Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Lets Make Up A Story Together.

Here is an exercise in thought I want you to pick one or all of these short paragraphs, and add to the beginning or the end. I would like to see how far we can take them. The paragraphs you send in will be colored coded so it will be easier to see your work over the others. If you would like to add to these paragraphs you can sent them to the following, and as always your thoughts are yours so, if for some reason you would like to use them in your own story or book go for it, I hold no rights too your thoughts.

Guide Line: Once a paragraph has been added too you must follow that line of thought.

1. Dan was nuts so they said, but Dan didn’t mind what they said or did to him, he just know he would have the last say. If he had just known before he did what he did to her.

2. Blood was pouring out of his wound, Jim was beyond pain as he took his index finger and lodged it into the wound. The flow soon became a trickle, as he took in his surroundings. He didn’t recognize anything, it was all foreign to him. Jim staggered over to a large rock and slumped into it’s shadow. As Jim laid in the coolest of the shade he looked out to the horizon as his eyes be began to flutter and darkness took over.

3. He laid as low to the window as he could for it seem to be the safest place in the room, as the room was being riddled with bullet holes. He laid there trying to remember how it came to this, but it seemed so long ago, he couldn’t. The gun fire began again, all he could was roll into a tight ball an hope for the best.

4. The days had been long and hot three days had gone by sense his last drink of water. As he stumbled closer to the water hole he could see the carcasses of the dead cows, but he came on. As he slumped before the water, the smell of death reached him. The coolness was still in him as he laid back on the sand and his face too the sky. The black spots that followed him were still there, as he closed his eyes he new that tomorrow they would be bigger.

5. “Look blood, I told you that I hit him?” “So, what, he’s still running.” “Don’t worry well still catch him.” If I could just run, man I didn’t know that one could bleed so much, it was one of those nights that you kept your doors locked, it was black as coal, and the lights from each house looked like yellow eyes. I could hear the car coming, run damn you run. “There he goes down Summer, I saw him under the street light.” Damn I just can’t kept running, I have to hide somewhere, damn my whole hand felt like it was gone.

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