Monday, August 4, 2008

The Hole?

When I was a little boy, they told me about the hole?, they said that those who find it never return. It was just like when they told you if you were bad you would go to hell. Then as the years went by I forgot about the hole, but I didn’t forget about going to hell. Then one day as I was walking through the woods I came upon a hole, it wasn’t hidden behind bushes or anything it was just there. Then my mind flashed back to when I was a little boy, I began to sweat. I couldn’t seem to turn away from it. It was as if I was frozen I just stood there. I had too take a look what is the matter with me?, it’s just a hole. As I got close to the hold I could hear funny noises coming from it, at first I thought it was made by the cool air but it had a different sound like I never heard before. Then as I leaned my head to the hole everything went black, I was falling I didn’t feel like I was but I was just the same. Then I heard those funny noises again but they weren’t just noises it was the sound of crying and screaming, I just kept falling.

After falling into the hole it was totally black but now I was beginning to see more all the time. The coolness has stopped and now it was getting hot as I fell, the crying and the screaming was getting louder. Soon there was enough light to see that I wasn’t alone. There was an old man just below me and as I turned my head I could see a young women above me, at first I thought that she would fall on me, but she stayed the same distance away, and we just falling. The heat was becoming unbearable it was as if my skin was frying off, then I heard the most blood curdling scream, I ever heard. I looked below me and saw the old man disappear into the heat, then I knew, god help me. I also knew that the scream I was about utter would last all throughout eternal damnation.

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