Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A New Beginning--A Short.

The darkness of nowhere, that's how we felt, for it was dark. I don't know why we were there but we were, and even though it was dark, I could hear Jane beside me. I don't know how I knew what her name was but I just knew it just the same. In the darkness there was warmth and quiet, as we held each other tight, for I knew that it was almost time for each to leave, even though we held each other tight, Jane was soon gone. The loneliness I felt, I could not describe, for it was sadness and happiness all in one. Soon I began moving even though I tried to hold tight. I began moving down at least I thank it was down, for in the darkness, down could be up or up could be down. My movements were slow at first then fast then slow. I didn't know where I was going and tried to hold fast but it was no use, I kept moving. Soon I began to feel cold the farther I moved down or is it up, who could tell? The coldness was all around me, just then I felt a sharp pain I gave out a loud cry. I knew I could cry and whimper but never tried, I had no need in my warmth, just then I knew that Jane was near but couldn't tell where. Then I began moving again, just then I felt the warmth of her and she of me, we were one again.

(Mrs. Jones you have a nice and healthy set of twins, what a beginning Mrs. Jones.)

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