Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie.-Chapter 5.

Bill pointed to the glass and asked, “Another.” Henry said, “Why not”. “Well how do you like the town?” Henry said, “Ok I guess, this town turned into a city and you know how I hate cities.” Bill gave Henry a look. Henry saw it and said, “Oh don’t get me wrong I’m glad for the people they needed it, I’m just glad I resigned when I did.” Over the next few hours Henry told of some of his adventures in Texas. Bill said, I think I would have liked Cold Water.” Henry said, “Yes it’s still wild out there, it’s too bad it had to die you would have fit right in.” Bill took a look at his watch and said, “I better get on patrol.”

Henry left the bar and headed for the house. Before the streets had been dark and uninviting but now it was like walking in the day light as there were rolls after rolls of street lamps. As Henry turned the corner some light shined on some bright metal. In the darkest part of the alley stood the stranger with his rifle pointed at Henry’s back. The stranger said to himself it’s time to die Henry Miller then he stop, no this is too easy, I think I’ll let you live a little longer.

Henry was a little on edge as the first week turned into two. He was just leaving Reno Park, he had found it on the second day he was back it was a nice addition to the town.
Henry was headed back into town he wanted to talk things over with Bill. Henry was saying, “Why hasn’t he tried anything, I know he knows I’m here.” Bill said, “Could be he’s just working on your nerves.” Henry said, “Bill I can’t stay here forever, I’ll have to leave here soon, but I would hate to leave you in this predicament.” Bill answered, “It goes with the job we knew the risks when we took it.” Henry said, “Then I’ll make plans to leave next Saturday, maybe if he knows I’m leaving he’ll make his try.” Henry left the office and headed up town to visit old friends the rest of the afternoon he spent going into stores to see what was new.

Henry was on his way back to the Marshal’s Office when he saw a familiar face coming his way. Henry greeted his friend, “Well John what beings you way out this way?” “Oh I had a prisoner to take to Oklahoma City, and then I found I had some time so here I am.” Henry asked, “Where are you headed.” “Over to your office to report you know the drill.” Henry said, “It’s not my office any more I resigned.” John asked, “Who’s the marshal now?” Henry answered, “Bill Anderson, you remember my deputy.” John said, “You bet I still get a laugh when I think of that time in Helena.” Henry said, “I’ll go with you I was going over myself.”

When they were in the office Henry said, “Bill you remember Marshal John Wilson?” “Yes I do what can I do for you Marshal Wilson?” “I just came in to report and to let you know I’ll be in town a few days.” He turned to Henry. “How about a few drink later?” Henry said he would be glad too. John asked, “When and where?” Henry answered, “Oh lets say 8 o’clock, at the Last Stop.”

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John said that would be fine and turned and left. After John left Bill said, “John’s being here at this time could turn out to be a good thing you think he would be willing to help?” “Yes if he’s asked.” They talked a while then said he would see him later.

On the way back to the house he decided he needed to get out of the city for a while. When entered the house Mrs. Webber was cleaning he asked her if Jimmy was around. She said she thought so and went to the back door and called for him. When he got to the house Henry asked, “Jimmy how would like to go hunting with me in the morning.” “I would like that what time?” Henry said, “No later then 4:30a.m.” Jimmy said, “I’ll be ready, you bet.” Henry told Mrs. Webber not to let him rest passed dinner, then headed for his room. Dinner bring over Henry headed for town on the way he noticed the Reno Park sign and turned in. He enjoyed the park and its flowers and its many shade trees, parks always helped to ease his mind and make things a little clearer. When he was leaving he was paying no notice to any thing like he should have been.

Henry looked up and almost crapped his pants, there sitting on his horse was the stranger and he had his six- gun pointed at him. While holding his gun on him the stranger said, “I hear your thinking of leaving on Saturday, well you won’t make it.” Henry asked, “And why not .” The stranger answered, “Because you’ll be dead.” Then put on a big smile. Henry asked, “Then I’m not dieing today?” The stranger said no not today but soon very soon. “I could have killed you on your first day back and I had you in my sights.” Henry asked, “Why are you so hell bent on killing me.” “I well never tell till your dieing or I’m dieing, but here is something to think about, go back in your mind fifteen years. “ The stranger gave Henry a wicked smile then kicked his horse and was gone.

Henry stood there with sweat running down his face he wiped his face and headed for the Marshal Office. Bill saw Henry’s face when he entered and said, “Your look like you seen a ghost.” “No ghost but the devil himself and he had a six-gun.” Bill said, “You say he had you and you’re still standing.” “Yes he had my dead bang, but it seems I’m to live a while longer but not passed Saturday.”

Later that even Henry entered the saloon John was siting at a table he took a chair and ordered a beer. John and Henry spent the evening talking of old times and Henry told tells of Texas. John was saying those were good tmes.” Henry said, “John you known me a long time, do you remember what we were doing fifteen years ago.” John thought for a while then said, “As I remember I was in some town in Kansas and you were just starting out as a deputy marshal in Missouri Why?” Henry told John of the stranger and when he was done John said, “I told you those parks would be the death of you.” “Will you help us?” John said, “You’re my friend you know I will.” “Good lets find Bill.”

When Henry woke the next morning he still had the taste of beer in his mouth. As he came into the kitchen he found Jimmy waiting for him. Jimmy said, “I’m ready.” “Have you eaten?” Jimmy said, “No I’m not hungry.” “You well be.”


John was just getting started when Mrs. Webber came in. “Here, here I’ll do that and in no time they were out the door. Henry and Jimmy had been riding east for an hour then turned north. Henry said, “We should be at the meadow soon, we better walk the rest of the way on foot. Henry asked Jimmy if he had ever been hunting before, Jimmy stated that he had not; Henry told Jimmy it was time to learn. Henry put a hand on Jimmy’s shoulder then they bent low and moved into the meadow. After they found a tree and were sitting Henry showed Jimmy how to use the rifle, they were sitting on the wet ground as the dew had not burned off. Henry soon put his hand on Jimmy’s shoulder and a finger to his mouth, and then pointed to the clearing there stood two deer. Henry whispered to Jimmy which one to take, Jimmy aimed then fired the deer jumped then ran. Jimmy said, “I missed.” “Just wait.” The deer went about twenty yards then fell. They hurried to the deer; Henry took out his knife out and bent down. Henry asked Jimmy to help him get it to the tree so he could dress it out. While Henry worked Jimmy was quite and on the ride back he was just as quite.

While Henry worked Jimmy was quite and on the ride back he was just as quite. Henry asked why. Jimmy said, “Did you see how magnificent it was now it’s died and I killed it.” Jimmy looked a little pale, and said, “I will not kill again.” Henry looked at his face, he had seen the look before in other men faces and knew Jimmy meant what he said. Henry said, “It’s nothing to be ashamed of many men can’t kill for many reasons, you learned a good lesson today. When they arrived at the house Jimmy helped with the horses then went to the house without saying anything. When Henry entered the kitchen Mrs. Webber said Jimmy didn’t like well and asked if anything had happened. Henry told her what had happened. She said, “Poor child.” “He’s young, it well just takes a little time, he learned a good lesson, and it’s too bad other men didn’t learn it as well as he did.”

Bill was saying John you’ve known Henry a long time have you noticed anything different about him? “Now that you say something, he seems to walk a little taller and his eyes don’t look as hard and he smiles more.” Bill said, “Yes I noticed it too, I wonder what happen to him in Texas? “I don’t know but it looks on him, now about tonight.”

It was Wednesday night and Henry had only four days left. Monday and Tuesdays night plans hadn’t worked maybe tonight they will. Bill was telling of the plan. “Well start at the stables and work are way out from here, Henry you’re the bait again the rest will take to the alleys. Henry’s eyes ached from trying to pierce into the darks of the alleys as he walked by. The evening wore on and nothing happened and finely the patrol came to an end. Well for someone bent on killing me he sure taking is time. Bill said, “He’s going to try but he’s the only one who knows when and where and that’s going to make it harder to catch him.” Henry said, “Well I’m for one is calling it a night.” Then said he would talk to them in the morning, then turned and headed for the house.

As he entered the Kitchen he saw Mrs. Webber and Jimmy siting at the table, it looked like She had been crying and he had his head down. Henry asked, “what has happened?’ “Me.” Henry turned to the sound there stood the strange with his gun pointed at him. Henry asked, “Where’s Jack?” The stranger said, “Sleeping.” Henry asked, “What do you want?” The stranger said, “I think it’s time for you to die,” And leveled his gun at Henry. Just then the kitchen door opened and in step Bill, “What the.” Then a shot ring out and more followed. Then there was a ball of orange fire then it was dark a few more shots then a crash and all was quite again. “Mother, Mother Henry she hurt.” Henry hurried to what was left of the window and looked out into the dark the stranger was no where in site. Henry said, “Bill go find a light.” When he brought back a lamp they saw Mrs. Webber laying on the floor unconscious in a small pool of blood. When Jimmy saw his mother he started to cry. Henry looked her over then told Jimmy she would be ok but told him to find the Doc., Jimmy took off running. “Bill lets get her on a bed; they took her to Bill’s room. The hold ordeal had lasted a few minutes. As they were coming out of Bill’s room Joel, Mat and John came in with their guns drawn. Joel said, “We just saw Jimmy said his mother was shot?” Bill said she had been but would be ok.

Bill told Joel to see if he could find Jack. By now the Doc., Was there looking after Mrs. Webber. When Joel came back he had Jack with him. “He was just coming too when I found him.” Jack said he was rounding the corner of the house when he heard something and as he turned the lights went out. Then Henry and Bill told their side of the story.

The last two days were uneventful and Mrs. Webber was much better and as for Jimmy well he was staying close to his mother. Bill had made arrangements to leave on Saturday with Henry. John would be leaving on the same day Henry spent the day visiting friends and going to the park but was more careful this time. Bill kept at his duty’s and sent a letter to June saying that they would be there in about three days. Henry took a morning ride out to the Johnson place, although the old man was gone he like to look the place over and he had made some friends at the German settlement and he like to use his native tongue from time to time.

Later that afternoon Henry found John in the Last Stop Saloon. He was asking John how far he was going. “Helena, I have to stop at the court house, then I’ll ride out from there, and you?” “We get off at Paragould.” Henry had one last beer then told John he had to go as he had promised Mrs. Webber that he would have one last dinner with her and Jimmy. After he had finished he said it was time to get packing, when he came down again he said his good by’s then headed for the Marshal Office.

Bill was talking, “Two more hours to go looks like you’ll get out of town with out getting killed.” Henry said, “I’m not on the train yet.” John who was also in the office along with Joel and Mat asked, “If you make it you think the stranger will follow?” Henry said, “I’m afraid so, that means June and Mr. Owens could become targets as well.” Mat said, “It’s too bad we couldn’t get him here.”

Joel asked, “Bill anything we need to know about.” “None, but I hear Tim Halaway will be in town you might keep an eye out for him.” Henry asked, “Whose Tim Halaway?” Max said, “He’s a farmer from out south, comes in about onec a month, normally he’s ok but when he gets drunk and usely does he’s trouble.

“Joel you and Mat go a head of us and look around the station, we’ll follow in about half hour.” Then Bill turned to Henry and asked, “You think he’ll try something?” Henry answered, “He has to if he’s going to keep promise of me not getting on the train a live, but then he may not be able to after what happen the other night.” Bill said he thought it was time to head for the station. As they walked they kept an eye out for anything to happen then the station was in site. Henry thought they were going it made it but then they heard, “Henry Mill.” He turned around there sit the strange on his horse and he had all three of them covered. The stranger waved his gun from side to side and said, “You two,” and pointed to John and Bill; move out the way unless you want to die.” That was one mistake Bill hoped he would make another and waited for it. The stranger asked Henry, “Did you remember what I said?” Henry said, “Yes but fifteen years was a long time ago.”

“I’ll tell a little more, it was in a town in Missouri and a bank robbery.” Bill kept at the ready. Henry thought about it, and then as the stranger saw a little recognition in his eyes he leveled his gun. The strangers full attention how was on Henry, this was what Bill was waiting for his whip flashed out there was a loud crack as the end of the whip hit the tip of the horses nose. The horse reared backwards and so did the stranger and as he was falling backwards his gun went off; the horse took off in a run. The stranger had almost fallen to the ground but his foot got stuck in the stirrup and was now being drugged over the ground. The stranger’s screams could be heard as his horse ran past the station and out of town. Joel and Mat who had seen what had happened ran to two near by horses and took off after him. They were soon back saying it was to dark to see anything but had found some blood here and there. John said, “More then likely the horse kick him to death.” As the train had arrived Henry Bill and John boarded the train, for there was no need to stay as the stranger was gone for now. The train started to move and Henry was on his way back to June.

June was reading a letter she just received, it was from Bill, saying that he and Henry would be there in about three days. “Mr. Owens, he’s coming and Bill is coming with him.” Mr. Owens asked, “When.” June answered, “In about three days, Bill says there is something different about him since he came back Texas, but says not to worry they are for the better. Mr. Owens said, “Looks like he may have found what his was looking for, good for Him.” “Oh Mr. Owens I have so much to do to get ready, I have to see to his room oh! There is so much.” Mr. Owens just laughed, ”June you have plenty of time to get ready.”

The train had pulled into Paracould and Bill and Henry were saying their good bys.
“Will John it was good to have had you with me again it was like old Times.” “Yes it was like old times maybe well meet again.” Then he took Henry’s hand and then Bill’s, they then turned and head for the stables. The ride was enjoyable as the weather was fair as they rode Bill asked, Henry you think we saw the last of the stranger?” Henry replied, “It’s hard to tell Joel nor Mat found any trace of him, so if he’s alive he’ll be coming just how soon who can tell but he will be coming.” “You should have killed him when you had the chance.” Henry said, “You could be right I may live to regret it.” As dusk came they found they were near the old camp site turn off. Henry asked, “You went to ride on in or take the camp site?” Bill thought about it then said, “We could ride on it’s only other hour, but it has been a long day and you know Mr. Owens and June are going to be full of questions, as for me I’m just to tried face them.” “I know what you mean, more then likely June will try to hug me to death, and as tried as I am she may do me in, so the camp site it is; besides the weather is good.” They rode on till they reached the camps trail then turned and headed for camp.

June was working in the kitchen when she happen to look out the window then she stopped working to take a better look. Although the day light was almost there was enough light to see smoke at the camp site. She called out, “Mr. Owens, Mr. Owens. What is it?” June started crying, ”Their here, their here see the smoke at the camp site.” Mr. Owens said, “Yes I see smoke but it could be any one.” June cried, “No it’s them you know no one has used the camp in years other then Henry.” Mr. Owens said, “That’s true but well just have to wait till morning to find out.” She said, “I wonder way they didn’t come all the way.” Mr. Owens answered, “They have their reasons you’ll just have to wait.” June said, “Wait, wait that’s all I have been doing for almost a year, I’ll wait no longer.” Then she said, “I’m riding out there and meet them.” Mr. Owens put up his hand, “Hold on woman you can’t go riding out to the camp, if you ride to the camp and it’s not them, you could get shot or worse, no you’re just going to have to wait till morning.” “But I’ve waited so long.” Mr. Owens said, “Then one more night won’t matter will it?” June thought it over and knew that he was right.

Henry and Bill went about setting up camp, while Henry gathered fire wood Bill laid out the bed rolls. Henry went over to start the fire but as he neared the fire pit he saw it wasn’t the same as he left it. Someone had dug deep down in the pit, now way would anyone be digging in the pit. Then he saw little pieces of burnt paper from the letters he had put in the fire evidently they all didn’t all burn up. As Henry built the fire he was trying to think was there someone on his trail or had someone found out about his secret. Bill said, “You think they know we are here?” Henry looked up at the sky and said, “It’s pretty dark but if anyone can see the smoke it will be June some how she always knows.” Later as Henry lay out, his mind kept working on way anyone would be digging in the fire pit.

When Henry woke the next morning Bill was already up and moving around and had a fire going. Henry got up and began to move around, although he had a restless night he was ready to face the new day. Bill handed him a cup of coffee. “You think we should have breakfast here or the boarding house?” Henry said, “I think it best to have it here, if we go to the house now June well get so excited that Mr. Owens might not get his breakfast.” Bill laughed and said he could be right. After they had ate and repacked the horses they took to their saddles.

June had started working early this morning although she wasn’t getting much done as she kept looking out the window looking for signs of life at the camp. Mr. Owens came in and asked, “June where’s my breakfast?” June told Mr. Owens she was sorry and would have it ready in a minute. Mr. Owens asked, “See anything from the camp.” June replied, “There was smoke earlier but it’s gone now?” “That means they will be here soon, now get my breakfast before I starve.”

Henry and Bill rode up to the stable and were taken care of their horses when Mr. Owens enter. “Howdy boy’s it’s good to see you again,” and he took their hands. Mr. Owens helped with their horse, and as they worked he asked, “When you get in?” Henry said, “Last night.” “Thought so, June saw your smoke last Night. Henry and Bill looked at each other and smiled. When the horses were taken care of Mr. Owens asked Henry, “Ready to see her?” Henry answered, “Ready as I’ll ever be, and how is she?” Mr. Owens said, She been so excited ever sense last night when she saw your smoke, and even more so this morning, so much so that I almost didn’t get my Breakfast.” Henry and Bill looked at each other and Henry said, “I told you so,” and they both laughed. Mr. Owens looked at them funny, and then Henry explains why they were laughing. Mr. Owens said, “It’s a good thing you did I almost missed breakfast as it was and I would have been mighty unhappy if I had.” And at that they all had a good laugh, then Mr. Owens said, “Well come on.”

June was so excited she could hardly hold still, she had seen them ride up and she wanted to run out and meet them but Mr. Owens told her to stay until he went out and helped with the horses. When she saw them coming she went to the kitchen stove and started to work. When they entered she turned to Henry and said, “It’s good to have you home again, Bill it’s good to see you.” Henry just stood there with a puzzle look on his face, any other time she would be choking him to death with her kiss. But there she stood as calm as good be. Then she asked, “Did you have an enjoyable trip.” “Yes we did.” Henry didn’t know what to say, he turned to Bill and Mr. Owens and they too had funny looks on their faces. Then all of a sudden he was hit by a whirl win of kisses and question. “Your home, you’re not leaving.” Henry finely caught her and brought her to a stand still. “No I’m leaving, at lest for a will.” June said, “Oh I thought I would die before you got back.” then she started kissing all over again.

Mr. Owens looked at Bill then nodded towards the bar. Bill was enjoying a beer when Mr. Owens asked how things were in Reno. Bill told him of some of the doings in town and about the stranger. Bill said, “I told Henry he should have killed him the first time.” Mr. Owens said, “I told him the same thing.” Mr. Owens asked, “How long are you staying?” Bill answered, “Till tomorrow then I go see the family then on to Paragould I have some business there. Mr. Owens looked at Bill and he nodded. Mr. Owens knew he was talking about the crate at the warehouse in Paragould. Mr. Owens was going ask Bill something but just then June and Henry came in.

Mr. Owens got up and asks Henry if he would like a beer. They all had been talking all morning, and then June got up and said it was time to start lunch. Henry stayed a while longer then followed June to the kitchen. The rest of the day was enjoyed by ever one. The day had been full of talk and music as Henry played the piano, but now the day had ended and it was late. Henry got and said it was time he had headed for his room. June went with him to say her good nights when she returned her and Bill talk a while then he too followed Henry.

When Henry came down for breakfast he asked June if Bill was down, then the crack of the whip answered his question, Bill was out back practicing taking off petals from flowers. When Bill came in for breakfast, Henry asked, What’s on for today? “Not much I thought I would ride into Boydsville and maybe Knob later to day why?” Henry said, “Oh no reason I have some business to take care of and thought you might like to come along?” Bill knew that Henry really didn’t want him to come along. “No I think I’ll hang around here till after lunch.” Henry said “Well I best be going if I’m going to be back by lunch, he went over to June and give her a light kiss and headed out the door. After Henry left June turned to Bill, “There is something different about him.” Bill said, “I know you can’t see it, he’s different in the inside.

Henry rode into Boydsville and stopped at the general store that held the post office. When he enters the same men were still seating around the stove, just like the last time he was in the store. He went to the part of the store that held the post office and asked for his mail, he received two bags. He tied them to his horse then walked over to the news paper. The clerk was happy to see him as he had been holding them for months and was glad to be rid of them. Henry being done with his business in town rode on to Knob, at Konb he would repeat his business. After leaving Konb he headed back to the camp site. At the camp he started a fire, then began to read the letters and news papers then put them in the fire and from time to time he would get up and stirred the ashes to be sure that everything was burned. By the time he was done it was going on lunch time; he took his horse and headed back to the boarding house.

Bill had been helping Mr. Owens out in the barn and Bill was saying, “He’s my friend but if I find he has done something wrong in my county I will bring him in.


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