Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Hand.

If death would just over come me, but it never comes. I just lay there in my dark cage wondering when it will happen, it might happen today or tonight but the time will come. Just the thought of it makes me shrink back in despair. In the heat of the night it happens, a hand reaches out and grabs me by the neck, as I'm taken from my cage the hand holds my head so hard that it swells in size, I open my mouth and gasp for air which comes in short breaths. Then the hand that holds my body as it has so many times before, to the fate that I know so well. As the hand holds my body before my fate I could sense the dark and the loneliness of my fate. Then the hand gives my body a hard shove to my fate. This is the time for death as the hand shoves and pushes my body through the dark and the unknown, I could feel my body beginning to burn now, and will death come now? The hand won't let go I tried to breathe but almost choked. The hand just keeps moving my body almost frantically now; this is the time for death. The heat is unbearable I can't stand it any longer, I open my mouth and with a violent force, vomit all that is within me, death?, but I'm wrong again. The hand that still holds my body carries me back to my dark and lonely cage. I lay there with vomit on the sides of my mouth, will death ever come, so I lay there in the dark waiting for the next time, will death ever come?

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