomorrow, and he’ll stay put till then,” and pointed to Bob Lee in the cell.

Benjamin had been there about hour catching up on the news when he realize he was getting hungry and said his good by’s, but before he left he asked. “How’s is it if I come by in the morning and watch Bob well you go out and get some rest and something good to eat?” James thought this over a moment then said. “How’s about 7 O’clock?” Benjamin said he would be there, after he stepped outside the door he hear the key turn in the lock.

Being hungry he headed for best place in town, the hotel was not only the best place to eat, but to get the local mews, most of the head men of the town went there to eat. Benjamin was enjoying his meal when he hear a raucous from one of the tables, Benjamin look that way and saw it was old man Kinney and two of his sons. By the time he had finished the Kinney’s table had quieted down. As he was leaving he stopped at their table and told Mr. Kinney, he had heard abut his son and was sorry to hear about it.

Mr. Kinney looked at Benjamin for a moment then said. “Not as sorry as your friend the sheriff, is going to be if he doesn’t let me have Bob Lee.” Benjamin said. “Now Mr. Kinney why don’t you let the sheriff do his job, we all know Bob Lee is going to hang anyways.” Mr. Kinney said. “He could be sent free and I won’t take a chance, besides I want to be the one who puts the rope around his neck.” Benjamin saw he won’t be able to say anything to change his mind, so he turn and left the hotel.

Benjamin stood on the boardwalk out side the hotel and looked at the sky it still looked like rain, it been looking like rain all day, but it still held off. He saw it was still to early to turn in so he headed for the Last Chance Saloon.

The sun was just starting to set as he came to the saloon, he stood in front of it and looked it over. He could never understand why it was called the Last Chance?, he would have call it the “ 4-heads,” because of the four steer heads that hung on the sign over the door. After entering he saw a few friends, and had a beer or two with them, then he played a round or two of cards but soon found it hard to keep his eyes open.

He told his friends he had a hard ride, and was turning in. Benjamin stood out side the saloon and made a smoke and lit up, as he did he listen to the music and watch the shadows, moving about the room from the yellowish-orange glow coming from inside the saloon. He had just reached the boarding house when a light rain started to fell, he took out his room key and head inside.

The next morning found Benjamin heading for the hotel for some breakfast. After having his fill he saw by his watch it was time to head over to the sheriffs office. He had told James he would be there around 7 O’clock. On the way he now and then, would stop and look in one of the stores windows, most of the stores were still closed this early in the morning. One of the stores he passed was the dress store, of course this was closed as no proper woman would be caught in town this early in the morning.

He did stop at the next store as there was a new display sign outside the store, the sign read photographing it was something new he had heard about, in the display were what was called tin type pictures. As he stood there he looked over the faces, of the men and women they looked half scared to death. He understood the pictures were taking with some kind of box called a camera, he took a last look and laugh to himself and said. “There no way in hell you’ll see me in front of one of those boxes.” He was still smiling to himself as he reached the sheriff office.

Benjamin pounded on the door, James voice came from behind it. “Yea, who is it?” Benjamin called out. James voice came through door and said to hold on a minute, then he heard the key turn in the lock he didn’t wait to be invited in. James took his seat behind his desk while Benjamin took a chair. James asked. “Anything new happing in town?” Benjamin told him about seeing Mr. Kinney at the hotel last night. James said. “That Kinney is an old fool, and he knows his son was no good in the first place, why get yourself killed for someone like that?” Benjamin said. “You know the old saying, “Blood is thicker then water?” James just shrugged his shoulders and said. “That’s what I hear, but he was still no good.” James finely said he best get going or he won’t get any rest at all. Benjamin let James out then lock the door then put a bar across the door. James was to be back around 5 O’clock, there was little to do so he sat at James desk and read the wanted posters, as Bob wasn’t talking he just laid on the cot in the cell and wept now and then. He took cat naps to pass the time, then around five he heard same yelling out side.

Benjamin went to the window and looked out and saw that the Kinney’s had caught James out in the middle of the street. He never thought they would be so bold to try something like this in broad daylight. There was little he could do as he didn’t dare go out, as there may be someone waiting for some to come out of the jail. Benjamin know that James may not look like it, but he could handle himself all right.

He watched the scene unfold before him, he couldn’t hear all that was going on but he could see that the Kinney’s were not liking what they were being told. Finely James turned his back on them and headed for the jail. Benjamin know that may have been a mistake, and he was right. James got about fifteen feet when one of the boys said something. James must of know this may happen as he was ready for it.

James turned back and as the did a shot ring out, it was all over in less then a minute, when the smoke cleared Mr. Kinney was standing alone as his last three sons laid dead at his feet. James just turned his back on him and headed for the jail, and all the while Mr. Kinney was jelling and swearing at him, James never turned back, it was all over and he know it.

Two days later the trial began, and when it was over Bob Lee was found guilty and was to hang three day later, ever one know what the out come was going to be. There had been no trouble during the trial, as Mr. Kinney was now a broken man. His sons were all dead now because of his desire for his own kind of revenge. The day after the hanging they found Mr. Kinney hanging in his barn. The only thing their could think of was, that now all the things he had worked all his life for were all gone, there was no reason to go on.

Benjamin had enough of the town it was time to head back to the mountains. The next day he was at the supply store getting what he needed, after he had finish he went over to the sheriff office and found the door wide open. He found James at his desk. James saw the horse out side and asked. “Leaving town?” Benjamin answered. “Yea, I have had enough of town life I’m heading back to my mountains.” All James could say was. “Well you’ll be missed, I’ll see you in about six months?” Benjamin shook James hand and said. “Could be.” Just as he was out town, he looked back to take a last look. He just shook his head and said to himself, “Noting ever changes in Buckskin.” He turn back to his horse give him a heel and rode a cross the planes and back into his mountains.

This story of course was not real, but the town is very real although I changed the name a bit. The towns name is Buckskin Joes and is in Colorado. Many Hollywood movies were made there. My wife and I went there a couple of times over the years. There is a lot on this town on the web here is one site that is very good: Be sure to use there site map at the bottom of their page. All the photos in this story were taken by this author.

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