Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Drummer Boy.

The soldiers stood at ridged attention, as the battle line held, from off in the distant a faint signal could be heard. The soldiers ears first picked up a "low rumble," but as the sound rode the gentle waves of a breeze each soldier could make out the rhythm of a drum. At first the beat was a slow roll, but as the battle line inched forward.....that slow roll of a beat changed again.....and then as if by signal battle lines began to form first on the left.....and then in a short moment to the right. Then, as if all were given a command, the eyes of each soldier cast a glance towards the General, whom was astride a gentle, but mighty gray horse, and next to this impressive image of a General and his mighty stead, stood a small boy.....The General cast his eyes upon the small boy....and immediately the beating of the drum began as a slow roll.....then faster, and faster. As all of this was taking place the soldiers on the lines began to move around uneasily.....shifting....twitching.......and then as quick as the rhythm stopped! In that ear splitting "Yell" suppressed all else......and the mass of soldiers moved forward in great numbers.

The battle began....for two hours battle sounds could be heard for miles....cannon shots, musket fire....and yes, even screams of the dying......and even if a soldier had the time to glance toward their General.....his mind and eyes would register that the small boy that was standing next to the General....his hands was moving.....but no sound was riding the waves to the soldiers ears. So.......without sound.....orders and battle direction to the fighting soldier....was lost....confusion, disarray, and general disorganization came quickly, but through the smoke, and haze of battle the soldiers seen their General atop his mighty stead waving his sword.....and all fell to the rear. Later that afternoon....resting from the soldier ambled around the camp inquiring about the "young boy drummer".....he happened upon a group of fellows soldiers....and was told the young boy drummer had fell during the third round of fire............ The soldier was deeply were all.............the boy being all of 14 yrs old.....young for any military encounter.....but still he was highly regarded as a "fighting were all that were left standing."

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