Friday, August 1, 2008

The House

Man!, was I cold?, and the rain just kept coming down. I had been walking for and hour since I left my car beside the road with a flat tire. It still made me mad when I thought of not having a spare tire. Then in the light of the lighting I saw a house surrounded by a lot of trees up on a hill. Good I thought, I can get out of the rain and maybe be able to call for a toll truck. The rain and the lighting made the house look eerie and uninviting, but I needed to get out of the rain, so I headed up the old drive covered by trees on both sides, that give one and uneasy feeling I pulled my collar tight around my neck and headed up the drive. As I got nearer I could see the house had three floors, and had not been painted in many years. As I stood there I had the feeling of been watched, I stood there trying to decided what to do, as it was still raining and I could tell, no one had lived in the house for many years. I knocked on the door, for what reason, I don’t know as I know I would never get a answer. Not getting an answer I turned to leave when a sound made me turn back around, the front door had came open, I looked up at the dark sky and saw it was still raining, I gave slight shiver and stepped inside the dark.

In the new morning sun light one could see the rain drops still cling to the leaves and bushes, as new voices were heard. “Say there is a neat old looking house, lets go take a look?” “Are you nuts?, not me, they say those who step through those doors, never come out again.” “Say what was that?” What was what?” “Well it sounded like crying.” “Crying or not I’m leaving that house alone.” Soon the house was left alone again with all it’s secrets.

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