Thursday, July 31, 2008

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie.-Chapter 2.

The next morning Henry was sitting in front of the hotel reading the morning paper and was enjoying the morning air, when he saw an article in the papr that got him talking to himself. “Damn it all to hell.” The title read: Shot-gun killing Henry Miller strikes again! The article told how he came to town for a trial, then it said that he had resign as marshall it went on to state that last evening while in the Black Dog saloon with another marshal a drunk started to insulted them. It went on to say that every thing was ok till the drunk insulted a lady friend of Mr. Miller, and then Mr. Miller proceeded to put the drunk down with out a shot. Henry couldn’t read any more. He folded the paper and put it under his arm and headed up the street. Henry was headed for the stables to look at the care of his horse when he got there he found her being rub down. The stable man said, “You sure have some fine horse here.” “Yes she’s just about the best around.”

“Will you see to it that she at the station on time? “ He handed him a dollar tip. “You bet I will she’ll be on time.” Henry left and looked for a place for lunch. After eating he went back to the hotel when he came back out, he was carrying his saddle bags. He proceeded up the street till he came to a gun shop. Inside he asked for some ammunition for his shot gun and six guns. He went on till he came to a general store he went in and brought a few supplys. Henry know that he could have got the supplys when he got where he was going but, he like to ready for anything for you never know what might happen along the way.

Henry had his ticket and now was waiting for the 6 o’clock train. He decided to take a walk in the park he had found a few days before. He took the bench he had last time. He was enjoying the sweet air when he felt some one take a seat next to him. He looked over and a look of surprise came over his face. He said, “Jesse what in the hell are you doing here? “ “Going home for a while to see the wife and kids, I’m waiting for the 9 o’clock.” Henry said. “Will you look better then the last time I saw you.” “I want to thank you for that; I can still fell the buck shot go by.”


“Well what are friends, for if they can’t help out once in a while. “ Jesse said, “I hear you’re and ex-marshal now, care to ride with me and the boys? “ “No thanks.” Jesse said. “By the way I went by the boarding house last week.” “How’s things there.” Jesse answered, “Fine now, there was a stranger hanging around and putting up a fuss but Mr. Owens took care of it.” “How’s June? “ Jesse said, Fine a little sad but she’ll get over it.” “ I know a little about the stranger he’s here in town.” Jesse asked, “Was that the drunk I read about in the paper? “ “Yes and I hope that took care of it.” “Will I better be going I have a few things to do before I leave?” Jesse said, “Same here, Will I hope we will meet again soon.” With that Henry got up and went one way and Jesse the other.

Henry had just finished his business; he took out his watch and saw it was 5 o’clock and time to head for the station. As he walk towards the station dark shadows were being cast on the ground as the sun was going down. By the time he reaches the station it was almost dark. Henry was standing on the platform when he heard what he thought was a bee passing his ear. Then he heard the report of the gun shot. He bent down and turned; when he did he saw a figure behind a barrel. Henry throws three fast shot that way. When the first shot sounded all the people had left the platform. The only ones left were Henry and the shadow.

Henry had taken cover behind a trunk; he was thinking if he just had his shot gun this would be all over by now. Another shot came from the barrel. Henry had been thinking of a plan he took out both guns he held one in his left the other in his right. Henry was no good with his left but good enough to throw lead. He put six shots at the barrel the figure decided it was time to find better cover and headed for the side of the station. When the figure cleared the barrel Henry put two good aim shots at the figure and it went down. Henry ran up to the figure and kicks the gun away. Then he got a good look it was the stranger from the boarding house. Henry said, “You son-of-a bitch I should kill you.

The stranger started whining, “Please don’t kill me please.” Henry looks at the stranger and said. “Don’t worry I’m not going to kill you at lest not today.” He bent down to help the stranger up then they started for the marshal office. But they didn’t get far as the marshal came running up and asked. “What in the hell is going on here.” Henry gives his account of what happen. The marshal knows Henry so he took his word. Henry said,” I’m leaving on the 6 o’clock going out of state so I can’t get back for a trail, so I won’t be pressing any charges.” “I just ask that you hold him for a day or two before letting him go.” The marshal look at him a moment then said, “Ok but you know he’s going to try to kill you again some day.” “I’ll be looking for it.”

The marshal, lead the stranger away. Henry took out his watch and saw that the whole thing took little less then fifteen minutes. The platform was full of people again. He stood there looking around when he saw Jesse they didn’t say anything. Jesse just stood there looking at him shaking his head with disapproval. Henry look a little more and saw that John was also there and he was nodding his head with approval.


Henry thought to himself that one day he would have to decide if he was going to be on the good or the bad side of the law, for one can’t be on both sides and lives long. Henry could see the head lines in the papers now, the title would read: Shot-gun killing Henry Miller strikes twice. Henry heard the train whistle he look at his watch it was 6 o’clock. Henry was soon on board and heading for new adventures.

It had been a week sense Henry left the Boarding house. Mr. Owens and June had been reading the stories about Henry in the papers. But this last one got June all up set. “I told Henry to careful, Oh Mr. Owens if anything happens to him I’ll just die for I love him so.” Mr. Owens said, “So the stranger found him if I was Henry I would have kill him and been done with it. “ “Mr. Owens went on. “ Don’t worry, he’s a live and will he’ll be back soon.” “ I hope so a month is a long time and I went him back in my arms.” Mr. Owens didn’t like all this love talk but he did envy Henry for he was having more adventures then he would have in his life time.

Henry had reached Reno in two days. Reno was a growing town there were people coming and going all the time. He started looking for a stable he found it at the end of town. After looking after his horse he looked for a hotel it wasn’t hard it find as it was the only one in town. Later he went to the Last Stop saloon there he ordered a beer then asked the bartender if he knew of a German settlement near by. The bartender looked at him a moment then said. Due east, about five miles out, you can’t miss it. Henry finishes his drink and left. Henry had decided he was hungry and looked for a place to eat. After he came out of the diner he decided it was too late to head for the settlement as the train had arrived late in the afternoon. It was still early around 8 o’clock so he took a walk around town. When he returned to where he had started it was a little after nine. Now what to do? He could go into one of the saloon but decided not to as all he would fine would be trouble, at lest that’s the way it always worked out and he didn’t went any trouble in this town. He decided to go to the hotel and wait for morning to come.

The next morning Henry was riding due east. He had been riding around two hours when the smell of the air had turn then he came to the top of a rise and before him was the settlement. The settlement was made up of about thirty homes. He rode in and asked a few questions and found that they only spoke German here. As Henry could speak and write in German like a native he had no problem finding the man he was looking for he rode up to the house and knock. The door was answered by a man that look at lest fifty, “Yes may I help you? “ Henry said, “Mr. Johnson I’m Mr. Miller I wrote you about a special machine. “Yes please come in.”

When he entered he saw that the home was kept up will and was very clean and in the parlor set what looked like a fine piano. Henry said, “You have a very nice home.” “Thank you Mr. Miller, will you follow me please.” Mr. Johnson lead Henry out the back, there he saw a barn and a large shed he used as a shop. Mr. Johnson, lead the way into the shed. Henry found the walls lined with all kinds of tools and machine parts.


Mr. Johnson went to a table and there set a machine Henry was looking for he look it over it was some of the finesse workman ship in the country. Mr. Johnson asked. Would you care to see how it works, “Yes please?” Mr. Johnson went about showing him the workings and what each part did. Mr. Johnson asked, “Would you care to try, yes.” Henry soon found the machine was easy use. Henry said, “Before we make a deal can you copy these? “ He took out two official looking documents and handed them to him. Mr. Johnson looks them over with an eye glass and when he was done he said that there would be no problem doing them. After the deal was set Henry turn to leave. Then Mr. Johnson asked, It’s late would you care to dine with me tonight? ““Yes I would be please to.”

It had been a fine dinner and said so. Mr. Johnson got up and said, “While I’m taking care of the dish’s fell free to look around.” Henry got up and went into the parlor and looked around then stop at the piano and stood there eyeing it. Mr. Johnson had finished the dish’s and came into the parlor and took a chair. “Do you play? “ A little, Mr. Johnson pointed to the piano and said, “Please.” Henry set at the piano and begin to play he soon lost himself in the music when he finely stop he found he had been playing for over an hour. Henry said, “I’m sorry I play so long but it has been a long time sense I have played.” Mr. Johnson said, “That’s ok, that was the finesse music I heard in this house or any where else, there has been no music in this house sense my wife died two years ago.” Henry look at his watch “It’s late I need to be going.” Mr. Johnson said, “I would offer you a room for the night, but all I have is one room. “ He went on. “But you may camp outside or you can use the barn.” Henry said, “If you don’t mind I’ll use the barn as the night air has been cooler of late.” “That will be fine “and with that he said good evening and left. Outside he headed for the barn it was warm inside and out of the wind. He took care of his horse and saw to it that she had water and feed. He went to a pile of hay and laid out his bed roll. As he laid there he could still hear the music in his ears. Henry thought Mr. Johnson was a kind old gentleman.

The next morning he found Mr. Johnson in the shed working on the new order. Henry asked, “You can have it shipped by the end of next month? “ “Yes you’ll have it.” Henry shook his hand and said. “It was a pleasure.” Henry then took to the saddle and headed for Reno. On the ride back he was trying to decide if he was taking the train or was riding back. The ride would take about two weeks and as the weather was changing he didn’t like the idea being caught out in the open in a snow storm, and the train would be safer he decided to take the train.

When he arrived back at Reno he went to the hotel and took a room then went to the stable. There was little to do in a town of this size but walk the streets. He felt he could eat so he went to the diner and had his dinner. When he came out he saw it was still early so he headed for the Last Stop saloon. He went in and ordered a beer then took a table next to the wall and put his back to it. He hope there would be no trouble as this was an open town with no law, so if one got into trouble he was on his own.


He had been sitting there about and hour when he saw a man heading towards his table. “Mr. Miller, I’m William Jones and I’m the Mayor of this little town.” “May I take a seat?” Henry pointed to a chair. “Mr. Miller I’ve came here on behalf of the towns committee and I, we would like to offer you a job.” “What kind of a job?” “Mr. Jones answered, as U. S. Marshal for the County”, Henry didn’t know what to say, “why me?” “We know of your reputation from the papers and we wired the marshals in Kansas City and Merriam they say you were the best marshal they have seen in a long time, so we know you’re up to the job.” Henry said, “No thanks I’m out of the law business.” Mr. Jones said, “You haven’t heard are offer, its two hundred a month plus expenses and seventy-five dollars a month for any deputy you may need.” Henry eyes went up. “That’s a lot to think over and I’m leaving on tomorrows train.” Mr. Jones said, “Your train don’t leave till 5 o’clock tomorrow evening, will you have an answer for us by then? “ “You’ll have your answer by then.” and with that the Mayor got up and left.

Henry needed some air, he decided to look over the town a little better for the most part it was a quiet little town. They had their shots in the air now and then and a few fights but no real trouble. All the will he had been thinking, he had been walking now he had reached the end of the street, he crossed over to the other side. When he cross over he came to the front of a vacate building he look it over and felt it would make a good jail as the town had none. He knew about the town but nothing about the county, he didn’t even know the lay of the land. He would look up the Mayor tomorrow and see what he could find out for he will need to know more before he could decide. His head was hurting from all the thinking and headed to the hotel and his room. When in the room he took a chair next to the window that look over the town. He set there thinking this would be a good job for him he would make some good contacts and some friends that he may need to ask help from in the future, but he also knew he would make some enemy’s as will. Then he got to thinking of June then he closed his eyes a moment and fell to sleep.

He woke with a start and found he was still setting in the chair. He got up and got ready for the day. The first thing was to get breakfast after he eat he went on the hunt for the Mayor. He found that the Mayor also owned a general store and headed that way. He found him at the store and asked if he could ask a few questions. He said, he could and lead the way to an office in the back. Mr. Jones asked, “Now what can I do for you? “ Henry answered, “Will I know about the town and I even have an idea where to put the jail, however I know nothing about the county and I will need more information before I decide.” Mr. Jones pointed to a map on the wall. Henry went to the map and began looking it over. The county covered about five hundred miles in all and had around fifteen towns and a few settlements here and there and about the same number of ranch’s.

“What kind of trouble have you been having in the county? “ Mr. Jones said, “Just like any other county a few cattle rustlings and a killing here and there.


He had seen that the towns were far a part from each other that meant long rides, he wasn’t to happy about that. Henry said, “Well I have a lot more thanking to so I best be going.” Henry went about town to get the feel of it and as he walked, he would stop now and then to talk to some of the towns people and stores owners, and found for the most part found them very friendly.

By 3 o’clock he had made up his mind, he was going to take the job. There were still some things to work out but he thought it would go his way. He went to the general store to find the Mayor. “Mr. Jones I’ll take the job but I have business in Arkansas that can’t be put off.” “It will take two months after that I will be free. “ Mr. Jones said, Two months Henry said, “Sorry that’s the best I can do I must finish my business first.” “After my business is over I’ll wire you to see if the job is still open. “ Mr. Jones got up and said, “I’ll have to talk this over with the town committee, should take about an hour.” Henry took out his watch and saw that it was, a little after 3 o’clock, so he had time before his train arrived. Fine I’ll be back in one hour. “On his return to the general store Mr. Jones said, “ The committee will go a long with you, as they see it we have gotten along up till now with out any law, however their concern is that the town is growing every day and they won’t wait much pass two months. “

“That’s fine, will I need to get ready for the train. “ Just before he left he turn to the Mayor and said, “Oh by the way as I see it I will only need one deputy for now, I will either hire one here or bring one back with me.” Henry went about finishing what little business he had and got his things from the hotel. He got to the station just as the train was arriving. He got on board and took a seat just as the train started to move he was on his way back to Arkansas.

On the third day he entered the boarding house. Mr. Owens looked up as he enters and said. “Well I’ll be, good to see you Mr. Miller,” Henry asked. Have you a room I’ll need it for two months.” “Yes a good one.” There came a scream from the kitchen. June came running out and throw herself at him so hard that he fell back. Oh god your back.

June was causing such a fuss over Henry, Mr. Owens made her go back in the kitchen. Mr. Owens told Henry. “Sorry about that.” “That’s ok she is just happy to see me.” Mr. Owens said. “I know but that’s no way to act in public.” Need a drink?” Henry answered “Beer.” Mr. Owens said. “We have been reading about you in the papers.” “I figure you would, he nodded towards the kitchen how she take it? “ “Not to good.” Then Henry said, “I saw Jesse in Helena last month.” How’s he doing Henry answered, “Fine he was headed home to see his wife. “ Mr. Owens said, “He is a good man if he would just stop doing all those bad things.” “Henry said, “When he found out I was an ex-marshal he asked if I would ride with him but I said no.” “ Good for you.” Mr. Owens asked, “How dose it feel to be an ex-lawman? Henry said, “Good but that may not last long.” Mr. Owens eye brow went up. Henry saw the look and said, “I’ll tell you about it later I best go see June.”


June was putting away some dish’s when he enters the kitchen. She turns and went up to him and gave him a longing kiss then she put her arms around him and laid her head on his chest and said, “I missed you so.” Will he, held her he ran his fingers through her soft hair and said, “I missed you to.” Then she pulled back and said, “Damn you Henry Miller I’ve been reading about you in the papers, you could have been killed.” “Well I wasn’t.” She let it drop. Henry asked, “Have anything around here to eat I’m hungry.” She went about finding him something to eat. As he eats they talk about little things. When he had finish he said it had been a long day and he needed to get some rest. June said, “Must you leave so soon?” “He said, “Don’t worry will have a lot of time together, I’ll be here two months and I have a room in the house.” and with that said he got to leave. She went up to him and gave him a good night kiss.

Henry went back to the bar and asked for his key. Mr. Owens gave it to him and said, ” It’s on the second floor the last room on the end the one with the balcony. Henry said, “A while ago I said something about not being and ex-lawman for long will while I was in Reno I was asked to be the U. S. Marshal there and I thought it over and I’m taking it.” All Mr. Owens could say was. “Oh my” Henry said, “I haven’t told June yet I would like to tell her in my own way, so I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t say any thing to her.” Mr. Owens said, “You have my word I won’t say anything to her.” “Thanks I’ll tell her in time.”

He went to his room it must have been the best room in the house other then Mr. Owens room. The room had a big bed a rug some chairs a dresser and a wood stove. He went to the door that leads to the balcony he went and took a look. Good it would make for an easy escape. The next morning when he came down for breakfast he found June humming to herself he just smiled. Mr. Owens said, “She has been doing that all morning. After breakfast he told June he was going for a ride by the time he returned it was lunch time.

Almost every day Henry would take a ride into the country side and would not return till lunch some time he would be gone all day. June asked him once as to where he goes, but all he would say was business and the look he give her said she shouldn’t ask again.

The first month was over and he still hadn’t told June about becoming a marshal, he just didn’t know how to tell her. Dearing that first month they would take rides and go to one of the closer towns. They would spend hour’s just talking will she worked. Henry would stay in his room some times writing letters and drawing on paper. One evening will he and Mr. Owens were playing cards Mr. Owens asked, “That stranger why, didn’t you just kill him?” Henry thought a moment then said, “I could have I guess but what would it have proved?” I know he may still come after me but maybe he learned something this time.” Mr. Owens said, “You’re a better man then I, I would have just kill him and got it over with.” Henry just smiled. In the middle of the second month he received a wire from Paragould saying he had freight at the train station.


He had it sent there as it was the only town close by where a train came to, and the town was big enough to have a warehouse. He asked June if she would like to come and told her they would be gone one night. She said she would love to come as she never been there. The next morning found the buggy all hooked up and ready to go. The ride was hard as the snow was deep in some places and hard to get the buggy through. They should have taken horses but he thought the ride would be too hard on her. It was getting on evening when they entered Paragould.

As they came into Paragould June’s eyes became wide. Henry had to smile to himself as June would turn one way in the buggy then the other trying to see every thing. He said, “Hold on woman you’ll get to see every thing.” The first thing was to see to the horses then they headed up town looking for a hotel, they soon found one it was called the Restful Hotel. He went in and got two rooms then they went looking for the ware house. They found it near the train station. After the business was taking care of Henry asked June if she was ready for dinner and she said she was. They found a nice one in the middle of the block they went in and eat. After eating he took her about town so she could see the sites after a while he noticed that she was slowing down and asked if she was getting tired? “Yes a little.” “Will it has been a long day and we have a long ride maybe we should head for the hotel.” They went up to their rooms they had a room across from each other they stood by her door and talk for a few moments then he give her a good night kiss, she said good night then went in.

The next morning after eating breakfast he took her to see a little more of the town. Then finely he said it was time to go. On them way out of town she kept looking back till she could see the town no more. Dearing the night Henry had decided it was time to tell her about the up coming job. Henry thought there was no good time to tell her so it might as will be now as later. When they were half way he told her about the job. She asked, “How long will you be gone?” “Six months to a year.” Oh God Henry, No! No!

She started yelling Stop! Stop! Henry pulled up, then she jump from the buggy and started to run. She ran blindly through the snow. He didn’t know where she was running to and he didn’t think she knew either. He got off the buggy and ran after her. When he caught up to her he held her in his arms. She pulled away and started to hit him in the chest, saying “I hate you, I hate you.” He just held on tight. When the crying slowed he put his hand under her chin and lifted her head up and looks into her eyes and said, “You’ll see me about as much as you do now and my job will bring me back this way from time to time, so will be seeing each other more then you think.” She said, “Take me with you I’m fifteen now.” He answered, “You’re not old enough and it wouldn’t be right, and you know it.” All the while they were talking he had been leading her to the buggy. They rode the rest of the way in silent. When they pulled up to the boarding house she jumps from the buggy and run into the house crying.


When Henry came in Mr. Owens said, “I see you told her.” ““Yes I told her on the way back.” Mr. Owens said, “You look like you could use a beer? “ Thinks that I could, Later he went to the kitchen took a seat at the table. June put his Dinner in front of him with out saying anything went back to her work. Henry said nothing during dinner for he didn’t know what to say, and anything he did say won’t make her fell any better. Henry went back to the bar and talks to Mr. Owens for a while then said good evening and went to his room. Henry lay, out on the bed and closes his eyes and tried to clear his mind. As he laid there his eyes began to get heavier and heavier till they stayed shut in sleep.

The breakfast was good and June was even a little better at lest she said good morning to him. He left after breakfast for his ride. When he returns it was almost lunch time so he went to the kitchen. June was making a pie Henry said it look good, thank you. Henry asked, “How are you feeling?” “Better I decided there was not use crying about this, for noting I say will stop you from going, but I don’t have to like it?” “Damn you Henry Miller.” Then she went to him and put her arms around him and gave him a light kiss. Henry knew she would be alright now and the matter was close. Like she said he was going no matter what.

It had snowed all day but was now letting up. June was almost done with her work so he asked if she would like to take a short ride. She said yes, he went and got a couple of horses and waited. The moon was full and the light from it on the new snow gave it a blue hue. They rode to the back of the boarding house and went into the tree line. They weaved in and out of the trees. The trees were so close together and the snow so heavy that they made canopy’s to ride through. When they came out of the tree line they were standing before the open field. They stood looking over the field every thing had a blue hue, then he put a finger up to his lips and pointed out to the field. She started to see shadows beginning to play then she would laugh at some of the shadows antic. It truly was a winter wonder land. She said, “It’s beautiful.” “They stood there a little longer then he nudge his horse and they rode across to the other side then followed the tree line.

They followed the trees a half mile then turn and rode across again then on to the boarding house. June was cleaning in the dining room and bar when he came down for breakfast. She told him to go to the kitchen and she would fix him something good. After breakfast he told June he was riding up to Boydsville to send a wire to Reno and would she care to go along. Her heart skipped a beat she know this day was coming but she had hoped it would be later. She turns away and said she couldn’t get away today. She could have gone but she was afraid of what the answer would be, although she know what it would be.

Mr. Owens was cleaning out a stall when he enters the barn. Mr. Owens asked, “Going for a ride?” “Henry answered, “Going to send a wire.” Mr. Owens nodded towards the house and asked, “how she takes it?’


Not to good but at lest she didn’t cry this time. “Owens said. “Good that means she is dealing with it, but as for the crying that will come later.” All the will they were talking Henry had been saddling his horse. Just as he got into the saddle Mr. Owens said. “Henry you know if I was twenty years younger I would go with you.” “Yes I know and I would be lucky to have you.” Mr. Owens went to the barn door and opens it and Henry rode out.

Two hours late Henry was sitting in front of the wood stove at the general store in Boydsville, he had just sent the wire and was waiting for an answer. The wire had read: Mayor William Jones: Sir free of my business can be there in two weeks if the job is still in the offering. Signed Henry Miller, Will he waited he had talks with the men that were hanging around the stove. This had been going on for about an hour when a return wire came it read: Henry Miller Boydsville, Sir Job is still in the offering need you here no later then three weeks, Signed Mayor William Jones. He read the wire again then said out loud will boy’s its Oklahoma. Then he got up and left the store.

Henry knew the men at the store so he knew that by the end of the day most of the county will know he was going to be a marshal again. By the time he returns it was dinner time. When he rode up he saw four horses out front. He took his horse to the barn then rounded the house to the back. When he enters June was getting ready to serve some dinners she said. “I’ll be back in a minute and gave him a smile. When she came back she put his dinner on the table then asked. “Did you get your answer?’ “ Yes I leave at the end of next week.” “ Oh Henry so soon please doesn’t go. “He said. “ I have to go you know that.” She knew this was the end and no matter she said to him he was going no matter what she said. Henry was about to say something when he heard a noise and yelling coming from the bar. He went to the curtain and pulls it open and looked out. He saw two cowhands facing each other one on each end of the bar. Henry didn’t go out as he didn’t want any trouble and he knew that Mr. Owens could handle almost any trouble. He couldn’t hear what was being said between the two. One man carried a gun on his left hip and a whip on his right. The other man carried two guns on each hip. Henry didn’t know what was said but the man with the two guns started to draw.

Before Henry knew what happen the whip flash out and the gun was thrown across the room. The other man tried for the other gun, the whip flash out again and his gun belt was cut in half and fell to the floor. The man started to bend over to pick it up but the cowboy with the whip said. ” Let it lay you can come back later and get it now you better get.” “Ok, Ok.” the man started for the door but evidently he wasn’t going fast enough for the cowboy, for the whip went out again and bit the man on the butt. The man ran for the door and was gone.

The cowboy turns to Mr. Owens and said. Sorry about that.” “ That’s ok he had it coming.” Henry came out behind the curtain and walk up to the bar then turns to the cowboy and asked.


“What’s your name son?” “Who’s asking?” Mr. Owens spoke, “This is Henry Miller.” The cowboy took a step back he had never see him but he knew who he was. The cowboy said, “Bill, Bill Anderson.” Henry asked, “Well Mr. Anderson how old is you.” Twenty-five sir, Henry said, “Would you mind going out back and showing me what you can do with that thing and pointed to the whip?” “Why?” “I may have an offer for you.” Bill look over to Mr. Owens who gave a nod and a smile, Bill followed Henry to the kitchen. Henry looks at June and said. Will be back in a little while, Bill looked at June and said. Miss, and went out the back door.

Ok show me what you can do. Bill worked the whip about a half hour before Henry stop him. Henry said, “That’s pretty good and how are you with this,” and pointed to his gun. Bill said, “Fair.” Henry looks around then went the trash heap and took out three bottles and put them on a log. He hadn’t seen to many left handed gunfighters. He said, “Lets see.” The first two went down in the first two shots; the third took two shot before it fell. “Ok let’s get out the cold, He lead the way back to the bar.

“Have a seat.” and pointed to a table next to the wall. Mr. Owens two beers please, Henry said, “Will that was damn good showing I haven’t seen much better and I’ve been around a while.” Henry said, “First you have a wife or girl?” “No.” Henry said, “I have been hired as U. S. Marshal for Reno Oklahoma and their county and I would like to take you as my deputy.” Bill looks at Henry and said, “Are you nuts me a Deputy Marshal. “ “Hear my offer it pays seventy-five a month and room and board.” Bill said, “That’s a lot more then it pays here, when you have to know?” Henry answered, “I leave at the end of next week, lets say three days.” Bill said, “You’ll have it by then.” Then he got up and said good evening and left.

After Bill had left Mr. Owens came over and set down. “You think he’ll work out.” Henry said, “Yes I do.” Mr. Owens said, “He’s awful young.” “Yes and I was younger when I started. “ Mr. Owens nod and got up and went back to the bar. Henry went to the kitchen. “Need any help? “ June smiled then throws him a dish towel. June said, “I saw you two out back he’s good with that whip, is he going with you? “ “I think he will.” The dishes done he asked if she care to take a walk. They went down by the creek as they walk they talk about his new job they soon returned as it was cooler then he thought.

When they return they talk a while then he kissed her and went to his room. In his room he worked on some papers he had on a desk and soon became tired, he got up and went over to a table that had a lamp on it and blew it out. As Henry came down the next morning the man who was there the night before was just leaving. He must have come for his guns. Mr. Owens saw Henry he nod towards the door and said, “Came for his guns and apologize said it was the drink.” “It usually is.” He went to the kitchen. June laid out his breakfast then she surprises him by putting a plate out for herself. Henry looks at her. She said, “This maybe the last one we have together for a very long time.” Henry nod then smiled at her.


On the third day Bill Anderson came, he told Henry he had a deputy. Henry gave him the date and time to be here. Bill said he would be on time. The last week went by fast; Henry had spent as much time with June as he could then the day for him to leave had come. When he came down that last morning he went to June he could tell she had been crying, she tried to cover it up but he could tell. After he had eaten he was thinking of a way to make her feel better. Then he saw it on a shelf he took it down and turned the key. He held out his hand and said, “One last dance then opens the lid. She held him tight in her arms. She whispered “I love you so, please come back to me soon.” When they stop he put the box back on the shelf. Then he turns to June and said it was time for him to go. She ran to him and held on tight finely he had to pull her arms away. He looked down at her and said, “I’ll be back soon.” Then he gives her a long kiss, and then he turns away and headed for the bar. In the bar set Bill Anderson waiting. Henry asked, “Ready to ride? Bill got up and Henry lead the way as they went through the door they could hear crying coming from the kitchen.

Out side Bill got his horse then Henry lead the way to the barn. Mr. Owens was there and had Henry’s horse out of the stall. Thought I would get a start on her. Henry Said, “Thinks.” Mr. Owens saw Bill. “Mr. Anderson.” Mr. Owens asked, “How long will it take to get there?” “We should make it in about four days.” Then Mr. Owens asked, “How’s June? “ Henry answered, “Crying but she’ll be back to normal in a few days.” By now his horse was saddled up and was ready to go. Henry shook Mr. Owens hand. And Mr. Owens said, “Good luck.” Henry took to the saddle then look over to Bill he was clean shaven now and Henry got good look at him and thought to himself. “God he is young.” Henry looked at Bill and asked, “Ready to ride?” Bill just nodded. Mr. Owens went to the barn doors and opens them then Henry gave his horse a nudge and rode out with Bill following behind. After Mr. Owens close the doors he stood there feeling a little sorry for himself for if he had been younger he would have gone to. June had been looking out the window for she could see the barn from there. She finely saw Henry and Bill ride out. She watches them tell they round a bend and was gone. Then she started to cry again. Mr. Owens came in and saw June; her eyes were all blood shot. He said, “Go get clean up then come back and smile this is a new day.” He slowly walks back to the bar he didn’t know why but he felt a little older today.

Henry and Bill entered Reno on the fourth day. Henry saw that the town had grown sense he was here last. There was two new streets and a third going in. They took it slow through town to see what was new. They had almost reach the end of main street when he see saw a new building. On the over hang it read U. S. Marshal’s Office and on a plaque by the door read Marshal Henry Miller. Bill said, “Looks like their ready for you.” They rode on to the stable. After leaving the stable Henry said, “We best find the Mayor and let him knows were in town. They found The Mayor at the general store when he saw Henry he shook his hand and said, “I’m glad you made it. “Then he eyed Bill. Henry said, “This is Bill Anderson my deputy.” The Mayor looked him over and said, “He’s awful young.”


“True but he’s quite capable of doing the job or he won’t be here.” The Mayor said. “That’s good enough for me, now let’s talk business.” The Mayor went on, “First have you seen our new jail?” “Yes.” “Well here are the keys.” “Have a room yet? “ “No.” “ Well don’t at the end of north street you will find a white house with a white picked fence around it you will be housed there while your marshal and your deputy to.” He handed over the keys. The Mayor went on, “You will find we have posted the new city ordinances around town, you’ll find a copy in your office as well, “Now as for being sworn in that will happen at the town meeting to night at 7 o’ clock, we don’t have a town hall yet so it will be held at the town square at the end of town you can’t miss it, “for now why don’t you get acquainted with your new office and home and I’ll see you at seven.”

Henry and Bill left the Mayor and went up Main Street to the office; Henry unlocked the door and went in. All the furniture was new there were two desks a wood stove and three cells there was a map of the county on the wall. They lock up the office and looked for North Street, after finding it; it wasn’t hard to find the house. The house was nice and clean it had two bed rooms one down and one up. Henry took the one up stairs it was larger and he could work with out being seen. After putting their rooms in order Henry asked Bill if he was getting hungry he said he was they lock up and headed for town.

Henry lead the way as he know the town, Henry headed for the restaurant he had eat at the last time he was here. When they were done Henry asked Bill if he cared for a beer, he said he would. There was two new saloons now but headed for the Last Stop as he knew it all ready. They took a table next to the wall then Henry ordered two beers. When the bartender came with the beer, he looks at Bill and said, “Son is you old enough to be in here. “ Henry saw Bill’s face get red. Henry said, “He’s old enough he’s the new Deputy Marshal. “ “The bartender took a step back and said, “Sorry about that sir.” Then went away, As they sip there beer Henry said, “I for got to tell you of my rule, I don’t tell any one about my business ever and I will not answer any questions about my personal life, other then that I’ll answer any question.” He took out his watch and saw it was about time and said, “Will let’s get this over with.” They had no trouble finding the square all they had to do was follow the crowd heading that way.

When they got to the square their saw the Mayor on a platform with a podium there were some chairs as will. When the mayor saw them he motions them to the platform where they took a seat. Some of the chairs were taken by some of the town dignitary’s. Right 7 o’ clock the meeting began. One dignitary after gave their speech, then it came time for the Mayor he got up and stood before the podium and began. “ Gentleman and lady’s our town is growing every day and so the need for law has come to help keep are family’s safe, I and the town fathers feel if our town is to keep growing we need law to keep order.” “The new city ordinances will go into effect at midnight to night after that the laws will be enforced.”


“Now I would like you to meet Marshal Henry Miller and Deputy Marshal Bill Anderson, will you gentleman step forward and be sworn in.” After being sworn in he was asked to say something. “I and Mr. Anderson are here to keep your community safe and to enforce all the laws that your city fathers seat fourth.” “Feel free to come to our office any time if you need any help or if you know of any trouble we are here to serve you.” “Now if Mr. Anderson will come forward, this is Mr. Bill Anderson he is the Deputy Marshal, he looks young but don’t let that fool you he is quite capable of enforcing the law and that he will.”

After the meeting was over Henry and Bill shook a lot of hands of the people of the town who were glad to see them in their town. Henry finely came up to Bill and said it was time to go and lead him away. When they were a block from the square Bill turn to Henry and said, “You know I would have rather have face a stampede then face all those people.” Henry just looked at Bill and smiled, for he had felt the same way. Bill asked, “Will now what? “ “First will go and get out of these city clothes, then head over to the office.” They went about getting the office ready. Bill made a pot of coffee and had it sitting on the stove. Early that day he had a cot brought in the office this was for night duty. Henry looked over the city ordinances they were about the same as his last job with some difference. The wall clock said it was almost midnight. Henry said, “It’s time to go.” “You take that side of the street and pointed the way, I’ll take this side and take you time we have all night and we went to make such everything is covered.” Bill crossed over to the other side and started his patrol.

Henry started up his side checking all the business doors to see if they were lock, if not he would go in and talk to the own and remind them that all business had be closed by eleven or at lest their doors had to be lock. He had to wake someone up from time to time and get them moving and off the streets. He had to stop at one saloon and tell the bartender that they had to close and lock the doors at midnight, when he left he heard the bartender yelling that it was closing time.

Bill was a little nervous his first night. He went about checking the doors, from time to time he would have go in a business and tell them of the new law. He tried to wake one drunk but he wouldn’t listen, so he let his whip do the talking, he get up and waddled off. Henry and Bill met at the town square. Henry asked,” I heard your whip any trouble?” “A drunk he won’t listen so I gave him something to listen to, you would be surprised how a person will listen when a whip cracks next to your ear.” Bill smiled. “No I don’t and I don’t want to.” and Henry smiled back. They crossed over and took each others side and headed back. Back at the office Henry told Bill he could handle it and to be back at 8 o’clock. After Bill left he locks the door and laid out on the cot till it was time for the next patrol. The next patrol went with out any instance. Back at the office he laid on the cot till morning.


8 o’clock Bill was in the office, “Good morning.” Morning, Henry asked,” How’s about breakfast?” Bill answered, “Had mine, go get yours I’ll watch the office till you get back.” Henry went to hunt up breakfast. When he was on his way back he was stopped now and then by people telling how glad they were to have him and how much safer they felt. When he got back he said, “Looks like were appreciated.” Bill said, “I know I had almost had to eat a cold breakfast from all the people coming to the table to talk.” After lunch he told Bill that he was riding out to the German settlement and would be back in time for the first patrol. It took three hour to reach the settlement, he rode up to Mr. Johnson house and nock but got no answer. Then he heard a noise in back it was coming from his shop. Henry nock on the door and Mr. Johnson answered the door. He gave a look of surprise and more so when he saw the badge. Henry saw the look and said, “Don’t worry are business came before this and pointed to the badge, so every is fine with me and the law.” Mr. Johnson smiled and gave a nod.

Mr. Johnson I came to tell you there is new law in Reno and the county and I also came to ask a favor of you. “Yes what can I do for you?” Henry went over to his horse and took out some Bills from his saddles bags. He took them over and said. “These are the laws for Reno and some for the county, I would like you to pass them around the settlement and if you or any one knows of a ranch around to pass them out there to.” Henry said, “Will that’s it, I need to get back. Mr. Johnson asked,” May I ask a favor from you?” ““Yes what is it? ““ I still hear the music from the last time, would you mind? ’ Henry took his watch out and said maybe one or two.”

It was about 9 o’clock when he entered the office, he asked, “How everything around here go today?” “Fine,” “Oh by the way the Mayor came by to talk to you but he said it could wait till tomorrow.” “I’ll look him up.” Henry asked, “Have dinner? “ About an hour ago, Henry said, “You’ll be taken the night shift. “ They lock the office and started their patrol.

It been two week sense Henry left and no word from him but June didn’t expect any. She would find herself standing at the window day dreaming of him. Mr. Owens caught, her a couple of times, and he would always say. “Stop worrying about him he’ll be coming soon. One day Mr. Owens said, “June I know he will not write back but it will make you feel better if you write him and I know he will enjoy hearing from you.”

Bill had left the office and when he came back he said. Mail, As Henry went through the mail he came to a letter with a return of Boydsville. He opened the letter and read it then folded it and put in his pocket. He said out loud, “Why dose she do that she knows I don’t like putting May feelings on paper.” Bill looks at Henry and asked, “Henry I have no family so I was wondering if you didn’t mind if I wrote to June? “ Henry gave him a look. Bill hurried and said, “Just as a friend I can assure you.” “You can write any damn one you have a mind to.” Henry got up and said. I’m going to see the Mayor.” then left the office. Bill saw the letter was a sore spot to Henry so he won’t bring it up again.


There was a new town hall now it would also serve as the court house. He found the Mayor there he nock on the Mayor’s door “Come in “He entered “Have a seat.” Henry took a chair and said, “I hear you’ve been looking for me?” “Yes I have good news will at lest for the town it may mean more work for you.” “ I’ve been talking to the owns of the train line for a will now and we finely made an agreement, the rails will start being laid next month and be finish by the end of the summer.” Henry didn’t know what to say he just nodded. The Mayor went on. “ As you know we have a court house now, court will be held on Monday’s and Thursday’s I will hold court, but if I find there is to be a trial a judge will come from Oklahoma City once a month, all fines will be paid at the time of court.”

“ The cattle drives start next month also and we may have a problem with them their use to driving them through town but it’s to big now and to many people on the streets some one may get hurt and we can’t allow that to happen. “ Henry said, “Each one will have its own set of problems, will have to take them as they come, we have holding pens going up now just out side of town.” The Mayor said, “Good and if you fine you need more deputy’s get them.”

When he got back he went over everything with Bill then he then asked, well what do you think? ““I think we need to be on the look out for some good men to use as deputies “That’s just what I was thinking.” “ If you haven’t had dinner yet and I know I haven’t we best be getting now.” They had gone two blacks when they started to pass a saloon there was yelling coming within as they reached the doors they saw the bartender hit one man over the head and he fell to the floor. They went in and Henry asked, “Ok what happen here? “ The bartender said, “These two and he pointed to another man and this one on the floor was arguing over some woman then this one he pointed to the one on the floor went for his gun so I put him down.” The man on the floor started to move again. “Bill will you take him over to the jail and let him cool of for the night, and I’ll meet you at the restaurant later. Bill went over to the man and helped him up and led him a way.

A few days after June sent her letter Mr. Owens Brought a litter to her and when she saw it was from Reno her hand started to shake so she had a hard time opening it. She began reading it started My friend June: Not to worry Henry is just fine, the litter went on to say what they have been doing and what he had seen and so on. The letter was signed your friend, Bill Anderson.

June showed the litter to Mr. Owens who after reading it said, “Will now sound like everything is going fine, it also sound like they are headed for some hard times to.” June said, “I hope Henry will be alright.” Mr. Owens said, “He can take care of himself and Bill can take care of himself as will.”

When Bill entered the restaurant Henry asked, “Have any trouble.” “No but he has a good lump on his head.” While they eat Henry said, “Do you think you can handle things here for a week?”


“ I don’t see why not and if any real trouble comes up I know of a couple good man that would be willing to help, Why? “ Henry said, “Oh the Mayor thinks I should show myself around the county and get to some of the towns and ranch’s, you know show me self.” Bill asked, “When ““Day after tomorrow.” Henry said, “Will we best get back to the office it will be time soon for are patrol.”

Marshal! Marshal! A Mrs. Webber came running in. Henry knew her, he been to her house before her husband must be causing trouble again. “What can I do for you? “ Jimmy are son broke out a window by accident and John is beating him bad and he won’t stop I’m afraid his going to kill him if he doesn’t stop.” Henry said, “Bill I better get over there before the boy gets hurt.” “Ok if I’m not here when you get back I’ll see you on patrol.

The Webber house was just a little ways out of town. When they came to it Henry could see it needed some work done on it. But her husband was a drunk and was never around to do any fixing up. Mrs. Webber did all she could by herself. They heard yelling coming from the back of the house. He headed that way, when he rounded the house he saw Mr. Webb was chasing Jimmy around a wood pile. Saying, “You better stop or you’ll get it good.” Then he went after him again all the while swimming a board he had. He swings the board so hard he falls down. Henry could tell he was drunk. Henry called out, “That’s enough the boy is done in.” Mr. Webber turns and said, “This is privet property and I can do anything I want and I can treat my kid as I see fit.” Henry said, “Maybe so but not to day.” “Says you.” then he took a swing at Henry and fall to the ground again. Henry went up and took away the board and said, “You’re under arrest.” Mr. Webber asked, “For what,” “Disturbing the peace and assault on a peace officer.” Henry helps him off the ground and led him away.

Henry caught up to Bill on patrol. “How things go.” Henry answered, “Fine he’s sitting in jail.” The rest of the evening was quiet after the patrol they went back to the office; the two prisoners were a sleep. They each got a cup of coffee and took a seat. Henry sit at his desk reading the news paper and Bill was reading a letter he got from June that day.
He was trying to decide if he should show it to him or not, then he decided not to just yet.

The following morning Bill Was helping Henry gets things ready for his tour of the county. When Henry went out side to put some things on the pack horse, Bill hurried and put the letter in his saddle bags. When Henry came in he took his saddle bags and put them over his shoulder. Bill walked him out to his horse. Henry said, “If you need me back here wire one of the towns on my route it will catch up to me and I’ll turn back.” After he been out of few hours he feel better it was good to smell the fresh air. The first town he came to was so small that it looks like a ghost town. He looks around and talks to some of people of the town. Then he rode on to the next.


On the third day he came to a town called Maple Hill it had a sheriff, he went and saw him and asked if he was having any trouble around his part of the county. He said it was pretty quite. He asked if there were any ranch’s near by. The sheriff said four and told him how to get to them. He went to each one and asked if they were having any trouble. After finding there was none, he moved on to the next.

On the fourth night after camp was seat up he went to his saddle bags to get some thing out when he saw something fall out he pack it up and found the letter June had sent Bill. Henry seat by the fire and begin to read. It started. My friend Bill, I hope everything with you is fine. Please tell me that Henry is doing will. In the letter she asked a lot about Henry and she told about what was going on at the boarding house and Mr. Owens, at the end of the letter she told Bill to tell Henry She givers her love. She sign it your friend June. Henry read the letter again then folded it up and put it in his pocket. On the fifth day he came to a town called Oak Wood. When he arrived he went to the sheriff, when he told him who he was the sheriff handed him a letter. It read; Bill shot no law in town need you back. It was signed Mayor William Jones. Henry asked the sheriff where he could send a wire and get more supplies. Henry first sent a wire it read, Hold on be back in three day’s, Signed Marshal Henry Miller. He went and got more supplies, then got some thing to eat and refresh himself, then was back in the saddle heading back to Reno as fast as he dare go.

On the third day after Henry left Bill was sitting at his desk when Joel a friend of Bill’s came hurrying in. “Hi Joel what can I do for you? “ Joel said, “Well I was just passing the bank when two men rode up and they looked mighty suspicious, they were wearing riding coats and they were carrying saddles bags and their horses were sweating badly.” “Ok I’ll look into it.” he got up and started out the door when Joel asked, “Need any help? “ Joel was one of the men he had been talking to Henry about. “No I think I can handle it Ok.”

Bill didn’t want to be seeing coming up to the front of the bank so he went down the alley. When he came be beside the bank he peeked around the corner the horses were still there. He pulled back then took another look this time a man was coming from the bank. His gun was drawn and was at his side. Bill got his whip ready and when the man turned his back to him Bill let his whip fly. It wraps around the man’s neck, Bill pulled hard and the man fall backwards and hit his head on one of the roof poles he went down and was out cold. The other robber came out just in time to see his partner go down.

The bank robber at the same time saw Bill and took two shots at him. Bill was a left handed, shooter and didn’t have a clear shot at him. He would have to get more in the open but that would make him a bigger target. Bill waited for his chance. It came when the robber went to get in the saddle. Bill came out of the alley and into the open, Bill fired two shots and missed as the robber got in the saddle he turned and fired two more shots at Bill. Bill felt a stinging in his side, as the robber turned to leave he gave him three more shots.


Bill was starting to fall to the ground, before he passed out he saw the robber fall out of his saddle.

Henry was back on the three day after taken care of his horses he went to see the Mayor. When he got in to see the Mayor he asked about Bill. “He’s ok took a bullet in the side went straight through nothing major was hit, but he’ll be laid up about three weeks.” Henry asked where he was. “At the house Mrs. Webber is taken care of him.” Henry gave a short report on the County. The Mayor said. “Yes some of the towns are far out but they need to know there’s a U. S. Marshal in the county and to know where to ask for help.” Henry went over to the office and opened up he look to see if there was any business there to take care of, being none he lock up and headed for the house.

As Henry went into the house Mrs. Webb was coming out of Bill’s room. He asked, “How is he.” “Fine a little tired right now.” Henry said, “I want to thank you for caring for Bill.” “Lets just called it a pay back for you helping me with John.” She smiled and went on about her work. Henry decided not to see Bill right now and let him rest. He deicded to go get a drink at the saloon while he was enjoying his beer he saw Joel come in he called him over. “Of course you know about Bill?” “ Yes I’m the one who told him about the robbers, I asked if he needed help but he said no that was a big mistake as it turned out. “ “That’s what I went to talk to you about, Bill and I knew we were going to have to hire more deputy’s at lest until after the cattle season.” “Would you like the job, Bill said, you would work out fine,” “When do you went me to start? “ “Now, “Joel said, “Why not I don’t have anything better to do.” Henry said, let’s go over to the office and I’ll swear you in.” On the walk over he said, “We were also thinking of Mat Noland.” “He’s a good friend of Bill’s and I hear he’s fair with a gun and has a good level head on his shoulder.” Henry said. “After we are done at the office go look him up, if he says yes have him at the office at 7 o’clock in the morning, after that come to the office and stay till I get back.” then he handed him a key.

Henry headed for the house to see if Bill was awake enough to talk. He found Mrs. Webber in the kitchen and asked, “Is he awake? “ “Yes go on in.” He asked, “Is Jimmy around?” “Yes he’s in back playing.” “Have him come here.” When Jimmy came in Henry asked, “Jimmy do you know Bill’s friend Joel?” “Yes.” Henry dug in his pocket and took out a quarter and handed it to him and said, “Go over to the office and tell him I’ll be there at 9 o’clock to night, he’s to handle anything that comes up, if he can’t have some one come get me I’ll be here.” Jimmy took off a running.

Bill was sitting up when Henry went in. Bill looked and saw him and asked, “When did you get in? “ “This afternoon,” He took a chair next to the bed and asked. “Will what happen?” “Bank robbers I was in cover but didn’t have a clear shot and had to get in the open and will here I am, If I had not been a lefty it might not have happen, I guess I better learn how to shot right handed to if I went to live very long on this job.” “Joel asked to help you said no why? “ “I thought I could handle it but I was wrong.


Henry said, “I just swore in Joel and were asking Mat.” “Two good men they’ll work out ok.” He could see Bill was tiring so he got up to leave when bill said, “Would you mind mailing this,” and handed him a letter, he could tell it was to June. “Oh by the way thinks for the letter, but don’t do that again, I don’t mind reading them I just don’t like writing them at lest the ones you have to put your feeling down, if you have a letter you went me to see just hand it to me ok? “ “Ok.”

June just got a letter from Bill she started to read when she came to the part where Bill was shot. She ran to the bar. “Mr. Owens! Mr. Owens! Bill’s been shot.” Mr. Owens asked, “How bad?” I don’t know I just started reading. She began reading again then she looked up and was smiling. “He’s ok he will be in bed another two weeks.” Mr. Owens asked, “Does it say what happen and where was Henry?” June said, “It says here it was bank robbers, and Henry was out in the County at the time doing patrol.” Mr. Owens said, “I know something like this was going too happed.” “They are getting two more deputies.” Mr. Owens said, “Good, any thing else? “ “No the rest is for Me.” she smiled at Mr. Owens and headed back to the kitchen.

When Henry got back to the office Joel was sitting outside. He took a chair next to him then asked, “Was you able to fine Mat?” “Yes he’ll be here.” “Good, have you had anything to eat?” “No.” Henry said, “Why don’t you do that then come back and will talk about how will work the patrol.” When Joel got back they went over on how they would work the patrol. The patrol went with out any trouble Henry said, “Well that’s about it I can handle it the rest of the night why don’t you go and I’ll see you in the morning.”

Joel and Mat was at the office at 7 o’clock at that time Henry swore Mat in. Then he said, “Joel it’s time for morning patrol take Mat with you and show him what to do and what to look for, then just hang around town.” “Come back to the office every two hours or so.” Then asked, “Have any one of you seen Bill lately if not go see him it will make him feel better.” After they left he decided to get breakfast. Up on leaving the restaurant he bumps into the Mayor. “Good morning Mayor. “The Mayor asked, “How’s Bill getting along?” “He’ll be back some time next week.” The Mayor said, “Good will needs him, I also see we have two new deputies.” “Yes Joel Wilson and Mat Noland.” “I know of them they seem to be good men.” “Yes I think they will wok out Ok.” After saying good morning he turned and headed for the office. Joel was standing out side the office when he saw the marshal coming down the board walk. He stood about five feet ten inches tall and one hundred eighty pounds and he always carried a shot-gun and he was never with out it.

He was the kind of man if you were to meet him face to face you would step a side for him. Henry walked up to Joel and said, “Are you ready for some work? “ “You bet.” Henry said, “I would like one of you to go to some of the neighbor hoods out side of town and look around.


I know we hadn’t any trouble lately but it will make them feel a little safer.” Joel said, “I’ll go Mat is over seeing Bill.”

“How’s he doing today?” “He’s up and moving slowly but at lest he’s up.” Henry said, “Good then he should be ready to come back next week.” The following week found Bill and the rest in the office. Henry was saying, “Bill, I want you to hang near the office for a while as you’re not up to full strength.” He went on. “As you know the rail layers are close enough now to ride into town on Friday and Saturday nights for some fun.” “ Let them have it but don’t let it get out of hand, and keep a look out at the saloons if you see any trouble starting but a stop to it fast.” Then he asked Mat. “How’s the holding pen’s coming? “ “There done we can hold about a thousand head.” “Good the first herd will be here some time next week.”

The rail layers started coming in on Friday. Friday wasn’t too bad but Saturday was another story by the nights end there was ten rail works sitting in the cells there was black eyes a broken arm, blooded noses and a few cuts and they all were very unhappy. On Monday Henry asked Bill if he felt good enough for a ride. “You bet, it well feel good to get in the saddle again.” Henry told Joel and Mat that he and Bill was riding out to see the rail boss and see what he’s going to do about the workers. When Henry rode up to the work site they asked for the rail boss. “Yes, what can I do for you?” Henry said, “I have ten of your men in jail and went to know what you plan to do.” “They can all rot there for all I care.” “Tell them there all fired.” Henry said, “May I remind you if you fire them you will have to replace them and that may not be that easy?” “That’s true and I need all the man I can get, ok what’s the fine.” Henry said, “I should think fifty dollars will do it.” Then Henry said, “If this happens again the town will be off limits to all your workers.” The rail boss said, “Alright I’ll see that it doesn’t happen again, I’ll be in some time this after noon to pay their fine.”

Back at the office Henry asked, “Bill is Mrs. Webber still at the house?” “Yes.” she said she will stay till I’m good enough to help with the cleaning again. “Henry then asked, “Is Jimmy still over there?” “Yes.” Mat go over there and tell him I what him here. Mat left to find Jimmy. Bill asks, “What’s up? “ “I’m going to hire him as a look out.” Bill and Joel just look at Henry with a questioning look. “You’ll see.” While they waited the rail boss came in and said, “I’ve came to bail them out,” and pointed to the cells. Then he walked over to the cells. “You damn fools I should fire the lot of you and this is coming out of your pay.” The boss said, “Ok let them out.” After he let them out and they were all lined before the Boss he said, “Alright go get your horses and head for camp and don’t stop till you get there understand.” When all of the men had filed out he turned to the marshal and said, “Thanks. “

Mat brought Jimmy back to the office. When Henry saw him he asked, “Jimmy how old are you?” “Thirteen sir,” “Well how would like a job?” Yes sir I would. Then Henry asked, “Do you know how far five miles is? “


“Yes there’s an old well out of town that’s about five miles.” “Your right, Tomorrow I went you to ride out there and stay the day and if you see a cattle herd coming come and get one of us.”

I’ll pay you fifty cents a day.” “I can do that.” Then Henry said, “Of course you have to ask your mother and if she says no I’ll work something else out.” “I’ll go right now and ask her.” Then he ran out the door. Bill asked, “Why five miles?” “I went to catch them before they get too far in.” Jimmy came back panting hard. He said, “Mother said it was ok.” “Ok then I went you out there by 7 o’clock and stay till 6 o’ clock, have your mother fix you something to take to eat from the house and water and a hat.” “Try also to stay out of the sun there are a few shade trees out by the well.” Henry was telling his deputy’s. “There will be five major drives and about eight small out fits. I expect the trouble will come from bigger drivers but you never know.” Bill said, “Will just have taken them as they come.”

On the third day Jimmy came, riding back into town about two in the afternoon and said that a herd had just come into view. Henry asked,” “All right who wants to ride out with me?” “Joel, Mat gets your horses.” Bill spoke up. “What about me? “ “You’re not up to par just yet; there will be another in a few days you can go then.” Bill didn’t say anything but was none to happy when he went back to his desk. After the marshal and the deputy’s left he took out a piece of paper and began a letter to June. He told her about the rail man and that the cattle drives had started and some things that were happing around town.

By the time Henry and his deputy’s got to the herd they were just a beyond the five mile marker. He asked for the trail boss. “What can I do for you marshal? “ Henry said,” Your going to have to turn your cattle and go around the town this is as close as you can come to town.” “But we always are gone through town if we turn now it’ll take a day to go around.” “Sorry about that but the town has grown too big and there’s too many people on the streets and some one might get hurt.” The trail boss asked, “And if we try going through what then.” “You and your man will be arrested and your cattle put in holding pens then you will go before the judge but he won’t be here till some time next month.” “Ok marshal you win will turn them.” he yells at a man then the man took off for the front. Henry said, “Your men are welcome to come into town any time.” Then he turns and headed back to town. Mat said, “That was easy.” “Yes but the next one might not be.”

June was working at the kitchen sink when Mr. Owens brought her a letter. She sat at the table and began to read she was glad to hear that Bill was feeing a lot better. She read what Bill did with the last letter she laughs at that, but she was little concern when she heard that the drives had started. As there was nothing in the letter she won’t went Mr. Owens to see she took it to him and let him read it. After reading the letter he told June he got a kick about the letter and how he wish he could have help with the rail man. Two day’s later Jimmy came in again. Henry took Bill this time.


When they reach the herd he told them the same thing as the last one. But this time it was different the trail boss said, “This is open land and town or no town is going to stop us from coming through.” “Get ready boys were going through in a harried.” Bill’s whip crack and the trail boss horse reared up and the trail boss fall to the ground.

When he picks himself up he found he was covered by Henry’s shot-gun. “Henry said, “You better think this over mister and if you say the wrong thing you will be put under arrest.” The trail boss looked from Henry to Bill and said, “Ok will turn them.” He yells some orders Henry waited till he saw the herd was turning then he headed to town. On the way back to town Bill said, “The farther they have to come the meaner they will become.” “Yes I know and the last big herd is the one will have to look out for.”

In the next three weeks four smaller herds came through with no problems. Even the rail works and drover’s that came into town give them little or no problems. One after noon as Henry was on patrol he saw a woman yelling at a man as he got closer he saw the woman was Mrs. Brown. He walked up and said, “Mrs. Brown what seem to be the problem? “ “Marshal this man won’t leave me alone.” He could see the man was drunk. “Sir, you’ll have to stop bothering this woman.” “Say you have to find your own woman this one is mine,” and started to get friendly again. Henry reached out to take hold of him but as he pulled back and he fall against the wall of the building and seat down on the board walk. He bent down and took his gun and led him towards jail. “Thanks Marshal.”

Henry led the prisoner to the cell and opens the door, “Get in there and sleep it off,” then pushes him in. Joel came in from a round in town. Henry asked, “How’s it look out there? “ “Not to bad a few drunks here and there and some fights to break up.” Mat came in about four and had a man with him that look like a tin Horne and put him in one of the cells. Henry asked, “What’s his story,” and nodded his head towards the cell. “Was caught dealing from the bottom of the deck, if I hadn’t been there more then likely they would have shot him.

Bill was coming back to the office when a man he had never seen before came up to him and asked. “Deputy, I hear Shot-gun killing Henry Miller is the marshal of this town?” “Yes he is why you asking.” “No reason it just makes a one feel safer knowing a man like that is in charge.” “Good day.” The man turned and started up the walk. Bill didn’t like the looks or the sound of the man. He started to follow him but was stopped by some one who need some help. He had seen him duck down an alley but by the time he got there the man was long gone he would be sure to tell Henry about him.

When Bill got back to the office he told his story. Henry said, “Sound likes a lot of men I know, but I’ll keep a look out for him.” Later that night Henry was on the last patrol it was all quite and he was enjoying the late walk. At the time his mind was on other things and wasn’t as careful as he should have been. As he passed an alley a shot ring out he hit the ground and rolled.


When he came up he was pressed against the building next to the alley from where the shot had come from. He didn’t dare go into a dark and blind alley so he eased his shot-gun around the corner of the building and let lose. Then he duck in the alley and ran forward but when he got to the end of the alley he found no one. By now his three deputy’s were there and asking questions. Henry was saying, “I didn’t see him just heard the shot it came from this alley. “ “Damn back shooter. “
Bill said. The next patrol you go on one of us will be with you he may not try again then. ” Henry said. “No I’ll go a lone but this time I’ll be more ready if I don’t go alone will never catch him.

The next morning Jimmy came in about 10 o’clock saying a herd was on the way in. Henry sent Joel and Mat out to meet it. Henry said to Bill. “Go about town and see if the man you were taking to the other day is around if you see him don’t say anything just follow him I want see what he’s up to.” Joel and Mat returned a couple hours later. He asked, “Have any trouble. “ Joel answered, “No but they put up a big fuss but in the end they turn the herd.” Henry said, “Good one more big one and a couple small ones and the season will be over.” Bill had been in town most of the day looking for the man but couldn’t find him. Henry said, “I’m taking you off patrol tonight I want you going around looking he may not be in town till tonight.”

Bill had spent the even looking through windows and going into business looking for his man but with no luck. He had all but given up when he was passing the Sun’s Saloon and looked in then he stop there in a dark corner seat his man. Now to find a way to let Henry know for Bill didn’t want to leave as he may get up and leave and be gone by the time they got back. Then he heard a noise it was a boy coming down the walk. When he got up to him he said, “Son do you know the marshal?” “Yes.” Bill took out a quarter and handed it to him saying, “You’ll find him over at the office go tell him to come to the Sun’s Saloon tell him Bill sent you Ok.” “Ok.” The boy took off a running.

Bill pulled back into the shadows as not to be seen and waited. When he saw Henry coming he came out. When Henry came up he said, “What’s up you find him? “ Bill said, “In the far back corner dinking a beer.” Henry look in and being careful as not to be seen. He didn’t see anything at first, then he saw him and he couldn’t believe it. “Bill you know who that is? It’s the stranger from the Boarding House.” “ He’s tried to kill me three no four times now.” All Bill could say was. “I’ll be damn.” Henry said, “Well I’m going to put a stop to it to night; I can’t have him going all over the country trying to kill me, let’s go over to the office and make some plans.”

When they got to the office Henry said, “Here’s the plan I’ll do the late patrol and as I walk down Main Street, Bill you’ll follow in the back of the buildings he’s a back shooter so I know he will be in one of the alleys.” “With you in the back and me in the front will each have the alleys blocked off?” Bill asked, “You planning to take him a live.” “No.” “Will what your planning is the same as murder?”


Henry said, “Not really you have to remember we don’t know where he’ll be and he’s taking the first shot.” Bill didn’t like it like plan it felt like murder to him although he would be taken the first shoot, but not to give a man a chance to give himself up it still felt like murder to him. Henry was getting ready for the late patrol. “Bill you go a head of me so you can get behind the builds then I’ll follow.” Bill asked, “What about when we get to the end of Main Street what about the other side? Henry said,” I’ll stop and wait to give you a chance to cross over.”

Henry went out to the board walk it was time to start the patrol. Even though it was a cool night Henry was sweating for out there in the dark was a killer. He was being more cautious this night as he had become to accustom to the shadows of the town and that could be deadly. He had his ears and eyes open listening for new sounds and looking for new shadows he made it to the end of Main Street there he waited a moment then crossed to the other side.

Bill had been following Henry, it was hard to keep up with him as he could only see him as they pass and alley some times he would be a little a head others times a little behind. Bill didn’t like the idea of been so far away from him but they had felt if the shot was to come it would come from the other side of the street. He could tell by the way Henry was walking he was being more cautious this night then other nights. Bill thought to himself he to had falling in to the same trap as Henry. He to had become too accustom to the sounds and shadows of the town.

Henry was just passing the general store when a shot rang out, then other. The first shot hit the side of the building just above his head, he turn his head just in time to see where the second shot came from. He took a run for the other side of the street zigzagging as to make him a harder target. As he ran he heard a three shot coming from the other end of the alley. When he reach the other side he flatten himself against the wall of the building next to the alley. When he hit the wall he heard another shot and swearing from the other end of the alley he called out, “Bill, “Down here come help me out.”

Henry ran to the end and said, “Where did he go,” “Down the block and around the corner.” Henry new it was no use going after him as he would be long gone. All the while Bill had been pulling at his legs and swearing. “That damn Davis, damn him all to hell.” Henry saw what had happened Bill was all tangled up in barded wire. Bill said, “I went through here yesterday and this damn stuff wasn’t here then.” Henry bent down helped him lose. When Bill finely could get up it was found that he had just a few cuts and nothing more. Bill said, “I was a little behind you when I hear the shots I came running then before I knew it I was on my face.” “Will that can’t be helped now and no use looking for him now for he’s long gone, we might as will call it a night.”

The cattle drive season was just about over and the train track had been laid through town and the building of the train depot would start next month.


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