Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Going Home.

Tom's footsteps sounded hollow as each one echoed down the hallway, although it wasn't more then thirty feet long. Tom just stared ahead; he could see the door now in the dim gray light, which was coming from a small window in the roof. Although Tom had his eyes on the door he could sense one person on each side of him and one in back of him. Tom thought back, was it just twenty minutes ago that the three men had came to his room? All Tom could remember was that two were dressed in blue and one in black. When Tom saw them he know it was almost time to go home, home, that was all Tom could think about. He didn't mind when one started to cut his hair, Tom could remember the ticking feeling as his hair fell to his shoulders, then to the floor.

They had arrived at the door and stopped, Tom was on his way home. As the door started to open, Tom thought back on how hard it had been to hear the men as they walked down the hall, although he could hear his bare feet on the floor. The door was all the way open, Tom was almost home. He could see a man standing by a chair in the middle of the room, Tom took a few steps and sat down, and he was on his way home.

Now he could sense people in the room with him, but he paid them no mind, as Tom sat in the chair he could see that the room was all white, but the door was gray. As he put his hands on the arms of the chair he sense the men in white standing behind him, Tom didn't care, for he was on his way home. As Tom closed his eyes, it got so quiet, then he could hear the door open then close, he didn't care, he was going home. Then he felt a tickling sensation, Tom didn't care he was on his way home, even the smell of burning flesh he didn't mind he was going home.

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