Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Drawing 3-D In The 1930's Style.

Although I'm not a good drawer or even a good doodler I'm just amazed on how you can take two lines and make them seem to almost jump off the page. The lines are red and blue in color you can make them look far away, close up or stand in the middle of the page. A lot people don't enjoy 3-D because it makes their eyes tired and makes them water, that's true however any good eye doctor well tell you 3-D. is a good exercise for the eyes as it makes them look straight ahead in the way they should but we hardly do.

I believe my first experience with 3-D came when I went to a movie called (The Creature from the Black Lagoon.) in the 1950's later I saw a add in a comic book selling two 3-D comic books for ($2.50) I had my mother order them for me, I lost one over the years but the other I still have it even though it's been over fifty years, it's cover is now gone and the pages are ragged but I still enjoy reading it from time to time.

Drawing in 3-D is easy and fun all the tool you'll need is a pair of red and blue glass (these can be found on the net.) Red and blue pencils or inks although they say red and blue, the true color is reddish-orange and light-blue as the true color of red and blue are to dark. Then you will need paper white is ok but vanilla is best you should use a paper that has a slight yellow tone to it, and a brown pencil this is your base color the base color holds your image down so it won't look like it's floating through the air the brown pencil is also to make your frames with, 3-D, is at it's best when seeing within a frame like those in the comic books. Although this is not a hard fast rule, as many 3-D have and can be drawn with out a frame.

I can't tell you all you need to know about drawing 3-D here, but I can give you an exercise that will give you some basics, take and draw a base line then draw a horizontal red line from the base then draw a blue line in the same way put it to the right or to the left of the red line one way will make it look far away and the other will make it look close now put a dot of the base color next to either the red or blue line this will help the illusion as the base color is always seen as a solid object. Now if you get tired of doing line lets do some dots do it the same way start with the red then put your blue to the right or left of it, now make three or four pairs of red and blue then blue and red and put a dot of the base color in among them now take a look it should look like your among the stars. When I draw space pictures this is now I make my stars. Note when drawing lines make them the same length and the dots the same size now the base color and be any size you like I hope this will get you stated for drawing in 3-D is a lot of fun.
Here some examples.

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