Friday, August 8, 2008

Treasure Seekers--Unfinished

This story is science fiction, the idea is they have found away to transmit solid light, in this way they can go back in time and find lost treasures of the past. As this is solid light this means the characters can enter act with those of the past, however you must follow the science law, about mixing with those of the past in fear of changing the future.

Guild lines.
1. I would like to see a lot of science technical terms.
2. A lot of adventure action, mix with a love interest.

Jim’s office, seat off to the side of the main lab, he was seated behind his oak desk reading the lest test reports, when the alarm sounded. He turned to the viewing screen, that hung on the wall, too the right of his desk, which was used for observing the goings on in the lab. He activated the screen and Dan came into view, he asked. “Damn it Dan, what is it this time?” Dan replied. “Same as list red light.” Dan turned to his assistant Sam and asked. “What you getting?” Sam turned to the controls, and said. “Red straight down the line.” Dan stood looking into space he couldn’t believe it, he looked back to the screen and said. “Say it, we lost the damn thing?” Jim stood taping his foot as he always did it was, his sign of nervousness, he wonder about his judgment in letting Dan continue.

Dan said. “Give me the time.” Sam replied. “12:45.3 seconds.” Jim’s eyes left the screen all the will his foot was taping the floor, he turned back to the screen and asked. “Time?” Sam said. “12:47.02 seconds.” Jim looked at the screen and said. “Shut it down.” Dan looked at Jim through the screen in disbelief and said. ”Jim it’s murder, damn it.” he said as his hand shot to up too deactivate the computer. Jim said. He’s dead already.” Jim listened as the computer mumbled then went dead. Dan’s hand slowly lowered to his side. Jim turned to the screen, by this time he had a throbbing in his head. God how tired Dan, looked Jim thought as he came into view again. Dan asked. “Well what now?” Jim replied. “Call it a night, you and Sam go home.” Jim reached up and turned off the screen, he looked at his desk on top were more reports to go over “The hell with it.” he said as he turned off the lights and started for the door, then there came a knock, "Come in?"

Dan too had given up for the night, after leaving the lab he started the long walk down the long hall, as he did he’s mind faded back too the first time he walked these halls. It was three months ago, the hall was long and narrow and were painted the color of sanitary white, and each step he took echoed back to him. He remember his excitement as he took his new theory To Jim’s office and how his knock sounded muffled on the big oak door. “Come in?” as Dan stepped inside he could see Jim at his desk in one corner of the room, he had his head in paper work, Jim said. “Have a seat.” and gestured with his hand without looking up from the paper work. Dan took one nearest Jim’s desk, then glanced around the room every thing was made of oak. Jim’s voice bought his eyes back to the desk. Jim asked. “Now what’s this you say over the phone?, something about “Light transmitting?”, and raised his eyes to met Dan’s. Dan answered with excitement. “Yes I’ve done it, I can transmit solid light.” Dan looked into a blank stare. Jim put out his hand and said. “Well lets see what you got?” Jim handed Jim the papers he had been holing, as Jim’s eyes lowed to the papers, he wonder about this funny looking man. He was a short stocky man, with a head that looked like a bowling ball with white hair around it. He wonder how a man like Jim could become the head of a company that deals in treasure. Dan was brought back to reality by Jim’s offer to come in, as he took hold of the door handle, San’s eyes read the gold lettering on the door, “Treasure Seekers & Co.”

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