Friday, September 16, 2011


The shrill of the whistle made me stop and listen. A train was passing through town it happens about this time every night. The sound of the whistle told me the train was coming in from the south and heading north for Kansas City. I always take my dog clover for a walk between ten and eleven in the evenings. That's when the trains start passing throught town. You can always tell in what direction the train was coming from or heading for. I live on the Kansas river in what is called the Kaw valley. The trains follow the river and you can hear them for miles.

From the first sound of the whistle you could follow the train on it's way through town, as the train would blow it's whistle as it neard a crossing and the sound of the train cars on the tracks never seem to stop. The sound of the cars was a rumbling sound and would just keeps going long after the train was out of town. The trains that come through in the late evening were a mile long. The trains came into town from all four points of the compass. There are two trains I listen to the most the first one comes in from the south and heads north, although it's not really north after it leaves town it follows the river and after about a mile it make a wide turn and heads east and heads for Kansas City. The second come in from the east. After it passes the town of Tecumseh Kansas it starts blowing it's whistle. This train whistle is blown longer then the other trains. In the quiet of the night the sound of the whistle ( Horn ) is a lonely sound.

As a young boy I lived in another part of town. In the summer I would visit my grandmother on the other side of town and at nights I would lay next to the open window and listen to the trains passing through town. Threre were many nights that I would fall a sleep to the rumbling of the train cars. Now older I'm living on the other side of town and at night when the air is not on and the windows are open I still fall to sleep to the sound of the rumbling of the train cars.

Have you heard the saying “ To much of a good thing is not always good.”. Case in point. My first home was on what was called the Railroad road it was next to the rail road tracks and there was a bend in the east end of the train yard. All most every night a train would round that ben and it's light would shine through the bed room window. If you were to raise up and look out the window you would be looking right into it's light. Now being less the a hundred feet from the tracks and with the light and the sound of the train you got the feeling that the train was coming into the bed room. It was a feeling I never got over while I was living there.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie.-Chapter 6.

Mr. Owens said, “I also call him my friend but that doesn’t make what ever he does right, the law is the law and if he’s done wrong he well have to answer for it.” Mr. Owens asked, “You say you’re going to Paragould?” Bill said, “Yes I’m going to see if I can get a warrant to look inside that crate.”

When they came out of the barn Henry was just riding in. Mr. Owens said, “I’ll take care of your horse while you get cleaned up for lunch.” When he took Henry’s horse there was a strong odor of smoke about him. Mr. Owens thought he knew what Henry had been up to but said nothing. Bill had changed his mind about going to town and stayed at the boarding house and he and Henry helped Mr. Owens fix things that needed to be done around the farm. After dinner there was more talk and music, then Bill said it was time he went to his room as he was leaving early in the morning. Henry stood up and said, “If I miss you in the morning I would like to say it was a grate pleasure working with you and if at any time you need help from me I can be reached here and if I’m not here they well know how to reach me.” Bill took Henry’s hand and said good night. When Bill had left Henry said, there goes one of the best law man if not the best that I had the pleasure to work with, and I’m glad to call him my friend.

Mr. Owens didn’t know what to think about what Henry just said but he knew no matter what side of the law Henry was on, that they true friends and each would give up there lives to save the other that was because they were the best of friends.

Bill was down early the next morning, he went into the kitchen to find some kind of breakfast when he entered the kitchen he found Henry already having his, he said, “Good morning Henry and you to June.” June turned and gave Bill a big smile. While Bill ate Henry asked, “You still going to Boydville and Konb?” “Yes I want to look them over I have a few friends there and it’s been a long time since I’ve been to either, then home to see the family and from there back to Reno.” Being finished he got up to leave. Henry said, “June and I will see you off.”

As they entered the barn Mr. Owens was there and had Bill’s horse ready.” Mr. Owens said, “He’s ready to go.” Bill throw his saddle bags on the horse, then shook Mr. Owens and Henry’s hand. Then he looked at June then turned to Henry who gave a nod. Bill went up to June and gave her a big hug then give her a light kiss on the cheek, then said, “You are my big sister that I never had, then he give her another kiss on the forehead, then turned to his horse. June had to turn around as she had tears in her eyes. As they walked out of the barn Mr. Owens asked, “How is your family?” Bill said, “Father is more then likely as mean as ever, if it wasn’t for mother I wouldn’t go back.” Bill mounted his horse then smiles down at them then turned his horse and rode out.


As Bill rode off Henry watch and thought to himself now why would he be heading that way, Bill was headed for the open field and that was the way to camp and the long way to town. Henry watched as Bill rode out of site he had a worried look on his face, for he know someone had been in camp digging in the fire pit and looking around. Although he knows it wasn’t Bill but he was still worried.

Bill had been gone a week and ever thing at the boarding house had returned back to normal. Henry and June had been enjoying themselves by taking walks and rides into town. On one of their trips June said, right out of the blue, “Damn you Henry Miller when are you going to ask for my hand?” Henry knew this was coming but he had hoped it would be later. Henry answered, “Soon but first I have to take a business trip.” June said, “But you just got back and you were gone almost a year.” “Yes but I was on a personal quest and not business, and this is business only.” June asked, “How long will you be gone?” Henry said, “About a week.” June and Henry said little on the ride back to the house. Mr. Owens saw June face when they returned and asked Henry about it. Henry said, “She’s upset because I’m leaving on a business trip.” Henry said, “You know Mr. Owens when June and I marry she will be leaving here.” Mr. Owens said, “I thought as much, but June need not worry there are a couple ladies near by that will be happy to take her place.”

Later that evening while they seat under their favorite tree Henry told June, “You know when we are married we won’t be living here any longer.” “Yes I know I have been waiting a long time to have a home to call my own.” June laid her head on Henry’s shoulder and watched the shadows play in the open field, and said, “You well be my husband and I will go where ever you take me.”

When Bill rode away from the boarding house he headed for the camp site he knew Henry was there the day before and he wanted to see if he could find anything to help in his investigation. But he found nothing the camp was clean he then headed for Konb. Bill was known in town and as he had been gone a long time he knew he could ask a lot of questions. When he left Konb, he had found out about his friends and other town news but very little else. Bill rode on to Boydsville it was larger then Konb and he had friends here as well and he was better known here. He rodeed up to the general store as it was the news center of the Town.

When he entered the store a man sitting in a chair said, “Well I’ll be if it isn’t Marshal Bill Anderson, howdy marshal.” Bill looked at the man and said, “Howdy Mr. Jones.” If Bill remember right Mr. Jones as well as the rest of the men were still sitting in the same places as when he left over a year ago. Nothing changes in a small town that was one reason he left. One of the men asked if he was still marshaling Bill told them he was. After the conversations had slowed a little he said, “You all know my friend Henry Miller I was wondering if he comes into town much?” Mr. Jones said, “Sure we all know Henry, comes to town about once a month but never stays long.” “Oh.”


Mr. Jones explained “When he comes in he just goes to the post office window and gets his mail which is always a lot, then goes to the News Paper Office and brings out a lot old news papers then leaves town. Bill asks, “Nothing else.” Mr. Jones answers, “Oh once in a while he’ll stay for a while and talk but doesn’t say much.” Bill asks, “Has any one asked about all the mail he gets?” Mr. Jones answered, “Bill you worked with him long enough to know better than to ask him about his business, unless you want your head handed to you.” Bill put his hand on his chin and said, “Yes I learned that lesson very well.”

Bill wasn’t learning much so he give up and was about to leave then asked, “Have any of you seen my step-father lately?” Mr. Jones said, “Norman was in last month and he was mad as hell seems as some of his cattle got out and if any one said any thing to him he would bite heir heads off, son I hate to say this but he is one mean son-of a bitch.” Bill said that there wasn’t nothing to be sorry about for he felt the same way about him. When he left town he headed north the farm was in between Boydsville and Leonard it was about four miles a head. When Bill came onto the farm he found that it still looked the same the house was unpainted and the out buildings had fallen into disrepair, and there was washing hanging on the line. As he got off his horse Norman Anderson came out of the barn, Bill said, “Norman.” Norman said, “Well if it not the great marshal.” Boy how Bill hated him. Bill asked, “Whereas mother?” He answered, “She’s out back on the hill.” Bill headed that way. The hill he was talking about was in back of the house it over looked a little valley his mother always went there when she was upset or unhappy it made her feel better as she loved the little valley.

As Bill walked up the hill he couldn’t see his mother maybe she was below the hill Bill thought, he started calling for her but got no answer, as he got near the top he saw the sun shining off a white stone that set at the top of the hill. He ran up to the stone and read, Elizabeth L. Anderson, 1840-1886, Bill fall to his knees as if him had been hit in the stomach and started to sob. Bill had no idea how long he had been kneeling next to his mother, but when he did get up his eyes were red and he was full of rage and started down the hill.

When he got to the bottom he found Norman feeding the hogs, he asked, “When did she die?” Norman said, “About three months now.” Bill asked, “How did she die?” Norman answered, “She got sick then sicker then she just gave up.” Bill asked, “Why didn’t you write you Knew where I was I would have came back to see her.” Norman said, “Why should I if you had cared for her you won’t have left in the first place, and maybe she won’t had to work so hard.” Norman went on, “You were worthless as a boy and as a man you’re still worthless. The rage in Bill just kept building. “Your mother was always weak and not made out for farming as I see it she was just as worthless as you were.” Before Bill know what happen his gun was in his hand, and his step-father was lying in the mud with a pail of slop lying next to him. Bill looked down on Norman there was a hole in his forehead he felt nothing.


He looked around the farm one last time he didn’t bother going into the house there wasn’t anything that he wanted, he took to his horse and as he started to ride from the farm he took a look back at Norman who lay in the mud then rode off, Bill just left Norman laying there and thinking to himself maybe he’ll be worth something now.

The next morning Henry said his good bys to June then headed north towards Boydsville. When got there he went to the News Paper Office and asked about what he was looking for but found there was nothing available. Henry was about to ride on then decided to stopped in at the General store when he enter Mr. Jones said, “Good morning Mr. Miller.” Henry went over to the men sitting around the stove and asked about what he was looking for. Just as he was about to leave Mr. Jones said, “You might try up around Leonard the Anderson place is up for sale.” Henry asked, “You’re talking about Norman Anderson?” “Yes, he’s dead and his wife.” Henry asked what had happened. Mr. Jones said, “Well Bill was in about a week ago and said he was stopping off there then he came back later that evening saying that he’s mother had died some months before, then Bill got in an argument with Mr. Anderson and Bill shot him died.” Henry asked, “Will there be any charges made against him?” Mr. Jones said, “Bill said it was in self-defense and as he is a U. S. Marshal we took his word for it besides no one around here liked him any ways, he was a mean son-of-a bitch.” After he left the store he stood there thinking Bill well take his mother’s death hard. As he rode out of town he headed for Leonard.

When Henry got to Leonard he rode straight through as there was only four buildings that made up the whole town and knew there wouldn’t be anything here, he rode on to Tipperary. Tipperary was a town of about twenty buildings the town had no jail but had an acting sheriff. Henry headed for one of the General stores, as he knew these were the news centers of the small town. He had picked the right one for he heard about what he was looking for, after leaving town he followed the directions he was given and soon came to the place he was looking for, after he looked the place over he found it to his liking. It stood off the main road and not to far from Piggott an even larger town, which would have everything he needed if he couldn’t find it in Tipperary. Tipperary was located in the North West part of Arkansas and about ten miles from the Tennessee border and this made him feel a lot safer. Henry made all the arrangements the headed back to the boarding house.

Bill had been wandering aimlessly about the county for two weeks now not knowing or caring for that matter were he was going, the death of his mother was hard on him he felt alone and lost, but over time the pain started to subsided and he knew it was time to get back to his duty’s and headed for Paragould once more.
When he get to Paragould he headed for the stable while he took care of his horse he asked if it would be alright to sleep in the loft as he had little money left, and he was only staying one night as the train for Reno would leave about ten in the morning. The horse handler said for four bits it would be ok. Bill asked where he could wash up the man pointed to the back of the stable.


Later that day Bill found his way in to the court house and soon found the judge. After he introduced himself the judge said, “Will marshal Anderson what can I do for you?” Bill gives an out line on what he wanted. The judge stated, “Marshal I can’t give you a warrant on what you have so far, let’s look at the facts.” “Do you know he’s done something unlawful?” “No.” “Have you any complaints on him stating he has been unlawful?” “No.” “If you look in that crate and find what you think is in it, will that tell you he is unlawful?” “No.” “Sorry marshal unless you have more evidence or can get more there will be no warrant.” Bill stood up and thanked him then went out the way he came in, back out street he found himself wandering about the town, till he found himself at the park. Bill walked about the park after a while he found a bench under a big shade tree after a while he saw way Henry liked the parks so much they were very restful. Bill had no idea how long he had been sitting there but the sun was almost down he got up and headed for the stable for some much needed rest. At ten o’clock the next morning found Bill boarding the train back to Reno.

Henry had been back three months now and he knew he couldn’t put it off much longer, it’s not that he didn’t want to ask her it was just all the unknowns. Then on an evening of the fourth month while playing her a love song he asked for her hand. At first June couldn’t say anything, then she said yes then she stated to crying and laughing all at the same time she was so beside herself she couldn’t take it any longer and started to run through the house calling. “Mr. Owens, Mr. Owens.” “Yes what is it?” June was dancing up and down as she said, “He finely ask me to marry him.” Mr. Owens said, “While it’s about time congratulations I hope you will be every happy.” Mr. Owens asked, “Have you set a date yet.” Henry who and just came in said, “If it can be arranged next month.

Before Henry knew it the time had come, the boarding house was full of guests. A number of June’s family was there and some of Henry’s best friends were there. Bill would be Henry’s best man and Mr. Owens would give June away. Joel was there and Mrs. Webber and Jimmy also. The bar and dinning room was all decorated in wedding trimmings. Bill and Henry stood before the preacher and waited, and then the piano begins playing, “Here Comes the Bride.” Henry watched as June descended the stairs, Henry thought how beautiful she looked in her white gown and veil, then the preacher started to read the wedding vowels, after the vowels were said Henry turned to June and lifted her veil and sealed the vowels with a kiss. After the kiss all the men gave a holler and the women cheered. Then Henry and June stood in line while the quests passed and shook Henry’s hand and gave June a Kiss, when the line had passed every one went to the front porch. The unmarried women stood in the yard while June stood on the porch, when they were ready June turned her back and throw the bouquet into the air the party had begun, June and Henry got the party going by having the first dance.

Through out the evening ever one was having a good time the men were at the bar telling stories and slapping Henry on the back and the women were whispering and giggling in a corner of the dinning room.

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During the evening when Henry and Bill were alone Henry said, “I know Frank would have like to have come but not feeling good of late he just couldn’t make it.” Bill just nodded; he had met Frank James once or twice in his travels together with Henry. Henry thought of Jesse James, he would have found the predicament Henry found himself every funny and then would have wished him good luck. But Jesse was no longer among the living, he was murdered in, 82 by a coward by the name of Bob Ford, shot Jesse in the back of the head will hanging a picture back on the wall. When Henry was at the funeral he said if he ever saw Ford he would kill him on the spot for his cowardly deed, but Henry won’t have to keep his promise as Ford would later do himself in over the love of a woman.

The party was winding down and Henry was getting tired and he know June would be, Henry found her and said it was time to say good night to their guests. After everything was said and done they headed for their room. As they started climbing the stairs the guests started to cheering and hollering and by the time June got to the top of the stairs she was beet red. Now Henry knew where the saying of “Beautiful as a Blushing Bride” came from. When they entered the room they found it all decorated and the women had brought in a screen so June could dress and undress in private. When June came out from behind the screen Henry was already in bed, he looked on her and told her how beautiful she looked then he held out his hand and led her to the bed.

Henry leaned over and kissed her softly on the neck and worked his way to her mouth and kissed her more passionately all the while his hand was working its way under her night gown, as his hand moved up her creamy white thighs she tremble with delight. When his hand touches her fiery mound it was wet with desire. Henry helped her to lift her night gown over her head and she lay before him in all her beauty. He leaned over her and kissed her small but firm breasts and her buds begin to bloom. All the while he was kneeing her thighs to open wide and then he leaned over her and pushed his readiness into her fiery mound and as she squealed with delight she wrapped her legs around his waist and they became one.

The next morning when Henry and June came down both were red eyed from lack of sleep, those of the guests that were still there said nothing but smiled. Henry went to the bar and June went to the kitchen where she found Mrs. Webber cleaning up from last night. June said, “Mrs. Webber I’ll do that.” It’s alright dear I’ll do it beside you look like you could use the rest.” and she started to giggle. June face turned beet red and she turned away. Bill was in the bar when Henry came in and when Bill saw him he said, “Didn’t you get any sleep?” Then he started to laugh, Henry acted as if he was going for his gun, Bill put up his hands and said, “Ok, ok I’ll let it lay.” then started laughing again. Later that morning it was time for Henry and June to leave on their honeymoon, Mr. Owens would drive them to the train station. Henry’s friends came out to see them off. After they all had said there good bys, Mr. Owens started off and as the buggy a rounded a corner there was a big sign on the back that read “Just Married”.


Mr. Owens got them there just as the train was arriving, there was little time for good bys Henry shook Mr. Owens hand and Mr. Owens give June a big hug, then June and Henry hurried to board the train, as they took their seats the train started to move, June looked at Henry and said, “Where are we going?” Henry answered, Kansas City.”

Henry and June were just getting off the train after a two day ride, June was beside her self she kept looking around she wanted to see every thing all at once, Henry just smiled at her as he lead the way. When Henry was always here before he always stayed in the lower part of the city, but this time he headed for uptown. They took a room at the Roosevelt, in midtown; after their room was ready they came down to the lobby and had lunch in the hotels fine restaurant, although June ate little as she was so excited. After lunch Henry went to a stable to rent a buggy. Henry drove through out the city looking at the water fountains, parks and they drove passed fine restaurants and opera houses. In the evenings they would drive through the city to see it all lit up at night it was a dream land for June. June and Henry would dine in some of the finer restaurants and one evening he took her to see a play in of the cities finest opera house. He even took her to the rive landing to watch the river boats run up and down the river, in the evening her brought her back to see them all lite up at night. Sometimes they would walk around the city looking in the stores windows; June like the evening walks the best as the city would be all lite up. June was so happy she didn’t want it to end but all too soon it came to an end and it was time to leave.

Two days later they found themselves back at Paragould, as Henry loaded up buggy June asked,” Are we going back to the boarding house?” Henry said, “No.” June then asked, “Where are we going to live?” Henry told her not to worry then smiled at her, then he helped her into the buggy and as they drove off they were headed towards Tipperary.

June wondered where they were going they had passed Knob and Boydsville and were still going. June knew if they kept going they would be leaving Arkansas and entering Tennessee. Henry soon came to a stop, he told her to close her eyes and not to open them tell he told her. Henry turned into the side road and drove about a half mile then turned in to a drive and pulled up in front of the house. Henry said, “Ok open your eyes.” June did as she was told and when she saw the house she said, “Oh! It’s beautiful is this our new home?” Henry said, “So long as the rent is paid.” June asked, “Can we go in?” Henry smiled and took a key from his pocket and walked to the door and unlocks it. He picked her up in his arms then looked down on her and smile and then carried her through the door way.

As soon as June’s feet touched the floor she begin running about the house, they were standing in the front room next was a little dining room off the dining room there were two door ways one lead to their bed room the other to the kitchen. In the Kitchen there was two doors one lead to the back yard and the other went up stairs where there were four bed rooms. The house was decorated modestly but to her it was beautiful.


They went outside and looked the place over there was a horse barn a chicken house and a pig pen and of course the good old outhouse. As the sun was seating they went in side and they were finally truly a lone.

The stranger had tried to break his foot free of the stirrup as he was being drugged over the ground but couldn’t and he was being kick to death, the last thing he remembered was being hit in the head and pass out when he came to he was laying on the ground some how his foot came loose and he could hardly move, he saw his horse near by and called him over. The stranger knew he was hurt bad, he needed to get to his friends dugout he had been hiding him out and fixing him up when he need it. The stranger made his way there and when he reached it he called out to his friend. When his friend came to the strangers call he found him laying on the ground in pool of blood, his friend got him inside and on to a bed and begin working on him he found that the stranger had at lest four broken ribs and some of his scalp been tore so bad he could see his skull. His friend didn’t believe the stranger would live through the night. However at the beginning of the fifth month he was able to leave his friend and go on hunt again.

The stranger was in Reno he had to be careful not to be seen, but he won’t have to be in town long for he soon found out that Henry had gotten married and was living some where in Arkansas. The stranger knew of only of one place he could find the answer. The stranger had been on the train for two days when he got off at Paragould and by the end of the day he was riding towards Boydsville. Although he had only been to the boarding house once he still remembered the way, when he rode up to the house it was late and no one was about. The stranger walked in quietly with his gun ready. Mr. Owens was working behind the bar when he hear something behind him he turned around and suddenly recognized who was standing there and started to say something.

But it was to late the stranger hit Mr. Owens over the eye with the barrel of his gun and Mr. Owens fell to the floor out cold. The stranger took a glass of beer off the bar and throw it into Mr. Owens face after he woke he found himself tied to a chair and then he asked, “What in the hell do you want?” The stranger said, “You know damn well what I want where’s Henry Miller?” “I never heard of him.” The stranger back handed Mr. Owens across the face. Mr. Owens knew if he told where Henry was the stranger would go after him and he may get killed or even June, so he sat here and took what the stranger had to give. The stranger give up after an hour and put the gun barrel between Mr. Owens eyes and pulled the hammer back, he thought this was his time. But the stranger stepped back and said, “No I’m not going to kill you, I went you to give Henry Miller a message, tell him I’ll be around and to remember Joan Brooks, then he turned and left.

After a month June had the house in order, June and Henry worked around the farm fixing things up, then Henry went to a nearby farm and bought some laying hens and a hog to fatten up for slaughter in the fall. When Henry went to town June would go along and as he went about his business she went looking in the stores.


When they left town Henry would always bring home mail and news papers to read and in the evenings he would sit by the fire place and read, and when was done he would burn them. June never did know what he did for a living and why he got so much mail, she asked him once and only once as he got real upset and told her what did it matter what he did for a living it was his business and she was not to ask again, or say anything to any one else about it. June never asked again but all through they married life she felt that there was something wrong about his business in that it may not have been within the law.

One evening while they were have dinner June was saying how nice it would be if she had some of her things from her uncles farm, Henry thought about it a moment then said, “I don’t see why we can’t leave tomorrow.” June said, “It well to good to see Mr. Owens again.” Henry thought he too would like to see the old goat again. June was up early the next morning as she wanted to fix a lunch as it was a long ride. Henry told her to take a few clothes as they wouldn’t be able to make the trip in one day, and they either would have to stay at the boarding house or her uncles for the night. Henry said they would stop at Mr. Owens first and see if they could use a wagon, as the buggy would be too small. Henry turned the key in the door then took a seat next to June, then turned the horse and headed for the main road.

When Henry and June walked in Mr. Owens looked up and said, “Will I’ll be if it’s not the newlyweds.” Mr. Owens took Henry’s hand and gives June a big hug, then led them to a table. Then asked Henry,” Beer?” then he looked at June she said, “Tea please.” After he brought Henry’s beer he went to the kitchen to get June’s tea. While Mr. Owens was gone June turned to Henry and said, “Henry did you see poor Mr. Owens face I wonder what happen?” Henry said, “I don’t know but he’ll tell us in time when he’s ready.” Henry stopped talking as Mr. Owens was heading back to their table.
Mr. Owens brought June’s tea then took a seat, Henry asked, “We’d like the use of a wagon June would like to take some things back with us.” June asked, “Do you have a room for us for the night.” Mr. Owens answered, “You will always have a room here.” Mr. Owens knew Henry had been looking at his face and wanted to ask but knew he would tell the story in his own time. Mr. Owens said, “June Mrs. Campbell is in the kitchen why don’t you go see her she’d like that.” June looked from Henry to Mr. Owens and knew when she wasn’t wanted, June said, “Ok I know when I’m not wanted and you can keep your old secrets.” June stood up and headed for the kitchen, when she was gone Henry said, “Ok let’s have it.” Mr. Owens started, “It was about two weeks ago I was working here at the bar when I heard someone behind me and when I turned around he was just standing there, I didn’t recognized him at first as I only seen him once, then I remembered and started to say something to him and the next then I knew I was out like a light.” Henry asked, “It was the stranger?”


Mr. Ownes nodded and went on, “When I came to I was all tied up so I couldn’t fight back, then he started to ask questions about you and where you were.” Henry looked at Mr. Owens with questioning eyes. Mr. Owens saw the look and said, “When he got no answer he started to work me over, but give up after a while, and when his put that gun between my eyes I thought I was a goner.” Henry asked, “Did he do say anything?” Mr. Owens said, “He was going to kill me then changed his mind and told me to give you a message.” Henry asked, “What was the message?” Mr. Owens said, “He told me to tell you he was not leaving and would be around and for you to remember Joan Brooks.” Henry thought to himself, but I don’t know any Joan Brooks then he said out loud, “But I don’t know any Joan Brooks.” Mr. Owens said, “Oh you know her or at lest the name, remember the stranger said it was fifteen years ago.”

When June walked into the kitchen Mrs. Campbell looked up and saw June and said, “Well child it’s so good to see you.” June and Mrs. Campbell talked about June’s new home and the trip to Kansas City. Mrs. Campbell said, “I went there once it was sure big.” June and Mrs. Campbell went on talking for a while then June asked, ”What happen to Mr. Owens face its all bruised up.” Mrs. Campbell lowered her voice and said, “I don’t know but I came into work one morning about two week ago and there he was sitting in a chair in the middle of the bar all tied up, and his face was all messed up, I had to take him over to the doctors to have the cut over his eye sewed.” June asked, “Did he say who done it and why.” Mrs. Campbell said, “I asked and he told me to mind my own business and stay out his, but I can tell you he’s been nerves every sense it happen. June stood up and headed for the bar, as she walked up to the table Henry and Mr. Owens stopped talking, she looked at Henry and said, “Mrs. Campbell told me what happen to Mr. Owens, It’s the stranger isn’t it don’t lie I’m your wife and I have the right to know.” Henry looked at her then said, “Yes it’s him he found me again.” June said, “Oh lets go some where he can’t finds us, maybe Tennessee he won’t find us there.” Henry said, “No we can’t hide, he’ll just find us again, no we stay I’m not going to start running if we do we’ll never be able to stop, no it’s time to face him.”

Later that afternoon Henry and June went to her uncles and loaded up the wagon and when they returned to the boarding house Henry said he was going to Boydsville to send a wire and asked if June would like to come along. June said she would stay and visit with Mr. Owens as it may be a while, before they get back this way for a again. It felt good to be on the road again and alone, oh, don’t get him wrong he liked married life it’ just that a man likes to be all bye himself once in a while and without a wife hanging onto their shirt tails all the while.

Boydsville was busy to day a lot of horses and wagons going every which way. Henry rode to the wire office then he went over to the general store. Henry talked to some of the man in the store. Mr. Jones was saying, “No I haven’t heard any one asking about you of late, then a thought came to him, now that I think about it there was this one guy I never seen before came in asking questions but I haven’t seen him of lately”


Henry asked what he looked like. Mr. Jones said, “As I recall he was about your size and his face was kind of messed up and he had a big scar on his forehead looked like some one tried to scalp him and he had a broken nose.” Henry thought it sounded a little like the stranger but for the face, then he remembers what happen to the strange in Reno, it could only mean that it was him. Henry stayed a little longer to see if he could learn any more but finding no more information he thank Mr. Jones and left the store. Henry had sent two wires one to John and one to Bill now all he could do was wait, as he was riding out of town a figure step out of the alley and watched him ride out of town with hate in his eyes.

Marshal John Wilson was just stepping out of his office when he was handed a letter, he open it and read, To Marshal John Wilson, My friend I’m hoping you can help me in this matter the stranger has followed me here I now have more information. John finished reading the letter it was signed, Henry Miller. John read the letter again then he headed for the wire office.

Bill was working at his desk when Jimmy came in and handed him a letter, Bill opened it and began to read, To Marshal Bill Anderson, My friend I just found out that the stranger is here near Boydsville, He paid Mr. Owens a visit about two weeks ago and messed him up pretty good but is fine now. “June is upset to say the lest, she wanted to run but I said no it was time to face him.” I’ve written Marshall John Wilson in Kansas and he’s looking into some information I have sent him. I’m writing this to let you know what’s going on up here and if anything strange happens to me or June or Mr. Owens you will know who to look for. I hope if the need comes and I have to ask you, will you come and help me take care of his matter, Signed Henry Miller.

Bill was just rereading the letter when Joel and Mat came into the office, Joel saw the look on Bill’s face and he asked, What’s up?” Bill handed him the letter he and Mat read it together. Joel said, “Boy, howdy have they got trouble up there, are you going?”

Bill said, “Yes if he asks, it’s a matter of pride for me as the stranger came to this town and not only tried to kill one of our citizens he tried to kill a marshal and if he’s not stopped soon he may come back and try for one of us, so if Henry wants help, help is what he is going to get no matter what.” Mat said, “I thought that his horse would have kicked him to death.” Bill said, “From what this letter says he almost did, but like they say if you don’t find a body keep looking.”

Henry was back at the boarding house and was saying, “I sent wires to Bill and John, I asked John to look into same information I give him and I sent one to bill asking if he would come if the need came up, it will be a day or two before I get any answers.” Mr. Owens said, “You know Bill will come if you ask.” Henry said, “Yes I know but I will only ask if I think there is a need.” Mrs. Campbell came in and announced that dinner was ready.


During dinner June said that she had hoped that this trip would be a happy one but it’s not turning out that way. Mr. Owens said, “Yes you’re right my dear, this is men talk and not for young lady’s, well talk of more pleasant things.” The rest of the
evening they engaged in conversations about her trips and Kansas City. The rest of the evening was pleasant but soon June became weary and said she need her rest, she said good night to Mr. Owens then looked at Henry and ask if he was coming. He told her he be up in a little while and that he wanted to talk Mr. Owens a while longer.

The stranger had followed Henry as he rode out of town he knew that Henry was not living at the boarding house he was waiting to follow so he could find out where he was living so he could get to him any time he wanted. The stranger laid on his stomach in a clearing about a half mile away looking through a spy glass, there was so much hate in him as he watched Henry and June moved about, he thought how dare he be so happy and I had nothing. The stranger watch through out the day and into the evening then realizing they weren’t leaving tonight he went about opening a cold can of beans, as he was running a cold camp (a camp with out fire.) The stranger know it was time to sleep but sleeping was hard for him as he always had the same dream, and it was this dream that kept his hate for Henry alive.

The dreams were always the same; it was a bright afternoon and he young and so was the lady he was with her name Joan and they had been married only a week and they had came to town to get some things for their new home. The town was a quite little town and he remembers how brighter the colors seemed that day as if nothing was real, and as they walked down the board walk the quiet was broken by the sound of a gun shot then another and still more. The stranger took his wife’s hand and started to run for cover his wife let go as he found cover behind a horse trough and when he looked out and there was this young new deputy marshal running up the street firing at four horse men who were shooting back. When the shooting had stopped, the stranger found his wife was not at his side he looked around then he saw her laying on the board walk, he ran over to her and saw a red spot on her chest he held her in his arms till the life run out of her.

The stranger stirred in his sleep and sweat was forming on his face, then he woke up with a cry. It took him a moment to realize where he was, after realizing this he pulled himself together he looked at the sky and saw the sun would be up soon and he knew he won’t be able to sleep so he sat and waited for the sun to rise.

June woke well rested and went down to help Mrs. Campbell to fix breakfast and by the time the table was set Henry was down although a little red eyed as he and Mr. Owens were up late talking. Henry said, “I’d like to get an early start this morning as we have a long way to go and when we get back the wagon will have to be unloaded.” After breakfast June went to pack and when she returned Mrs. Campbell handed her a basket and said, “Something to eat on the way.” June said good by to her then headed to the barn where Henry and Mr. Owens were waiting.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Christmas.

Well Christmas is over and all the wrapping paper is in the trash. Grandpa goes back to the trash to find that one piece of toy that was lost. The grandchild has stopped crying from grandpa stepping on a unseen toy. Grandpa has about stopped cussing for stepping on that unseen toy. Grandma is in the kitchen cussing and mopping the kitchen floor because of the pie that had fallen on to it. Grandpa is beside her who is now cussing because he forgot how hot the pan was when he took out the ham from the stove.

Toys are running, games are being played and the TV, is blasting away, and the invited family is in the front room trying to talk over it all. The dinner is going well until someone spills the gravy. Grandpa starts yelling at one of the grandchildren for putting to much food in their mouth. Time to do dishes for the second time of the day. The serving of the deserts went well. Time to do dishes for the third time. The talks are over and the family is now all gone. Time to put those unwanted presents in the bottom of the dresser or in one of the closet, to be taken out only when a family member comes for a visit. Grandma and Grandpa now sitting alone and in the quiet, grandpa turns to grandma. “This was a great Christmas,” and grandma smiles, “Yes it was wonderful can’t wait for next years”.

“Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to every One.”

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Janina Halina Rak aka Helena J. Rak.

When I was a young man I met this young woman and had many enjoyable years together. Then she married and left town, for many years I wondered what happened to her and how her life turn out. Well the other day I ran across some information about her and learned she had passed away and left a son. In the information her son said he knew very little of her past and it would be interesting if he could learn something about it. I wrote to the young man and told him who I was and that I had known his mother very will and I would be glad to fill in some of the missing pieces.

Note. As this my writing site I thought this would be the best place to put this page. This site is for my writings and stories and as I answered all his questions in story form this is the place to put it.

Very important note. Some family members on both sides may get up sat and I’m sorry about that but most all the info here is of public record.

Janina Halina Rak aka Helena J. Rak.

Birth: March 4, 1947, in Wildflecken, Germany in a displaced persons camp.
Death: April 5, 2006, Mesa, Maricopa County Arizona.

Photo provided by her son.

Note. There is a lot more information about her and her family and this information can be found at the site of ( Find a Grave.)


I’m sorry to hear of your mothers passing, I know her for many years, I met your mother in the late 60’s. If you would like to know about her pass life here in Topeka I will be glad to tell you some stories some will be good and others not so good. In your memories you state she was only married once, not so her first marriage was in the late 60’’s

Answer: Ummmmm ok .... I really don't know U came across this info ...or how U would know my mother ...but I’m Chris.


Hi Chris, I decided it would be best If I wrote instead of calling as I’m hard of hearing and the call would be long distance. As how I found you I was doing some research at Find a Grave and ran across her info, and boy was I surprise and sadden at the same time. It sadden me to find her there and knowing of her passing, but I was glad to see her life turn out better then it’s beginning. I well tell you some about your mother. If you have any questions I well give you a truthful answer, as I know it. But if you wish not to hear from me again I will go by your whishes.

I first met your mother in 1967, she was about 18 or 19, it’s hard to remember, well any ways I had taken off for lunch, and went into this restaurant up town, and while I waited to place my order this young woman came by carrying a tray with a bowl soup, as she passed she gave me a big smile, then placed the bowl in front of this man, then she did something I’ll never forget. On the way to give this man his soup, some spilled from the bowl onto the tray, well after she placed it in front of him she tip the tray and pour it back into the bowl. Then she gave a big laugh and slapped the man on the back and said, “Not to worry the tray is very clean.” I didn’t think I’ll ever forget the first time I met your mother Well this is just on story if you whish to hear more just let me know.

Answer: call me collect.


Question: any pictures !?!? ...i really don’t know what to ask ...this is like wow!…to me be frank my mother was murdered .... so the last couple of years has been strange with my mom family here ...I’m an orphan!

Answer: Hi Chris, I’m so sorry to hear that, I don’t whish to open old wounds but if you have any news stories you could scan and send, I’ed be most grateful. I will hold to my decision on not calling, there are many reason why, one my wife she would not take to kindly of me talking to the family of an old “Girl Friend.” No it’s best for all concern. I had many pictures of your mother, I was a photo hound for many years, but after I married, my wife ask, No told me to destroy them and I went by her whishes.

Last night I was telling you how I met your mother. After she brought my order we got to talking and by the time lunch was over she ask if I would like to come to her place for a visit. Later that night I found myself standing in front of this old house that had been turn into apartments, hers was on the first landing and the first door on the right. Her apartment was small only two rooms. There was the front room then the kitchen, to use the bathroom you had to go out the door and go down the hall.

Well after I been there a while she got a phone call, after the call she told me one of her friends was upset and needed some one to talk too. Your mother said I could go or stay, she said she would like me to stay. Well this being my real first date with a real woman I said I would stay, she said I would have to hide in the bathroom until her friend left, she lead me to it and told me she would come and get after her friend left. Well I didn’t know what to think, this was all new to me. I sat there two hours, then she finely came and got me, and we enjoyed the rest of the evening together. Well Chris this was my first date with you mother, if you whish me to go on I will tell how I tried to stop your mother from marrying her first husband.


Question: ......(Deep Breath) Since ....You believe that U that U knew my mother ....(Takes deep breath)...A couple of questions:

1) what was my mothers 1st husbands name. I know this info. But when my mother died, I thought it best never to mention it had no importance then or now! I have seen one picture of him. I know he died. If you know please tell me. I lost my mother's years ago.

2) Any pictures of my mom? How did you come across find a grave? Why now? Why five (5) years later?

3) No news stories. Simple a guy she dated killed her, it was a botched investigation. She died from a "Internal Hemorrhage" ..... Case closed ... She died Without a will ...So she was creamated ...and I scattered her ashes in Bisbee, Az and other places...I still have some left... ...Now I'm an Orphan...No family except the small group of long-time friends I have .... ... No real family helped only a couple of close friends. I know her brotehr died (My uncle!) ...well of course you would u read find a grave ...a few years back.. I don't know what pictures U want!??!. ...find a grave has some.... tough now to look at them... My mother & her sister were never ever close.... I lived in Colorado off and on for 10 about years in the Dever area....Her sister was in Longmont, Colorado ...I rarley spoke to her or saw her e....she hated the fact I remined her of my mother ...I never knew my Uncle Bruce died (her husband) till about 2 or 3 years after it happend... When I asked for help with the creamation etc...even cleaning out my mom's place....Aunt Christne refused... say la vie ... I cut her out of my life a loong time ago...
.... So ...After I graduate college with my MA degree (Medical Asst. Degree) I'am leaving Phoenix back to Denver to be nurse .. .. Nothing really here...... I got stuck here with the economy ... What is funny about 5 (five) years agi\o I was trying to get back to Topeka to scatter the rest of my mothers ashes near her parents grave .... Never happened . Well yes keep writing ..this is interesting ... strange ...but interesting.

Answer: Chris I can see that I’m putting salt in a raw wound, maybe it’s best I leave things along, but I have always wonder what happen to her. I tried many time to find her, but never new her new husbands name. like I said I was at find a grave doing some research, my hobby is genealogy my field is military from 1776-1900, but the heart of my site is surnames. I look for names that interest me than I look for info on them. I have four web sites two deal with surnames, here is the address to my mine site if you wish to look it over, my photo is on all my web sites, if you care to see what I look like. I don’t need any news stories of your mother’s death, what you told me is good enough for me. As I told you I had many photos of your mother but my wife had me destroy them. I’m not looking for any photo’s of her those at find a grave is good enough, there the way I remember her.

I won’t tell you a story this time as it’s the week end and all the family is home, but I well write Monday and tell you a story. However to let you know this is for real her first husband name was Perry (?) Noland, after they were married they went to live in Mineral Wells Texas, he was a Airman and was station there his job had something to do with TV. While they were there I want and stayed with them about a week.


Well I guess U are for real.... Just tell me anything U want.

Answer: Chris I got a couple hours to myself so here is other story, I could give you all the info all at once but I like tell stories in fact on of my sites is about my stories. I just felt you could get a better feel on what your mother was thinking and feeling at this time of her live.

I told you about our first date, and there were many more to come in the next three or four months. I believe it was on our third, see saw something in my eyes and said “ Don’t get too involved in me I’m getting married in about three months.” It was to late by then I was a love sick puppy, and I saw something in her eyes too there was no shine in them when she talked about the up coming wedding. Over the following months we talk and argued about the upcoming wedding. I know there was something all wrong about her getting married, but I couldn’t figure it out, every time I tried to talk about it, she would lower her head and tried to change the subject. But in the end I got the whole story out of her.

It wasn’t so much that she loved him, although she may have in her own way, but it was her way getting out of town. She was looking for a better life and wanted to go place and see different things. I kept trying to have her give it up but she just said “ I may a agreement and I’ll stand by it.” Your mother was always looking for something better I don’t think she even know what she was looking but she kept on looking.

Then she was gone and I didn’t know where, then one Sunday morning my mother showed me the paper and there was her picture and the announcement of the wedding I was heart broken. Then a few weeks later I got a call, she said that she and Perry were back in town and to come on over. At that time they were living in a apartment off 6th., street. Over the next months I went over almost every day and even stayed over some nights. I met her brother and sister there a couple of times, her brother could care less but her sister, well she didn’t like me to much, she didn’t like me hanging so much, it seem every time she came over I was there and I was, but it was up to your mother if I was to go or stay and she want me to stay.

Then they got station to Mineral Wells Texas, I know they had left but I didn’t know where. The a while later she called and told me where she was. Then that summer I had a chance to go with my brother who was a airman to back to his base in Washington State. But I was unable to stay long and had to leave. So I called her in Texas and asked if I could come and she said ok, I stayed a week then Perry told me I had been there long enough, so I left. A couple moths later I got a call from her saying there were back in town and come on over which I did and we started where we left off.

Chris we had a off and on relationship some good and some not so good, but in the end I think our lives is batter because of it, mainly it was her trust in me. Any time she had a problem or need help she would come to me. Your mother had many friends, but I was the only one she really Trusted. Next time I’ll tell you how and why your grand father became a drunk. And why your mother went bald, that’s right not a hair on her head.


Answer: My mother bald was because of a car accident, I met my grandfather once or twice when I was 5 Or Under.

I know Nolan is dead ..and as for "Friends"...not 1 damn person shoed up to her memorial ....not 1 ...I even called her High school and had them cotat people W./in the year book committee...The people at her memorial were me ex (her son in law!) ...and a few of my friend who never met my mother just seemed when she passed so did any part of her past!...

accept the fact that I'am an Orphan ... isaw my real fatehr a month after the fueral ..all he wanted was proof she died ....and he tried to givemy $$ ..for the ffost of the cremation ...I told him sorry to late ..sold most of moms things to pay for it ..... and well offhe went like a thief in the night ... I dont speak etc to my real dad .... Once my partents divorced in 85 or so, he re-married and wrote me off ...He spent years, off and on trying to prove I wasn't his son to stop paying child support etc...But we (Mom and I), and I good lawyer and their were always the blood tests to prove he was my dad ...Very bitter times for all in involved ...& I was just a kid ....Oh well ..I learned to forgive and gorget etc ...Int he final years before my mother died ..we were not close ...her last marriage took a lot on her.... That is 1 reason I moved back to Arizona, to be close to her. I tired but it never worked.


Question: Well Chris it looks like you know more about her passed the you first let on…..LOL….So I maybe telling stories you heard before? But I well tell you one or two more.

When I first met your mother she had a Beehive hair do, I learned later it was a wig, she never changed her hair style and never took it off, she even wore it to bed, I always thought it was kind of strange but I didn’t ask, I knew there was a reason, but it was her business so I didn’t push it. About four years into our relationship I came over to her place and when I went in she was sitting there next to a tv tray with hair junk on it and a towel on her head. Then she got to the point and said “These may shock you.” and she took off the towel, it was a little bit of a shock, but I got over it. I asked how it happen, Now this is what she told me and it’s different then want she told you, but the truth may be some where in the middle. She said her mother passed when she was around 13, and with trying help take care of her brother and sister and look after her father the stress became too much and all her hair fell out, the doctors said it was the stress. I believe her because I know stress can do that.

When I first met you mother there was a woman who looked over you’re mother her name I believe was Mrs. Skank she was from the church I met her a couple times, she had a farm on the north side of town. When your mother wanted to go horse riding she went to the farm, I went with her once, I don’t like horses so I waited in the barn yard till her rid was over.

When your grandfather and grandmother first came here they had a hard time, but it wasn’t long before they were doing very well, your grandfather had own four of five rentals, then his wife took sick and later died of a brain tumor, I think? Well after his wife died he didn’t handle it very well and started drinking and with his drinking and all the Bill’s he soon lost eve thing. I met your grandfather many times. The first time was at your mother’s place he seemed to be real nice. I would met him on the street from time to time or in front of one of the flop houses he was living in. When ever he saw me he would say hi, the last time I saw him he was living in a basement, he asked me in for a drink, it wasn’t much of a place it was dark and a lonely place. There is one thing I will always remember about your grandfather was his tools, no matter how bad he got, he never sold any of his tools. He had brought then over from the old country and would not part with them for anything.

Answer: ....Deep Breath ...

Well my mother always told me (She had a bald spot as far back as I can remember!) that she got it from a car accident .....a drunk driver hit her car or something. As for when my grandmother died when my mother was 13, both my Aunt Chrtistne & my mother both confirmed (Before we stopped speaking years.. and years ago!) that my grandfather killed my grandmother in a drunk rage...he slammed her head into the bathtub ..causing her to have a brain hemmorage...this was when my mother was 13... Also I was told that my grandmother spent time in the mental state hospital.. This is all I know.. .I met my grandfather once ...he was a wood carver. As far as Mrs. Skank mother hated this woman ...when ever her name ame p she would say that woman is in hell I hope! I never understood it, I don't remember that last name of the step-grandparents my mom and I stayed with for about a year in 85-86.


Question: Chris this could be the lat of my stories, I have enjoyed telling them it brought back a lot of old memories.

I don’t have a lot more to tell or there are a lot more stories to be sure but manly about me and you mother and the things she would do and how she really was but it is best to keep the past in the past.

After she came back the last time thing for her and I went pretty good for a very long time then suddenly I was seeing less and less of her. I finely give up on her thinking she left town again she would to that kind of thing and I wouldn’t know about till she was back in town. In the mean time I had met my wife to be and put your mother out of my mind the best as I could. The year was 1972, and my wife to be was with child, sometime that summer I was working on the second floor lobby of the hotel when the elevators doors opened and out steps your mother. It was a shook to see her again and the way see looked. She to was with child herself I would say about 4 or 5 months, well I did some fast figuring and the times seemed to fit, boy or boy was I sweating here I had a wife to be with child and here comes your mother with a child to be, I was going out of my mind.

Your mother had read my face and smiled and said not to worry it’s wasn’t mine, she had come to say good by she was getting married to some service man and then they were leaving town. That was the last time I ever saw your mother. However I did hear from her two more times. The first time was about two years later I get a call from her, my wife took the call and to say she was pissed is to say the lest, your mother had called to tell me she was in town and would I like to have some coffee with her, I had to say no.

The last time I heard from her was the day before her fathers burial, I hadn’t even known he had died, she said she knew I liked her father and he had liked me and would I come. I would have liked to have went but there were to many season I couldn’t, so I had to say no. That was the last time I ever heard from her.

Chris I started writing this last night. I read your mail this morning and all I can say is this; Your mother was bad about telling hole truths, so I can only tell you what she told me. As for her mothers death, like I said she told me she had brain trouble and died. About your mother being bald, she wasn’t skin bald, it was like peach fuzz and some of her hair was long enough to put in pin curls. I met Mrs. Skank once, the first time I know about her was when I was at your mothers first place. I was there one day and had there for a while then you mother got a call Mrs. Skank was on her way over to talk about the up coming wedding. She told me to wait tell she pulled up then go out the back door so she won’t see me, she said that Mrs. Skank won’t like it if she saw me there. Your mother seemed to get along with her, as your mother went to her home a lot. Mrs. Skank would loan money and her car and give her the run of the Skank farm, as far as riding the horses and what not. But your right I remember years later I said something about her and your mother said that she hope she would die and go to hell. I don’t know what had happen to change your mother’s feelings toward her, it was her secret and your mother had many. As far as your mother’s step-parents I knew of them but your mother would not talk about them so I know nothing about them.

In the beginning you asked why now after all these years, it’s not just now I had off and on looked for her just to see how her live was going. But the real truth was when I last saw her she was 4 or 5 months with child, although she said it wasn’t mine, I wasn’t sure if she was telling me the truth. Like I said your mother had many secrets .I had hope that one day I would find her and she would show me some photo’s of the family and I was hoping I would see something in the children faces that would tell me she had not told the truth. But it’s in the past, and almost 40 years has passed, and even if I had found out I was right what good would it do to know after all these years, I guess it’s best to keep it in the past, but it still haunts me even to this day.

Chris your mother was fun to be with and she work every hard to have what little she had, but some time it was not enough. I paid her rent once or twice and brought her food from time to time, so she could keep on going.

She had many jobs and mostly worked uptown, she worked at three restaurants, two bars, a eye glass place were she fitted and fix glasses, one of the restaurants was on 21st street, and she worked in a private club in North Topeka. Well Chris this is the end of my stories I hope you got to hear something you never know about your mother. She will be missed.
Good luck and best whishes.

Answer: Here are some current photos of me ..if u want ...

I do have a favor ... I need to get to Topeka some day to scatter the rest of my moms ashes ... if I get to Topeka ...can or would u help me!? Thanks for the stories ...this is what I wanted oh so long ago ...I miss my mother very much ..we were not close in the final years ...but I moved out when I was 18 ..long stories their ... but in all she was a good parent ...yes she had secrets ..had not many truths .... I guess that is what she had ..secrets.

It should be noted there are about three letters missing.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie.-Chapter 5.

Bill pointed to the glass and asked, “Another.” Henry said, “Why not”. “Well how do you like the town?” Henry said, “Ok I guess, this town turned into a city and you know how I hate cities.” Bill gave Henry a look. Henry saw it and said, “Oh don’t get me wrong I’m glad for the people they needed it, I’m just glad I resigned when I did.” Over the next few hours Henry told of some of his adventures in Texas. Bill said, I think I would have liked Cold Water.” Henry said, “Yes it’s still wild out there, it’s too bad it had to die you would have fit right in.” Bill took a look at his watch and said, “I better get on patrol.”

Henry left the bar and headed for the house. Before the streets had been dark and uninviting but now it was like walking in the day light as there were rolls after rolls of street lamps. As Henry turned the corner some light shined on some bright metal. In the darkest part of the alley stood the stranger with his rifle pointed at Henry’s back. The stranger said to himself it’s time to die Henry Miller then he stop, no this is too easy, I think I’ll let you live a little longer.

Henry was a little on edge as the first week turned into two. He was just leaving Reno Park, he had found it on the second day he was back it was a nice addition to the town.
Henry was headed back into town he wanted to talk things over with Bill. Henry was saying, “Why hasn’t he tried anything, I know he knows I’m here.” Bill said, “Could be he’s just working on your nerves.” Henry said, “Bill I can’t stay here forever, I’ll have to leave here soon, but I would hate to leave you in this predicament.” Bill answered, “It goes with the job we knew the risks when we took it.” Henry said, “Then I’ll make plans to leave next Saturday, maybe if he knows I’m leaving he’ll make his try.” Henry left the office and headed up town to visit old friends the rest of the afternoon he spent going into stores to see what was new.

Henry was on his way back to the Marshal’s Office when he saw a familiar face coming his way. Henry greeted his friend, “Well John what beings you way out this way?” “Oh I had a prisoner to take to Oklahoma City, and then I found I had some time so here I am.” Henry asked, “Where are you headed.” “Over to your office to report you know the drill.” Henry said, “It’s not my office any more I resigned.” John asked, “Who’s the marshal now?” Henry answered, “Bill Anderson, you remember my deputy.” John said, “You bet I still get a laugh when I think of that time in Helena.” Henry said, “I’ll go with you I was going over myself.”

When they were in the office Henry said, “Bill you remember Marshal John Wilson?” “Yes I do what can I do for you Marshal Wilson?” “I just came in to report and to let you know I’ll be in town a few days.” He turned to Henry. “How about a few drink later?” Henry said he would be glad too. John asked, “When and where?” Henry answered, “Oh lets say 8 o’clock, at the Last Stop.”

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John said that would be fine and turned and left. After John left Bill said, “John’s being here at this time could turn out to be a good thing you think he would be willing to help?” “Yes if he’s asked.” They talked a while then said he would see him later.

On the way back to the house he decided he needed to get out of the city for a while. When entered the house Mrs. Webber was cleaning he asked her if Jimmy was around. She said she thought so and went to the back door and called for him. When he got to the house Henry asked, “Jimmy how would like to go hunting with me in the morning.” “I would like that what time?” Henry said, “No later then 4:30a.m.” Jimmy said, “I’ll be ready, you bet.” Henry told Mrs. Webber not to let him rest passed dinner, then headed for his room. Dinner bring over Henry headed for town on the way he noticed the Reno Park sign and turned in. He enjoyed the park and its flowers and its many shade trees, parks always helped to ease his mind and make things a little clearer. When he was leaving he was paying no notice to any thing like he should have been.

Henry looked up and almost crapped his pants, there sitting on his horse was the stranger and he had his six- gun pointed at him. While holding his gun on him the stranger said, “I hear your thinking of leaving on Saturday, well you won’t make it.” Henry asked, “And why not .” The stranger answered, “Because you’ll be dead.” Then put on a big smile. Henry asked, “Then I’m not dieing today?” The stranger said no not today but soon very soon. “I could have killed you on your first day back and I had you in my sights.” Henry asked, “Why are you so hell bent on killing me.” “I well never tell till your dieing or I’m dieing, but here is something to think about, go back in your mind fifteen years. “ The stranger gave Henry a wicked smile then kicked his horse and was gone.

Henry stood there with sweat running down his face he wiped his face and headed for the Marshal Office. Bill saw Henry’s face when he entered and said, “Your look like you seen a ghost.” “No ghost but the devil himself and he had a six-gun.” Bill said, “You say he had you and you’re still standing.” “Yes he had my dead bang, but it seems I’m to live a while longer but not passed Saturday.”

Later that even Henry entered the saloon John was siting at a table he took a chair and ordered a beer. John and Henry spent the evening talking of old times and Henry told tells of Texas. John was saying those were good tmes.” Henry said, “John you known me a long time, do you remember what we were doing fifteen years ago.” John thought for a while then said, “As I remember I was in some town in Kansas and you were just starting out as a deputy marshal in Missouri Why?” Henry told John of the stranger and when he was done John said, “I told you those parks would be the death of you.” “Will you help us?” John said, “You’re my friend you know I will.” “Good lets find Bill.”

When Henry woke the next morning he still had the taste of beer in his mouth. As he came into the kitchen he found Jimmy waiting for him. Jimmy said, “I’m ready.” “Have you eaten?” Jimmy said, “No I’m not hungry.” “You well be.”


John was just getting started when Mrs. Webber came in. “Here, here I’ll do that and in no time they were out the door. Henry and Jimmy had been riding east for an hour then turned north. Henry said, “We should be at the meadow soon, we better walk the rest of the way on foot. Henry asked Jimmy if he had ever been hunting before, Jimmy stated that he had not; Henry told Jimmy it was time to learn. Henry put a hand on Jimmy’s shoulder then they bent low and moved into the meadow. After they found a tree and were sitting Henry showed Jimmy how to use the rifle, they were sitting on the wet ground as the dew had not burned off. Henry soon put his hand on Jimmy’s shoulder and a finger to his mouth, and then pointed to the clearing there stood two deer. Henry whispered to Jimmy which one to take, Jimmy aimed then fired the deer jumped then ran. Jimmy said, “I missed.” “Just wait.” The deer went about twenty yards then fell. They hurried to the deer; Henry took out his knife out and bent down. Henry asked Jimmy to help him get it to the tree so he could dress it out. While Henry worked Jimmy was quite and on the ride back he was just as quite.

While Henry worked Jimmy was quite and on the ride back he was just as quite. Henry asked why. Jimmy said, “Did you see how magnificent it was now it’s died and I killed it.” Jimmy looked a little pale, and said, “I will not kill again.” Henry looked at his face, he had seen the look before in other men faces and knew Jimmy meant what he said. Henry said, “It’s nothing to be ashamed of many men can’t kill for many reasons, you learned a good lesson today. When they arrived at the house Jimmy helped with the horses then went to the house without saying anything. When Henry entered the kitchen Mrs. Webber said Jimmy didn’t like well and asked if anything had happened. Henry told her what had happened. She said, “Poor child.” “He’s young, it well just takes a little time, he learned a good lesson, and it’s too bad other men didn’t learn it as well as he did.”

Bill was saying John you’ve known Henry a long time have you noticed anything different about him? “Now that you say something, he seems to walk a little taller and his eyes don’t look as hard and he smiles more.” Bill said, “Yes I noticed it too, I wonder what happen to him in Texas? “I don’t know but it looks on him, now about tonight.”

It was Wednesday night and Henry had only four days left. Monday and Tuesdays night plans hadn’t worked maybe tonight they will. Bill was telling of the plan. “Well start at the stables and work are way out from here, Henry you’re the bait again the rest will take to the alleys. Henry’s eyes ached from trying to pierce into the darks of the alleys as he walked by. The evening wore on and nothing happened and finely the patrol came to an end. Well for someone bent on killing me he sure taking is time. Bill said, “He’s going to try but he’s the only one who knows when and where and that’s going to make it harder to catch him.” Henry said, “Well I’m for one is calling it a night.” Then said he would talk to them in the morning, then turned and headed for the house.

As he entered the Kitchen he saw Mrs. Webber and Jimmy siting at the table, it looked like She had been crying and he had his head down. Henry asked, “what has happened?’ “Me.” Henry turned to the sound there stood the strange with his gun pointed at him. Henry asked, “Where’s Jack?” The stranger said, “Sleeping.” Henry asked, “What do you want?” The stranger said, “I think it’s time for you to die,” And leveled his gun at Henry. Just then the kitchen door opened and in step Bill, “What the.” Then a shot ring out and more followed. Then there was a ball of orange fire then it was dark a few more shots then a crash and all was quite again. “Mother, Mother Henry she hurt.” Henry hurried to what was left of the window and looked out into the dark the stranger was no where in site. Henry said, “Bill go find a light.” When he brought back a lamp they saw Mrs. Webber laying on the floor unconscious in a small pool of blood. When Jimmy saw his mother he started to cry. Henry looked her over then told Jimmy she would be ok but told him to find the Doc., Jimmy took off running. “Bill lets get her on a bed; they took her to Bill’s room. The hold ordeal had lasted a few minutes. As they were coming out of Bill’s room Joel, Mat and John came in with their guns drawn. Joel said, “We just saw Jimmy said his mother was shot?” Bill said she had been but would be ok.

Bill told Joel to see if he could find Jack. By now the Doc., Was there looking after Mrs. Webber. When Joel came back he had Jack with him. “He was just coming too when I found him.” Jack said he was rounding the corner of the house when he heard something and as he turned the lights went out. Then Henry and Bill told their side of the story.

The last two days were uneventful and Mrs. Webber was much better and as for Jimmy well he was staying close to his mother. Bill had made arrangements to leave on Saturday with Henry. John would be leaving on the same day Henry spent the day visiting friends and going to the park but was more careful this time. Bill kept at his duty’s and sent a letter to June saying that they would be there in about three days. Henry took a morning ride out to the Johnson place, although the old man was gone he like to look the place over and he had made some friends at the German settlement and he like to use his native tongue from time to time.

Later that afternoon Henry found John in the Last Stop Saloon. He was asking John how far he was going. “Helena, I have to stop at the court house, then I’ll ride out from there, and you?” “We get off at Paragould.” Henry had one last beer then told John he had to go as he had promised Mrs. Webber that he would have one last dinner with her and Jimmy. After he had finished he said it was time to get packing, when he came down again he said his good by’s then headed for the Marshal Office.

Bill was talking, “Two more hours to go looks like you’ll get out of town with out getting killed.” Henry said, “I’m not on the train yet.” John who was also in the office along with Joel and Mat asked, “If you make it you think the stranger will follow?” Henry said, “I’m afraid so, that means June and Mr. Owens could become targets as well.” Mat said, “It’s too bad we couldn’t get him here.”

Joel asked, “Bill anything we need to know about.” “None, but I hear Tim Halaway will be in town you might keep an eye out for him.” Henry asked, “Whose Tim Halaway?” Max said, “He’s a farmer from out south, comes in about onec a month, normally he’s ok but when he gets drunk and usely does he’s trouble.

“Joel you and Mat go a head of us and look around the station, we’ll follow in about half hour.” Then Bill turned to Henry and asked, “You think he’ll try something?” Henry answered, “He has to if he’s going to keep promise of me not getting on the train a live, but then he may not be able to after what happen the other night.” Bill said he thought it was time to head for the station. As they walked they kept an eye out for anything to happen then the station was in site. Henry thought they were going it made it but then they heard, “Henry Mill.” He turned around there sit the strange on his horse and he had all three of them covered. The stranger waved his gun from side to side and said, “You two,” and pointed to John and Bill; move out the way unless you want to die.” That was one mistake Bill hoped he would make another and waited for it. The stranger asked Henry, “Did you remember what I said?” Henry said, “Yes but fifteen years was a long time ago.”

“I’ll tell a little more, it was in a town in Missouri and a bank robbery.” Bill kept at the ready. Henry thought about it, and then as the stranger saw a little recognition in his eyes he leveled his gun. The strangers full attention how was on Henry, this was what Bill was waiting for his whip flashed out there was a loud crack as the end of the whip hit the tip of the horses nose. The horse reared backwards and so did the stranger and as he was falling backwards his gun went off; the horse took off in a run. The stranger had almost fallen to the ground but his foot got stuck in the stirrup and was now being drugged over the ground. The stranger’s screams could be heard as his horse ran past the station and out of town. Joel and Mat who had seen what had happened ran to two near by horses and took off after him. They were soon back saying it was to dark to see anything but had found some blood here and there. John said, “More then likely the horse kick him to death.” As the train had arrived Henry Bill and John boarded the train, for there was no need to stay as the stranger was gone for now. The train started to move and Henry was on his way back to June.

June was reading a letter she just received, it was from Bill, saying that he and Henry would be there in about three days. “Mr. Owens, he’s coming and Bill is coming with him.” Mr. Owens asked, “When.” June answered, “In about three days, Bill says there is something different about him since he came back Texas, but says not to worry they are for the better. Mr. Owens said, “Looks like he may have found what his was looking for, good for Him.” “Oh Mr. Owens I have so much to do to get ready, I have to see to his room oh! There is so much.” Mr. Owens just laughed, ”June you have plenty of time to get ready.”

The train had pulled into Paracould and Bill and Henry were saying their good bys.
“Will John it was good to have had you with me again it was like old Times.” “Yes it was like old times maybe well meet again.” Then he took Henry’s hand and then Bill’s, they then turned and head for the stables. The ride was enjoyable as the weather was fair as they rode Bill asked, Henry you think we saw the last of the stranger?” Henry replied, “It’s hard to tell Joel nor Mat found any trace of him, so if he’s alive he’ll be coming just how soon who can tell but he will be coming.” “You should have killed him when you had the chance.” Henry said, “You could be right I may live to regret it.” As dusk came they found they were near the old camp site turn off. Henry asked, “You went to ride on in or take the camp site?” Bill thought about it then said, “We could ride on it’s only other hour, but it has been a long day and you know Mr. Owens and June are going to be full of questions, as for me I’m just to tried face them.” “I know what you mean, more then likely June will try to hug me to death, and as tried as I am she may do me in, so the camp site it is; besides the weather is good.” They rode on till they reached the camps trail then turned and headed for camp.

June was working in the kitchen when she happen to look out the window then she stopped working to take a better look. Although the day light was almost there was enough light to see smoke at the camp site. She called out, “Mr. Owens, Mr. Owens. What is it?” June started crying, ”Their here, their here see the smoke at the camp site.” Mr. Owens said, “Yes I see smoke but it could be any one.” June cried, “No it’s them you know no one has used the camp in years other then Henry.” Mr. Owens said, “That’s true but well just have to wait till morning to find out.” She said, “I wonder way they didn’t come all the way.” Mr. Owens answered, “They have their reasons you’ll just have to wait.” June said, “Wait, wait that’s all I have been doing for almost a year, I’ll wait no longer.” Then she said, “I’m riding out there and meet them.” Mr. Owens put up his hand, “Hold on woman you can’t go riding out to the camp, if you ride to the camp and it’s not them, you could get shot or worse, no you’re just going to have to wait till morning.” “But I’ve waited so long.” Mr. Owens said, “Then one more night won’t matter will it?” June thought it over and knew that he was right.

Henry and Bill went about setting up camp, while Henry gathered fire wood Bill laid out the bed rolls. Henry went over to start the fire but as he neared the fire pit he saw it wasn’t the same as he left it. Someone had dug deep down in the pit, now way would anyone be digging in the pit. Then he saw little pieces of burnt paper from the letters he had put in the fire evidently they all didn’t all burn up. As Henry built the fire he was trying to think was there someone on his trail or had someone found out about his secret. Bill said, “You think they know we are here?” Henry looked up at the sky and said, “It’s pretty dark but if anyone can see the smoke it will be June some how she always knows.” Later as Henry lay out, his mind kept working on way anyone would be digging in the fire pit.

When Henry woke the next morning Bill was already up and moving around and had a fire going. Henry got up and began to move around, although he had a restless night he was ready to face the new day. Bill handed him a cup of coffee. “You think we should have breakfast here or the boarding house?” Henry said, “I think it best to have it here, if we go to the house now June well get so excited that Mr. Owens might not get his breakfast.” Bill laughed and said he could be right. After they had ate and repacked the horses they took to their saddles.

June had started working early this morning although she wasn’t getting much done as she kept looking out the window looking for signs of life at the camp. Mr. Owens came in and asked, “June where’s my breakfast?” June told Mr. Owens she was sorry and would have it ready in a minute. Mr. Owens asked, “See anything from the camp.” June replied, “There was smoke earlier but it’s gone now?” “That means they will be here soon, now get my breakfast before I starve.”

Henry and Bill rode up to the stable and were taken care of their horses when Mr. Owens enter. “Howdy boy’s it’s good to see you again,” and he took their hands. Mr. Owens helped with their horse, and as they worked he asked, “When you get in?” Henry said, “Last night.” “Thought so, June saw your smoke last Night. Henry and Bill looked at each other and smiled. When the horses were taken care of Mr. Owens asked Henry, “Ready to see her?” Henry answered, “Ready as I’ll ever be, and how is she?” Mr. Owens said, She been so excited ever sense last night when she saw your smoke, and even more so this morning, so much so that I almost didn’t get my Breakfast.” Henry and Bill looked at each other and Henry said, “I told you so,” and they both laughed. Mr. Owens looked at them funny, and then Henry explains why they were laughing. Mr. Owens said, “It’s a good thing you did I almost missed breakfast as it was and I would have been mighty unhappy if I had.” And at that they all had a good laugh, then Mr. Owens said, “Well come on.”

June was so excited she could hardly hold still, she had seen them ride up and she wanted to run out and meet them but Mr. Owens told her to stay until he went out and helped with the horses. When she saw them coming she went to the kitchen stove and started to work. When they entered she turned to Henry and said, “It’s good to have you home again, Bill it’s good to see you.” Henry just stood there with a puzzle look on his face, any other time she would be choking him to death with her kiss. But there she stood as calm as good be. Then she asked, “Did you have an enjoyable trip.” “Yes we did.” Henry didn’t know what to say, he turned to Bill and Mr. Owens and they too had funny looks on their faces. Then all of a sudden he was hit by a whirl win of kisses and question. “Your home, you’re not leaving.” Henry finely caught her and brought her to a stand still. “No I’m leaving, at lest for a will.” June said, “Oh I thought I would die before you got back.” then she started kissing all over again.

Mr. Owens looked at Bill then nodded towards the bar. Bill was enjoying a beer when Mr. Owens asked how things were in Reno. Bill told him of some of the doings in town and about the stranger. Bill said, “I told Henry he should have killed him the first time.” Mr. Owens said, “I told him the same thing.” Mr. Owens asked, “How long are you staying?” Bill answered, “Till tomorrow then I go see the family then on to Paragould I have some business there. Mr. Owens looked at Bill and he nodded. Mr. Owens knew he was talking about the crate at the warehouse in Paragould. Mr. Owens was going ask Bill something but just then June and Henry came in.

Mr. Owens got up and asks Henry if he would like a beer. They all had been talking all morning, and then June got up and said it was time to start lunch. Henry stayed a while longer then followed June to the kitchen. The rest of the day was enjoyed by ever one. The day had been full of talk and music as Henry played the piano, but now the day had ended and it was late. Henry got and said it was time he had headed for his room. June went with him to say her good nights when she returned her and Bill talk a while then he too followed Henry.

When Henry came down for breakfast he asked June if Bill was down, then the crack of the whip answered his question, Bill was out back practicing taking off petals from flowers. When Bill came in for breakfast, Henry asked, What’s on for today? “Not much I thought I would ride into Boydsville and maybe Knob later to day why?” Henry said, “Oh no reason I have some business to take care of and thought you might like to come along?” Bill knew that Henry really didn’t want him to come along. “No I think I’ll hang around here till after lunch.” Henry said “Well I best be going if I’m going to be back by lunch, he went over to June and give her a light kiss and headed out the door. After Henry left June turned to Bill, “There is something different about him.” Bill said, “I know you can’t see it, he’s different in the inside.

Henry rode into Boydsville and stopped at the general store that held the post office. When he enters the same men were still seating around the stove, just like the last time he was in the store. He went to the part of the store that held the post office and asked for his mail, he received two bags. He tied them to his horse then walked over to the news paper. The clerk was happy to see him as he had been holding them for months and was glad to be rid of them. Henry being done with his business in town rode on to Knob, at Konb he would repeat his business. After leaving Konb he headed back to the camp site. At the camp he started a fire, then began to read the letters and news papers then put them in the fire and from time to time he would get up and stirred the ashes to be sure that everything was burned. By the time he was done it was going on lunch time; he took his horse and headed back to the boarding house.

Bill had been helping Mr. Owens out in the barn and Bill was saying, “He’s my friend but if I find he has done something wrong in my county I will bring him in.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie.-Chapter 4.

Bill took a look it was a half finish land deed now what would Henry have this? It looked like an official deed but unfinished. Bill folded it and put it in his pocket on the way over to the office he stop at the land office. He hand it to the man behind the desk and said, “Pal take a look at this.”

Pal took it and began looking it over. Then he said, “This is a very good copy of an official land deed it’s a forgery and a good one at that. Bill took it back and put it in his pocket and headed on to the office he had to think about this. What was Henry doing with a forgery of a land deed? When Bill got to the office Mat said, “Bill you look worried.” Bill handed him the piece of paper Mat look it over and said, “So it’s part of a deed what of it? “ “It’s a forgery.” Mat said, “It looks good to me.”
Bill said, “And to any one else the only ones that would know it’s a forgery would be those who work with them.” Mat said, “Where did you get it?” “Mrs. Webb found it under Henry’s bed.” “Maybe he was working on something and couldn’t tell us about it you know how Henry was about people knowing his business.” Bill said, “Could be.” He just didn’t know what to think but he was going to find out if he could.

Henry felt freer then he felt in a very long time no weight from the job on his shoulders and no one trying to kill him yes he was free. The trains went on and on his troubles were left far behind him. He was excited at what lay before him he didn’t know where he was going and didn’t care but he had decided on Wichita Falls as his first stop. When he arrives he found it to be a large city with people going every which way. The first thing he did was find a stable for his horses then on to find a hotel. After leaving the hotel he decided to see what this town had to offer. There were so many people on the streets no one paid him no mind and that was ok with him. As he walked around he found that if he needed a drink it wouldn’t be hard to find as there was at lest two saloons on very street. He found a nice park and would spend some time there over the next two weeks.

One afternoon on retuning from a restful hour in the park, Henry decided to stop off for a beer. While heading up the street he saw a sign that read Red Tail Saloon. Henry had seen it before but never entered, after entering he saw small crowd of man he took it as being still early in the day as it was only 4 o’clock, he took a table in the back with his back to the wall. The bartender came up to his table and said, “Yea,” “Beer.” Henry could see the bartender giving him the once over in the mirror behind the bar. He returned with he’s beer and sit it before him, then turn to leave then turn back and said, “Your shot-gun Miller aren’t you?” “That’s what some call me.” The bartender face lit up. “I’m mighty glad to meet you.” “John is the name.” Henry asked, “Well John have we met?” John answered, “No but I was in Reno a couple months ago saw you there.” “I heard that you were killed just before I left?” Henry said, “All most.” Henry was getting a little pissed off as he just wanted him to go away. John looked over to the bar and said, “I best be getting back to the bar and started to turn away then said.


“Any time you went a beer the first one is on the house.” “Thanks.” Henry harried and finish his beer, as he look around he could see some of the men putting their heads together and talking low, and as Henry didn’t went any trouble he got up and headed for the door once outside he took in some fresher air and head for the hotel.

When he entered the hotel he went up to the desk clerk and asks for his key. As he started for the stairs he heard his name being called, “Mr. Miller? “ Henry was careful about his movements on turning around the Wong kind could get one killed. After he turns around he saw the badge. “Marshal” He said, “Lets talk and pointed to a chair and as he had his hand on his gun he know it wasn’t an invitation. “What can I do for you marshal?” The marshal said, “Well you could tell me why you are here in town?” Henry answered, “No reason your town is the first one I came to.” “Then you’re not looking for anyone officially?” Henry said, “No I’m retired, and I never been to Texas so I though I would look the country over.” “Then you won’t be staying long?” Henry looked at him and said, “Marshal Sounds like you don’t want me in your town?” “It’s not you it’s the repudiation that came with you.” Henry said, “Marshal I’m not here to start trouble I just went to be left alone.” “That’s my hope as well.” Henry stood up and asked, “Any thing else?” “No that’s it.” Henry turns and headed for his room.

Bill entered the office Joel and Mat were at their desks they looked up as he came in and in one voice said, ” Well.” Bill shows them three peaces of paper. “I have a few more answers.” Every since Bill found out about that forged land deed he’s been sending out inquiry’s all over country, he had to find out what Henry had been upto. Bill looked at the letters he had and said, “Well it seems that every town he’s been at he would have the News Papers hold their back issues for him, and the post office always had a sack of mail waiting for him.” Joel said, “I didn’t see anything like that going on here?” Mat also said he hadn’t seen anything. Bill said, “Maybe he didn’t go to draw any attention to himself at any town he had to stay at very long.” Bill went on. “Will for what ever reason he had, it’s beginning to look like are Henry wasn’t as honest as we thought he was.” Although none of them could believe it, Bill had to find the answer.

The next morning Henry left the hotel and headed up town looking for some breakfast.
After he found the restaurant he was looking for he went in and took a table next to the window. A young lady came and asked, “Mr. Miller the same? “ In the last two months he had taken most of his meals here. “Yes please?” He sat there watching the world go by while he waited. Henry heard his name and looked up thinking it was his breakfast. It was the bartender from the Red Tail saloon. “John.” He said, “I came for some eats before heading over to the bar.” Henry nodded and went back to looking out the window.
Henry had decided last night it was time to move on but wasn’t sure which way to head. After he had finished he turned to John and ask. “John you been around this parts for a while? “ “Yes about five years why?” Henry said, “I’m heading out but I’m not sure the way to head? Is there a town or a place that may be of interests near by? “John looked into his coffee for a moment then said.


“Why yes, “Mad Dog “may be to your liking.” John saw the look on Henry face and said, “It’s not what you think the town’s real name is Restful, but a few years ago they had a pack of mad dogs, then after they kill them off the name just stuck.” Henry asked, “Just where is this town,” “day and a half rides do west.” “Thanks I may look it over.”

Henry had been gone about two day’s when a man went to the desk clerk and asked. “Is there a Henry Miller staying here?” The clerk said, “There was upto two day’s ago.” The man turned and went back out to the street. On the street the man looked up and down the street trying to deiced what to do next, then he saw a sign that read “ Red Tail Saloon “ and headed that way.

Henry had entered “ Mad Dog “ and was looking for the stables as he rode through the town he decided he like the looks of it and thought he may stay a while. After he entered the stable a man came upto him and asked what he needed. Henry said he would like to house his horse for a few days and have his shoes looked after. The man said, “Sure, its two bit’s a day and four bits for any shoes you may need.” Henry said that would be fine then asked where a good place to eat was. “Marylou’s” and pointed the way. Henry headed that way and up on entering he found the place clean and the food smell good. Henry found a table and waited. He had taken a table by a window as he looked out he could see some activity on the main street, although not like you would see in a bigger town but for one this size they would call it busy. After eating he stood on the walkway looking up and down the street trying deiced what to do next. Upon deciding he headed for the only hotel in town. Henry went up to the clerk and asked, “You have any rooms to rent?” The clerk asked, “How long?” Henry though a moment then said, “A week.” He signed the book then the clerk handed him his key. On entering the room he found it clean, he went to the window and open it, then laid out on the bed. There was a nice breeze coming from the window and it was so quiet he could hear the songs of the birds. He closed his eyes and listened soon the songs would put him to sleep.

After waking up he saw it was dark, he looked at his watch and saw it was after 7 o’clock.
He got up and put water on face, then felt his stomach and though he could eat. He remember a sign on “Marylou’s “door saying they closed at 9’ o’clock so he had time. He went about the room doing what little business needed to be done then headed for some fresh air. Out on the walkway he stood a moment then stretch out his arms and took a deep breath of fresh air then headed for something to eat. Having eaten he thought he would like something stronger then coffees to rinse it all drown. He looked around and saw only two saloons in town and headed their way. As he neared one he heard a lot of music and voices from inside, but the one drown the street had little sound coming from it he headed that way.

On entering he saw a few men sitting at tables and one or two at the bar. He went to the bar and ordered whisky and took a table and seat with his back to the wall. The bartender came up and asked if there was anything else? Henry said, “It’s awful quite here.”


“That’s because I have no girls nor do I allow gambling.” Henry’s eyes went up, and asked way. “ I can’t afford the girls, I used to have gambling then a few years ago we had a big brawl that like to put me out of business, besides some men like to have their drink in peace and quite.” Henry took a sip of his drink and started thinking that he was likening this town more and more.

Mr. Owens was in town getting supplies at the General Store, while there the clerk handed him two letters one was address to June the other to him. He looked at the return address and saw they were from Bill. Now why would Bill be sending me a letter? He always sent all his information through June. As he had more business to take of he didn’t take the time to read it then. When the buggy was loaded with supplies Owens took out the letter and began to read; Mr. Owens this is official business you are not to reveal any information contained with in, to June nor Henry nor any one else. One, Have you ever see or heard anything that would lead you to believe that Mr. Henry Miller may have had other dealings going on other then marshaling while staying at the Boarding House. Two, you are to proceed to Boyedville, Knob and Paragould and inquire into his dealings. If any one asks why all question just say you’re a friend. Mr. Owens I could have done all this through official channels, but as Henry is are friend I do not wish to cause him any undo trouble. Signed United State Marshal Bill Anderson.

Mr. Owens though to himself, well that’s as official as you can get. He reread the letter and put it back into his pocket. Will there no time like the present he went about town and casually asked questions and when he thought he found out all the information he could he boarded his buggy and headed for the town of Knob. After being in Knob a couple of hours he had all the information he would get so he headed back to the boarding house he know that June would be worrying about him. Back at the boarding house June helped him unload buggy. June said, “I was beginning worry about you.” “I had some unexpected business to take care of in town. She gave him a look but he didn’t respond to it. “June I have business to attend to in Paragould, can you handle it here a couple days alone?” “Yes.” And she gave him that look again and again he did not respond.

After the supplies were all put away Mr. Owens handed June a letter and said, “From Bill.” ” June took a chair open it and began to read. “Bill, Joel and Mat all say Hi, Bill says he hasn’t heard anything from Henry but knows he’s alright or he would have heard by now. June read on then she said, “Bill says he is really enjoying being marshal.” June finish the letter and read it again. After she was done she put it in apron pocket and said it was time to start supper, on that Mr. Owens went back to the bar. At supper Mr. Owens asked, “June when you and Henry went to town did he or you see him do any type of business?” “No not really I mean if you can call going the Post Office and the News Paper, business.” “Although that time we went to Paragould he had some real business there he had some freight waiting for him, he had it taken to the warehouse there and paid a years rent on it.”

The next morning Mr. Owens headed for Paragould, but as he neared the old camp site he turn off the road and headed for it. He took the buggy in as far as it would go then walked the rest of the way. As he entered he could see that the camp was bear, after looking and finding nothing he started to leave then he noticed the fire pit and went to it. He started to poke around and found some charred pieces of paper. Some pieces had writing on them things like, “Would like more on land.” He put them away for safe keeping. He went back to the buggy and turn to the main road and head on to Paragould.
Henry found it was after 9 o’clock when he left the bar. He decided to wander about town but soon found that most businesses were closed, and as he couldn’t see much he turn and headed back to the hotel. When he woke up the next morning he found he had over slept after getting dressed he left the hotel he headed for Mary Lou’s. When he had finished eating he went about looking the town over. The town was laid out in a Y. in all there was about thirty businesses. As he walked along he would look in the windows of some businesses and went into some others he passed by. At the end of Main Street he had to make a decision he could either turn right or left, he decided to go right. When he came to the end of the street there was a large church which was surrounded by an Iron fence with an arch gate.

When he went through the gate he was confronted by a large court yard filled with flowers and religious statues He took a deep breath and calmness came over him he looked about and saw a bench under a large shade and took a seat. His mind begin to wander, he didn’t know how long he had been seating there till he was brought back to reality by the words of, “May I help you my son?” Henry had been in so deep in thought that he almost jumped out of his skin. “Sorry my son I didn’t mean to frighten you so.” Henry looked up and saw who it was and said. “That’s ok Father, I was just admiring the flowers and got lost in thought.” He put out his hand and said, “They call me Father Paul.” Henry took it and said, “Father, Paul.” Henry looked in his eyes and saw wisdom in them. He said, “Sorry I’m not of the faith I just have a thing for parks and flowers.” Father Paul said, “You looked as to have troubling thoughts.” “It’s a long story and I don’t time to tell it to day.” The Father said. “Will you may stop by and talk or just enjoy the flowers any time.”

Henry did come back and over the next two weeks he and Father Paul would talk among the flowers. As the days went by Henry could fell a heavy burden was being lifted off his shoulders and calmness take its place? Henry made a few new friends in town and found he could talk more freely with out having to think about what he was saying. Father Paul was helping him to understand that there was more to life then just being a man. Like Father Paul said. “ Yes one is expected to be a man however if a man is beaten down by those expectations, till there is no calmness or a bit of a child left in him, then he will never be a hole man, and no good to himself or any one else.”
In the beginning of the second week Henry found himself talking more and joking more with his friends and even enjoying a participle joke now and then. Now when he takes his afternoon rides he saw the country side differently not as a man would see it, but that of a child, no not a child but as a young man ready to explore a new world.

The second week was at an end and it was time to say goodbye to Father Paul. “So Henry you found what you were like for.” “Yes Father, I have it was within me all this time I just needed someone to help me see it.” “Well I’m sorry to see you go I have enjoyed are talks together.” Henry said, “You never know I may be back some day.” “Well if you ever do I’ll be here and maybe we can enjoy are talks again?” “So long Father Paul.”

The stranger just came out of the Red Tail Saloon and stood on the walkway trying to decide what to do. He said to himself, “So now he’s in Mad Dog, but will he be there when I got there, Texas is to big to be running all over the country, looking for him I need to form some kind of plan to bring him to me.” He stood there thing then turned and headed back into the Red Tail to from his plan. When he came out again he had formed a plan, he stood for a moment then headed up the street. At the train station he asked the clerk for a ticket for Oklahoma, City, he could have went straight into Reno but if he was seen he would ether would be killed or arrested, no it would be best if he went to Oklahoma, City then back track to Reno.

After Mr. Owens arrived at Paragould he went about asking questions and soon found that Henry pretty much kept to himself. Henrys routine here was the same as the other towns. Mr. Owens had to be careful on how he asked question, for Henry was well known and like here. Mr. Owens last stop was at the freight station and with a little money and a little prodding he was able to find out the return address on the freight. Now that he had all the information he would get he headed up the street to send a wire to Reno.

Bill and Mat looked up as Joel came into the office carrying a hand full of letters and handed them Bill. “Well now let’s see what we got?” He went through them one by one then he saw an address on one that caught his eye and read the address. “Will I’ll be it’s from Mr. Owens from Paragould.” Bill opened the letter and begin to read; To Marshal Bill Anderson, Sir. I have been to all the towns within reach of Boydsville, Arkansas, having found that Mr. Henry Miller for the most part has stayed out of trouble and hasn’t done any business here. His routine on his visits were to the Post Office and News Paper. I have also been to the camp site, found little there, however I did find in the fire pit some burnt letters with some writing on them asking about land? I also found out that in Paragould he had some freight sent to him it’s now housed at the store house paid a years rent on it, the return address was Mr. John Johnson, Reno Oklahoma, This is all there is to be found, Signed, Mr. Owens, Boydsville, Arkansas.
Bill read the letter again then placed it on the desk and pointed at it and said, “Damn it all to hell, boys we got trouble.” Mat and Joel came over to the desk and read it together when they were done, Mat said, “Oh! Howdy.” Joel looked at Bill and Asked, “Well Bill what are you going to do?” Bill said, “I don’t know just yet, but I’m going out to Mr. Johnson place and take a look around.” The next morning Bill told Mat that he would be back around noon, and then headed for the Johnson place. When he reached the house he found it all lock up and with out a court order he would not enter he stood a bit then headed around back.

There wasn’t much in back then he saw the tool shed door was open and headed for it, after entering he saw tools lined the walls then something on a table caught his eye and went over to it. What ever it was it was all covered up, after uncovering it he begin to look it over on closer inspection he saw a plate in the machine. On the plate were some letters the plate was hard to read as they were all backwards. He kept working at it and after a while he knew what it said, it was a copy of a land deed. Bill looked around the shed and found nothing more. He covered the machine back up and upon leaving the shed he shut the door then said to himself, Henry what in the hell are you into.

On the way back to the boarding house Mr. Owens was wondering what he was going to tell June for she would be full of questions, damn you Henry Miller. Mr. Owens was saying to himself, I should have trusted my first instincts about him, but he is now my friend but even so I see he is a man not to be really trusted, I told June he would break her heart someday and it looks like I may be right.

After leaving Mad Dog Henry had planed to head for Wichita Falls, then on to Arkansas and back to June like he promised but as he rode this new calmness had given him a new way of seeing and the curiosity of youth and well hell she gave him a year, he smile to himself turned his horse and headed south and rode into a new adventure.

“Well? Mat asked, “What did you find out at the old Johnson place?” Henry said, “Looks like more trouble.” Then he told Mat and Joel what he found. Joel asked, “Well what are you going to do about it.” Henry said, “For now nothing we don’t know if he has done anything wrong.” Mat said, “That’s true we have no proof.” “And till we do well keep this all quiet and to are self’s.” Both Mat and Joel nodded their heads and went back to work.

Henry had been riding in and out of towns for a month now and had not found one as good as Mad Dog, all the while he had been working his way back to Wichita Falls. Henry had rode in valleys dry creek beds and the range and found he was liking this country more and more he was glad he decided not to work his land scheme here as he may need a place of refuge. The town of Big Rock was coming into view he would stop and see if they had a wire office and if so he would send one to Bill, and tell him he would be head back that way.


The stranger cast a shadow on the wire office wall as he tried to get a better listen, “Joseph take this over to the Marshals Office, sounds important it’s about Henry Miller.”
The stranger waited till the boy Joseph was out of sight, and then headed up the street after him. As he neared the Marshal Office the stranger headed into the alley, so he could come around the side of the office as not to be seen. The stranger bent down below an open window as not to be seen and listen. “Joseph what’s you got?” Bill asked as Joseph handed him the letter. Bill looked at the return it was from Big Rock Texas, he know this could only be from Henry. Bill begin to read the letter; To, Marshal Bill Anderson, Bill I’m heading back your way at the end of next month I’m thinking of spending a few days there before heading towards Arkansas, see you soon your friend Henry Miller. Mat was in the office when the letter came and asked, “What’s up?” Bill said, “Henry is on his way back, and well be staying a few days.” “What we going to do or say about this other mess?” “Not a damn thing we don’t know that he has done anything wrong yet, and as he’s are friend I will be glad to see him again.” The stranger pulled himself from the wall, so the grate Henry Miller is coming back; he put on a smile then turn and faded back into the darkness.

Earlier that morning Henry had stopped under a large shade tree to get out of the direct sunlight as it got hot on the planes early in this country. The tree sat at the base of a small range of mountains, Henry put his hand on his forehead to shade his eyes from the sun then tilted his head back to get a better look at the tops. Henry had spent all his time on the planes now it was time to see what the higher ground had to offer, although the mountains looked close it would be another full day before he reach them. Later the next day found him riding through a meadow of knee high grass toped off in a sea of yellow and white wildflowers, a small creek ran through the meadow Henry stopped to fill his canteen and let his horse take a drink, as he stood there he looked out into what was almost an endless sea of grass. As he rode he was beginning to make out the outline of the tree line that would take him higher he would camp there tonight. Henry had just finished dinner and was laid out on the bed roll, as he laid there his eyes turn to the night sky it was a endless sky filled with bright stars, as he laid there he began to think of June, he though of her and his promise to her, yes he said he loved her and he did but in a way that was hard for him to describe, but was it enough for him to stay, his eyes began to tire and as he close them in sleep he still had June on his mind.

“Mr. Owens I’m going out for a little while“, after she left the boarding house she headed for the open field as she always did at this time of night, when she reached the tree she used as shade in the day she took her seat. She sat there looking out over the field watching the shadows play their games. June looked up at the night sky it was filled with an endless sea of stars, as she stared over the field she did so, so hard that she could almost see him riding across the field and coming to her. June loved Henry every much and she hoped he felt the same, he said he did and would keep his promise to return to her, but was her love for him strong enough to hold him.
Henry had been winding in and out the trees about three hours, when he came across a clearing in the trees he stopped and looked out, far below was the valley he had left far behind, the valley could only be seen as a solid green mass with a crooked blue ribbon running through it, Henry turn his horse and headed for the next rise. He had ridden another two hours when he came to another rise he stopped and looked down into a valley that lay before him. The valley that laid before him looked like all the valleys he had passed the last two days, but as he looked over the valley he could tell there was something different, yes the valleys floor was green like the others and had a river that was larger then the others, but there was something else different, there were puffs of color on the valleys floor. Henry knew this could only mean that there was some kind of civilization in the valley. He stood and looked down trying to decide whether to go forward or turn away. He saw that the sun was setting; he didn’t like the idea of spending another night on the mountain, as the air up this high would get very cold. He looked about then saw a trail that lead down the side of the mountain; he made up his mind and headed down the mountain. By the time he reached the floor it was almost dark and by the time he reached the settlement it was pitch black.

Henry had studied the lay of the land on his way down the mountain and knew this was the main part of the settlement and headed up the road if you could call it that it was more of a dirt trail. As he rode up the road he took in some of the signs which read “Cold Water” this and that, well at lest he knew were he was “Cold Water Texas.” Henry could hear voices coming from the buildings. He stopped in front of a building that had more noise then any other buildings he had passed, he look up at the sign he could barely make it out, one word was saloon. He tied up his horse then checked his guns to be sure they free and his shot-gun was ready for use.

As Henry entered twenty-five heads turned his way, the room was filled with smoke and lamp oil, it took a moment for his eyes to adjust to it, he headed for the bar if you could call it that, the bar was two barrels with a plank on it, the man that stood behind the bar said, “Yah.” Henry looked around and saw no beer “Whiskey.” The bartender looked Henry up and down, “You’re a low lander?” Henry knew he looked out of place, as all the other men were dressed in heavy wool coats and shirts. Henry answered, “Just riding through, is there a place a man can put up a night or two?” The man answered, “Maybel’s, out the door turn left, at the end of the street go right then strait ahead you can’t miss it.” Henry turned and found an empty table and took a seat next to the wall if you could call it that. The saloon was more a tent then a building he had seen many of this kind before, this settlement was a boom town and as the top half of the buildings were made of tents it hadn’t been here long. After leaving the saloon Henry headed for Maybel’s it wasn’t hard to find, it was a large tent with a wooden door on the side of the tent wall was a sign that stated this was Maybel’s on the sign were prices that started at ten dollars a night but was now crossed out, there was a number of figures all crossed out till it read two dollars, it was the same for meals it started at two dollars and end at twenty-five cents.


Henry had seen this all before when a boom was on the prices were high and when it was over the prices came down, and by this sign this boom was over. A short stocky woman of about sixty-five answered to his knock. “Yes how may I help you young man?” Henry looked the woman over he like what he saw, she had a round face and eyes of gray that still held their sparkle that said she was still full of life. “I’m told you may have a bed? “ She looked at Henry and said, “It’s two-twenty-five a night with a meal.” Henry handed her five dollars, she took it with a smile and lead the way. She took Henry to the back of the tent there he found about fifteen cots; she pointed to them and said. “Take your pick,” then turned and left. Henry took one in the far corner, after putting his belongings under the cot he laid out, this was better then the cold hard ground but not by much, but a lest it would be a lot warmer. As Henry laid on his back he looked to the top of the tent and started to think of June, his thoughts of her were interrupted by the clap of thunder, then the rain began. He laid there listening to the sound of the rain hitting the tent, soon his eyes tired and was soon a sleep.

June went about her work but from time to time would stop and got a far away look in her eyes. Mr. Owens saw the look and said, “June quit worrying you’ll just make yourself sick he’ll be back.” June said, “But it’s been almost eight months now.” Mr. Owens said, “True but you gave him a year and it’s no over yet.” June went back work then stopped a short time later. “Why did he have to leave, to find something he lost and doesn’t know what, or where to find it?” Mr. Owens just smiled, and said, “ As a man gets older some times he feels that some how he’s lost something and goes looking for what he knows not, only to find out he was carrying it inside himself all the time.”

June looked at Mr. Owens with questioning eyes. Mr. Owens went on, “Many men go looking for what they thought they had lost and many will not find it, the lucky ones will come to realize that they were carrying it all the time.” Mr. Owens said, “Women go through the same thing but go about it in a different way.” June had stopped working and had taken a seat and was listening to what he was saying and all the while she was thinking. “Then your talking about old age” “Yes.” June said, “But he didn’t have to leave to find that out.” “Yes he did no one could tell him, he has to find it out for himself, and until he realizes he had lost nothing he may never return.” June just seat there thinking then she finely said, “Your talking about getting his youth back but no one can do that.” Mr. Owens said nothing he just stood there staring into space, then came back to the moment and said, “ No that’s true the feelings are still there but buried deep in side one self and until he fines a way to bring them back, well.” “Oh god he’s not coming back.”

Henry woke with a start for a moment he didn’t know, where he was then it all came back to him. He got up and seat on the bed and let his mind clear, the rumbling in his stomach said he was hungry and the smell of food some where out side the tent didn’t help, after getting ready he head for the smell. Once out side he saw Maybel working around a fire, there was a long table set for breakfast. He went up to her and asked a question she turned and pointed to the back of the tent, after he returned from his duty’s he was even hungrier.


Maybel put a plate in front of him and said, venison stew, sorry it’s all I have no supplies coming in, but it will stick to your ribs. When he was done he decided to look over the settlement, as he walked about he could tell from the signs on the ground there had been many tents, but now only a few remained. Henry soon found out why the settlement was there gold had been found and the rush was on, that was a little over two years ago, but the gold soon played out, some stayed still hoping to get rich, but now realize it won’t happen, and now with no supplies coming in and with winter coming on they too will be forced out of the valley.

Henry learned he had forty miles and two mountain ranges before hitting the low lands. Henry spent part of the day watching the men work and talked to some of the women and even played with some of the children. Around noon he went back to Maybel’s for more stew, while setting there he suddenly realized the valley was consistently being filled with the roar of the river. He said something to Maybel about it, she just smiled and said, “You get used to it, it’s when you don’t hear it you better watch out.” “Oh.” “Last Spring the roaring just stop, we just made it to the mountain before the valley filled with three feet of water, we had to spend four days on the mountain before we could come down again.”

Later that afternoon he took a ride through the valley and rode along the river. The valley empty out into a wide canyon, there were only two ways into the valley through the canyon or over the mountains, Henry decided to ride up the mountain, when reached the spot where he first saw the valley he dismounted. He went to the edge and let his legs dangle into open space, as he seat there his thoughts went to June and how she would love to be here. As he seat there and looked over the valley a picture began to form in his mind he saw a Indian village, then it turned to grazing buffalo, a few months ago he won’t have seen these pictures, he took in a deep breath of fresh air and smiled. Henry began to see dark shadows being cast on the valley floor, he got up and remounted his horse and head back into the valley.

It was almost dusk by the time Henry reached the valley, after attending to his horse, he headed for Maybel’s to see if any stew was left, on his way he saw campfires being started and lamps coming on. When he reached Maybel’s she looked him up and down then said, “Looks like you had an enjoyable day.” “How can you tell that?” She answered, “Well for one thing you have a smile on.” “Oh.” She said, “There’s some stew left care for some?” Henry handed over his plate. After he had finish he went about the settlement, stopping now and then to talk to some men, he finely ended up in front of the tent with the faded saloon sign; he looked about then stepped inside.

When Henry entered only a few heads turned as he was known in camp now. Henry went up to the bar, “Jack, Whiskey.” He took his drink and went to a table, as he enjoyed his drink he saw a card game starting up.


Henry seat there watching the game, he had thought of joining the game, then though better of it, as card games and drink don’t mix, and he didn’t need any trouble. As the evening wore on the chairs started to empty, until there was only two men left. Henry had been watching the game all evening, and there was something about the game but he just couldn’t but his finger on it. Henry kept on watching then he saw it, the dealer was cheating. Henry started watching the dealer and after a while he had it all figured out, but said noting but kept on watching. Henry could see that the man who was losing was getting madder and madder.

Henry knew it won’t be long before he said something, and he was right. The loser jump up and took a step back and said, “Jim you son-of-a- bitch your cheating.” Jim spoke, “You’re calling me a cheat?” “Your damn right I am, I just don’t know how but I know you are.” Henry could see this could turn deadly and he just couldn’t let that happen, for the loser had no gun but Jim did, Henry got up and went over to the table and said, “Jim you been cheating all evening and you know it.” Jim said, “Mister what business is this of yours?” Henry answered, “None but you’re wearing a gun and he’s not, I can’t let you shoot an unarmed man.” Most of the men were around the table now.

One of the men in the back came forward and said. “Mister your name won’t happen to be Henry Miller from Kansas would it?” “Yes.” “I thought so I saw you kill two men in Kansas City, gentlemen this is Marshal Miller.” Henry said, “Gentlemen it’s ex-marshal now.” The man spoke, “Being you have been a marshal you have see a lot of cheats?” Henry answered, “Yes I can spot most cheats after a while and Jim here was cheating.” The man asked, “Can you tell us how?” Henry went to the table and took the deck of cards and said, “You all seen how Jim dealt the cards, was it like this.” and he moved his hand away from the candle, “Or like this and moved his hand closer to the candle.

The man said, “His hand was always next to the candle.” Most all the men in the room seem too agreed. Henry said, “This is how it’s done, see the pool of melted candle wax.” and he passed a card over it and they all saw what the card was. The man said, “Well I’ll be damn he’s using the melted wax as a mirror.” Henry said, “Yes that way he knew what each man got.” The man spoke up, “Joseph your nothing but a cheat, ok boys take Jim out.” Henry started to say something, but the man held up his hand and said, “Don’t worry marshal no harm well come to him he’ll be held til tomorrow, then ran him out of the settlement. After the men had left Henry too, left and headed for Maybel’s to get a good night rest for he was to leave this peaceful valley tomorrow.

The next morning Henry spent a few hours saying his fair well’s to some of the men and women he had made friends with, he also saw that Jim was still in camp. Later he ran into the man he had talked to last night and asked about Jim. “Well we were going to run him out but then his wife started to crying and begging us not to, so we let him stay but he’ll be watched.” Henry said. “Well that up to you, but kept in mind that if he knows one way to cheat he knows other ways.”


Being done with his business he went and got his horse, his last stop was Maybel’s, he went inside and got his belongings, back outside he went up to Maybel to say good by. He found her fixing the noon meal. She said, “Well son I’m sorry to see you go and gave him a big hug. “Maybe I’ll head this way again.” She said, “By the time you get back this way, the valley will be empty for good.” Henry said, “that’s too bad, where will you go?’ “ Oh another valley or town, don’t worry well all make out just fine.” Henry gives her one last hug then had to turn away as there were tears in his eyes and he didn’t know way. He took to his horse and rode across the valley floor for the last time and entered the canyon.

Henry had been on the trail for two weeks when reached the outer limits of Wichita Falls. Henry took care of his horse, and then headed for the hotel, up on entering he saw the same clerk, and he went up to the desk and asked for a room. “Yes Mr. Mill, would like the same room you had last?” “That would be fine.” As Henry turn to leave the clerk asked, “Oh by the way did you friend ever catch up to you?’ Henry turned back and asked, “What friend.” “Oh around a month ago this gentleman came in and asked about you then left.” Henry asked, “What did he look like.” The clerk told him. “Has he been in lately?” “No that was the first and last time I seen him.” Henry thanked the clerk and headed for his room. When he entered the room He went to the window and looked out then he started pacing the floor he had to think.

Then was only one man Henry knew by that description the clerk give. Henry thought to himself it could only be the stranger, but how in the hell did he know to look for him here? Henry readied his room then left the hotel out side he headed for the restaurant he know, after taken his table he like the waitress came up and said. “Well Mr. Mill it’s been a while would like you’re usual?” “Yes.” While he enjoyed his meal he looked out the Widow, thinking he may see some one he knew like maybe the stranger. Back out side again he stood on the walkway and looked about, nothing in Wichita had changed the people were still going every which way. Then he spotted a sign he knew and headed that way. Henry stood in the door way and looked inside, he saw John behind the bar; he entered the Red Tail Saloon.

John looked up and saw Henry and said, “Well I’ll be damn if it isn’t Henry Miller.” Henry said, “Beer.” John said, “Remember the first one is on the house.” “Thanks.” Henry took a table and sit with his back to the wall. When John brought his beer he pointed to a chair and Henry gave a nod. Although Henry didn’t like him much he thought he could get some news out of him. John took a sip of his drink that he had brought with him then asked, “Did you ever find Mad Dog?” “Yes it was a nice town.”
John said, “Oh before I forget there was a guy in a while back looking for you.” “Oh.”
“Yes he said he was a friend of yours, so I told him were you went, did you see him?” “No” “To bad he acted like he really wanted to see you.” Henry asked, “Have you seen him lately?” “No that was the first time and the last time I seen of him.” Henry seat there thinking, he knew it had to be the stranger. Henry finished his beer and left the saloon, out side he stood and thought to himself, the stranger had been in town looking for him then he left, but where in the hell did he go, I don’t like this at all.


Henry went up the street to the wire office, he sent one to Bill, saying he would be in Reno in three days then he sent one to the town of Mad Dog. Wichita had a fine park and as it would be a while before he received an answer he headed that way. After enjoying the park he headed back to the hotel when he got there he found a letter waiting for him, he saw it was from Mad Dog. Henry open the wire and read, No one looking for you here all is quite, sign Father Paul.

Bill and Mat were on patrol when Joel met up with them, Marshal got a wire for you. Bill took it and looked it over he saw it was from Wichita Falls Texas. Bill read it then said, “Well boys it’s from Henry he’s in Wichita he’ll be here in four days. Mat said, “Boy it will be good to see him again.” That goes for me too Joel said. Bill said, “That goes for me too, now remember we say nothing about what we found out, he’s are friend and I don’t went to cause him any trouble and less there’s a need.” Bill asked, “Mat can you finish the patrol alone I need to send a wire.” “Sure Bill I can handle it.” Bill told Joel to head back to the office and he would meet him there later.

On the way to the wire off Bill’s mind was working, Henry is my friend and he saved my life more then once, but if we find he has been doing something against the law, I will have to bring him in I took a oath to up hold the law and if it comes down to it I will bring him in dead or a live. When Bill got back to the office he read the letter again an about the stranger, he didn’t like this at all there’s going to some big trouble. He hadn’t said anything in the letter to June for he didn’t went to worry her. Bill knew that when ever Henry and the stranger met up any one around Henry could be in real danger. Bill thought about it some more then told Joel he would be back and headed for the wire office again.

Mr. Owens was working at the bar when he heard the front door opened. “Well howdy Jim, it’s been a while.” “Yes it has the wife keeps me busy, how about a beer?” Jim and Mr. Owens talked for a while then Jim said he had better go or his wife would give him hell when he got home. Jim was almost to the door then turned back; he reached into his pocket and took out two letters and handed them to Mr. Owens. “I almost forgot to give you these; it’s why I stopped in the first place. “Thanks.” After Jim had left Mr. Owens looked at the two letters they were from Reno and one was addressed to him and June. The other was addressed to him this he put in his pocket for now. Mr. Owens called out, “June will you come here?” June came from the back. “Yes?” “We got a letter from Reno would you like to read it?” June answered, “Yes I would.” She took the letter and took a seat then opened it and began to read. “Oh Bill says Henry will be in Reno in four days then he’s going to stay for a week or so, then he’ll be heading our way.” Mr. Owens said. It will be nice to see him again.” “Nice, it will be grate, well I better get back to work.” as Mr. Owens watched June head back to the kitchen he thought her steps looked a little higher and he smiled to himself. After June had left Mr. Owens open the letter and read. Mr. Owens I didn’t put this in the first letter as I didn’t went to upset June, yes Henry is on his way back, but he says that the stranger is on the hunt again it seems that the stranger followed him to Texas.


Henry stated that he didn’t know how he found out but he did. Says he found out about it when he got back to Wichita Falls it seems that the stranger had been asking questions all over town about him, then he just up and disappeared. I thought I better let you know as we don’t know, just were he’ll turn up next. On this other business, that was official and not to be talk about to any one. When Henry heads back your way I’ll see if I can get some time off and come back with him, till then. Marshal Bill Anderson.

Later that evening before starting his patrol, Bill stopped at the Last Stop saloon for a beer. While enjoying his beer he saw Joel come in and he motion him over to the table. “Let’s have a talk.” Joel took a seat, “What about.” Bill answered, “About Henry coming back.” As they talked, back in a dark corner of the bar the strangers eyes opened wide and he leaned forward to hear better. As bill and Joel talked the stranger listen to every word, after a will they both get up and left. The stranger stayed to have another beer and while he was drinking he started to talk to himself, “Well Henry is coming back, will Bill looks like I won’t have to kill you after all.” It had been the strangers plan to kill Bill and let it be known that he did it, he know that would have brought Henry running back to Reno. The stranger lifted his glass in a salute and said, “This was your luck day Bill Anderson.”

After reading the letter Henry started for his room, “Mr. Miller.” Henry turned to the sound of his name and there stood the marshal. Henry asked, “Yes marshal what, can I do for you?” The marshal pointed to a chair Henry took it then the marshal asked, “How long are you going to be in town?” Henry answered, “Not long just for the night, I just get in from Cold Water, and now I’m heading back to Oklahoma.” “Cold Water never heard of it.” Henry said, “it was a boom town about two hundred miles out.” The marshal asked, “You say was.” “Gold played out.” The marshal went on, “I heard you were back in town and I also heard some one been asking around about you, you know any one looking for you?” Henry answered. “I only know one person, we call him the stranger.” The marshal looked at Henry with questioning eyes. Henry went on, “No one knows his name we just call him the stranger, he tried to kill me in Arkansas but missed then four times in Oklahoma, and we still don’t know way, he’s been trying to kill me but he’s not every good at it.” The marshal asked, “Have you see or heard from him.” No and if I had you would have known by now.” “Why’s that?” Henry said, “Because I would either be dead or he would be.” The marshal stood up “Just don’t miss your train.” He put out his hand Henry took it then the marshal turned and left. Henry went to his room, in it he found that his nerves were on edge he tried to rest on the bed, but the noise from the street kept him from doing so. He got up and looked out the window, then he looked around the room and found a chair that looked comfortable, and then he placed it next to the window and seat in it, then he blow out the lamp and waited for morning. Henry woke with a start then he realize he was still in the chair, he out stretch his arms and gave a big yawn, then he got up and started to walk around the room to take out the kinks.


After he finished getting ready for the day he left the room and headed for the front desk.
When he reached the desk he was given a letter, he took it then went outside. Once outside he took a bench in front of the hotel, he opened it and began to read. Henry haven’t seen or heard from the stranger, but the boys and I have been keeping a look out for him. I also wrote Mr. Owens and told him to keep a look out, as we don’t know where he’ll turn up. I also told him not to say anything about it to June; we don’t want to upset her if it can be helped, Signed. Marshal Bill Anderson. Henry didn’t like this, no one has heard from the stranger, but Henry knows he will show up sooner or later. He put the letter away then headed for breakfast, later after he left the restaurant he wander about town to see what he could see all the while he was heading towards the park. The park made him feel more at ease and reminded him of the talks he had with Father Paul.

After leaving the park he headed for the hotel then decided to stop at the Red Tail Saloon. John was behind the bar, Henry went to his table then John brought his beer, Henry looked around and said, “A little slow today.” John said, “Come back to night the place will be hopping.” “Maybe I will.” Henry finished his beer then ordered another after he had finished he headed over to the hotel. When left his room it was after 8 o’clock in the evening. He was almost to the door when he heard his name being call Henry turn to see the clerk holding up a letter he went to the desk and took it. “Thanks.” Outside Henry looked at the letter it was from Reno, thinking it was business he put it in his pocket and headed for dinner. After taking his table a waitress came up and asked, “Would you like your usual?” He started to say yes then changed his mind and said, I think I’ll have the chicken. When he was back outside he saw it was a little before nine and decided to walk up the street, later on his way back he started to pass the saloon, as he did he took a look inside. The place was full and John was behind the bar, as he started to pass John saw him and waved him in. Henry started to pass but changed his mind and step inside.

He looked around for a table as the one he liked was taken, evidently John had seen Henry looking for a table for he came up to him holding a beer and said, “This way I have a table for you.” John led him to a green felt table that sat in one corner and was block off. John said, “this is the bosses table and for special guests, people around here knows this is the bosses table so you won’t be messed with here they know better.” Henry took his seat and started to enjoy his drink. The bar was full and noisy so much so you could hardly hear the piano playing. Henry was enjoying himself, as men stopped at his table from time to time for small talk, Henry noticed that about four or five card games had started up, He was just finishing his last beer when he saw one of the men at one of the card games jump out of his chair, he could hardly hear what the men were saying. The man that had jump up seemed to be saying something like, “Mister your just too damn lucky,” the other was saying something like, “Well if you don’t like it the take your money to other game.” Henry had watched the game off and on through the evening but couldn’t tell who was dealing. Now that the chair was empty he could see who the dealer was, he couldn’t believe it, it was Jim from cold water. Henry thought to himself here’s trouble.


Henry looked for a candle on the table but there was none, he knows that Jim had to be cheating but he couldn’t see just how. Henry moved his chair so he could see between the payers. He didn’t see anything on the table; the only thing he saw was an open watch that was in front of him. Henry keeps watching him deal then after a while he saw how he was doing it. Henry looked towards the bar and finely got John’s attention and he came over. “Mr. Miller what can I get you?” Henry said, “John I want you to get someone to go find the marshal and bring him here.” John gives him a questioning look. Henry said, “I’ll tell you later, now hurry before someone gets killed.” John headed back to the bar, he thought to him self if Henry Miller wanted a marshal that’s what he was going to get. Back at the bar John walked to the end and said something to a man standing at the end and the man left in a hurry. John knew that if Shot-gun killing Miller was asking for a marshal he needed help. John eyed the shot gun under the bar; if Henry needed help before the marshal got there he would help him if he could.

Henry kept on watching the game, he could see the man that had jumped out of his chair was getting restless and he knew it may not be long before he was up and out of his chair again, and if that happen things could get deadly. It had been about forty-five minutes since someone left to find the marshal. Henry had just finish the last of his beer when he heard, ”You son-of a bitch, no one is that good.” Jim said, “Are you calling me a cheat.” “You’re damn right I am, let me see those cards.” Jim said, “You have to pay to see them.” Henry by now had made his way to the table and was standing behind the man. The man standing had a gun; Jim who was sitting may or may not have a gun Henry couldn’t tell. The man spoke again, “damn you let me see those cards.” Jim answered, “No I don’t think so.” The man said, “Then died.” and went for his gun. Henry step up and put the barrel of his gun over the man’s head and he fall to the floor out cold.

The men at the table started to stand but Henry moved his gun around and said, “Take your seats gentleman well wait for the marshal.” Henry turns his gun on Jim and said, “I see you’re at it again.” Jim at first couldn’t see who was standing behind the man but now he could and when he saw Henry he turn white and said, “marshal Miller.” “Well Jim I see you got caught again.” “Now marshal I wasn’t cheating.” Henry said, “Now Jim you know you were and would you like me to tell these men how.” “No.” “What in the hell is going on here.” Henry saw the marshal coming with his gun drawn, he put his gun away.

When the marshal saw Henry he said, “So it’s you I knew something like this would happen if you stayed in town to long, well let’s have it.” Henry said, “Well this here is Jim from Cold Water and he likes to cheat at cards.” “I caught him there and now his here, doing it again.” The marshal asked, are you sure?” “Yes I am given enough time I can always spot a cheat, and here’s how he did it.” Henry reached over and took the watch, and sat it before him. “See the inside of the watch cover, see how it shines.” Then he reached over and took a hand full of cards and passed them over the watch and as he did each card could be seen.


“Well I’ll be damn he used the watch as a mirror.” “Yes no one caught on because the watch always faced him.” The marshal pointed his gun at Jim and said, “all right Jim you’re coming with me and you to Henry.” When they came by the bar Henry said, “Hold it a second marshal.” Henry went up to John and said, “When he wakes up give him and pointed the man still on the floor, a beer on me and tell him how lucky he was to night.”

When they were outside the marshal said, “Hold up Jim, then turn to Henry “What time did you say you were catching the train?” Henry answered, “8 o’clock in the morning why?” The marshal answered, “Because I’m going to be there to see that you get on, now I want you to go to your hotel and stay there.” Then the marshal asked, “How did you get into this any way?” Henry said, “Well I saw Jim here cheating and I knew there maybe some shooting, and I didn’t went to be killed by a missed shot that would have ruined my day.” Then Henry smiled. Then the marshal said, “So you think this is all funny, well I’ll tell you what will be funny if you miss that train in the morning.” then he give Henry a hard look then poked Jim in the ribs and said, “Lets go.” Then turned and left Henry standing there. Henry thought to himself, the marshal had been right there wasn’t anything funny about it, he was just glad to have lived another day.

When Henry got to his room he took off his jacket, then remembered the letter he took it from his jacket and began to read, Friend I know when your coming and I’m waiting for you and you better hurry I can’t wait to long if you don’t come soon I may have to kill a friend of yours so you better hurry, signed a friend. Henry took a seat and reread the letter, He knew that his friends were ok so far or he would have head something by now, but that didn’t stop him from worrying.

The next morning Henry turned in his key and headed for the stables to see about his horse. After every thing was taken care of he headed for breakfast as he was leaving the restaurant, John step inside. John said, “I hear your leaving on the morning train.” “Yes.” John said, “Well if you head this way again, remember the first one is on the house.” “I’ll remember.”

As Henry already had his return ticket and had a little time left he headed for the park.
After enjoying the park, Henry started for the station. When he got there he found the marshal waiting. The marshal said, “Well I see you made it on time.” The marshal could see that Henry’s eyes were a little red and said, “Didn’t get much sleep last night?” Henry said, “I got this yesterday.” and gave him the letter. “Looks like your heading into trouble.” Henry said, “Yes, but I have to go.” “I know.” By now the train had arrived, Henry took the marshals hand. As Henry boarded the train it started to move, he found a seat and started to think, well back to Reno and maybe my death. It had been almost two days that Henry had been riding the train and in that time he was working on a plan on what to do.


Then decides it would safe to enter Reno in the daylight as the stranger always tried to kill him only at night. It was hard to get any rest on the train as it was always swaying from side to side. At the end of the second day the train stopped at a town that Henry couldn’t remember the name of, and as the train started to move again he heard his name being called. Henry turner around and there stood Mrs. Webber and her son Jimmy. Henry said, “Well Mrs. Webber how nice to see you and you too Jimmy.” Here take a seat; they took seats a cross from Henry. Mrs. Webber brought Henry up to date on the doings in Reno and Jimmy added some of his stories also. Henry told some stories of Texas, and before they know it they were entering Reno.

Bill was more on edge now as the trains arrival was near. Bill had Joel and Mat patrolling the area. They had been patrolling the town all day looking places for an ambush. Bill thought Henry would be safe arriving in the day as the stranger always struck at night. Bill saw Mat and Joel walking toward him. Joel said, “All clear.” As clear as we can make it.” Mat had been looking down the tracks. “Here she comes.”

As the people were getting off Bill kept looking around, then he saw Jimmy getting off then Mrs. Webber, Bill greeted her, “Mrs. Webber how was your visit to your sister?” “I had a lovely time.” Bill looked up and there was Henry standing in the door way looking about; Bill noticed that there was something different about him. Henry greeted Bill and the others and shook hands all around. Bill spoke, “Mat will you see to his horse? Then come over to the office.” At the office Henry was saying how the town had grown. Bill said, “Yes it has and it still growing it won’t be long and I’ll have to hire a new deputy.” and looked at Henry. “No.” Bill just smiled.

As Henry listened he notices something different about Bill a little older to be sure but there was something else, it was his eyes they were hard looking with deep lines under them, to deep for one so young. Bill was saying, “Now about this stranger.” Henry what makes you thinks he’s here?” Henry said, “I don’t think, I knew he’s here and Henry handed him the letter. As Bill read Henry walked over to the window and looked out.
When Bill was done he gave it to his deputy’s to read. Bill went up to window and Henry said, “I had been thinking of going straight to Arkansas then I got the letter, he knew I would come and he was right, I couldn’t let my friends get killed because of me.” Bill asked “How long are you going to stay?” Henry said, “As long as it takes.”

When Bill entered the house he called out. “Mrs. Webber, we have a guest.” Mrs. Webber came out of the kitchen, and said, “Nice to see you again Henry.” Bill said. He’s staying Joel’s room.” Then he turned to Henry, “I have to get back to the office, after you get settled and had some rest, come over to the office and well make some plans.” Bill headed out the door then turns back and said, “Oh by the way Jack Peterson will be on guard duty tonight so don’t, go and shoot him by mistake.” After dinner he went to his old room to get some badly needed rest.
Henry had just left the house when Jack Peterson came around the corner of the house, Henry said, “Mr. Peterson I see you’re on the job.” Jack said, “Yes till you leave town.” Henry started for the office and Jack followed, Henry turned around and asked, “Jack, are you following me?” Jack answered, “The marshal said I was to go where ever you go, just think of me as your second shadow.”

Over at the office Henry was saying, “But I don’t need a guard.” Bill answer, “Well you got one like or not, I’m not letting you get killed in my town if I can help it.” Henry said, “But if I have someone hanging on my coat tail he my not try.” After they talked about it a while Bill finely said, “Ok, ok I’ll have him guard the house at lest Mrs. Webber will feel safer and you can sleep a litter easier.” Bill went to the door and called out. ”Jack.” Bill had just got to his desk when Jole and Mat entered.

Joel thought out loud, I wondered why he didn’t try for you in Wichita Falls.” Henry said, “Could be he decided Texas was too big, and it was easier for me to come to him.” Mat added, “Besides that he didn’t know Wichita that well but knows Reno like the back of his hand.” Bill said, “That’s true enough, we hunted for him many time before and he couldn’t be found.” They talked it over and over and decided the best plan was no plan. Bill was saying, “About all we can do is keeping up the patrols as he has the upper hand.” Henry said, “Yes although we have him out numbered he has the surprise of attack on his side.” Bill said, “Joel you and Mat had better be thinking about the evens patrol.” Joel said, “Your right, come on Mat.”

Henry left the Marshal’s Office, then heading up the street to look the town over. As he walked the streets he found things a lot different there were more streets and buildings, and a lot more people. He stopped and looked about him, his town was gone it was now a city. Henry was making his way back to the house when he found himself in front of the Last Stop Saloon; he took a look in then decided to have a beer. Henry had finish half of his beer when he saw Bill coming his way. Bill pointed to the glass and asked, “Another.” Henry said, “Why not”. “Well how do you like the town?” Henry said, “Ok I guess, this town turned into a city and you know how I hate cities.” Bill gives Henry a look. Henry saw it and said, “Oh don’t get me wrong I’m glad for the people they needed it, I’m just glad I resigned when I did.” Over the next few hours Henry told of some of his adventures in Texas. Bill said, I think I would have liked Cold Water.” Henry said, “Yes it’s still wild out there, it’s too bad it had to die you would have fit right in.” Bill took a look at his watch and said, “I better get on patrol.”

Henry left the bar and headed for the house, before the streets had been dark and uninviting but now it was like walking in the day light as there were rolls after rolls of street lamps. As Henry turned the corner some light shined on some bright metal. In the darkest part of the alley stood the stranger with his rifle pointed at Henry’s back. The stranger said to himself it’s time to die Henry Miller then he stop no this is too easy. I think I’ll let you live a little longer.


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