Monday, August 4, 2008

Last Kiss.

They stood on the hill gazing out to the horizon, the lights of the city were like diamonds on black velvet. He looked down to the base of the hill, he could see the headlights from the cars, marking their way up the long winding road to the top of the hill. They looked like cats eyes moving through the dark. Tom, felt her shiver as he drew on his cigarette, Tom asked. “Cold?” She replied. “Yes a little.” He looked to the lights as he blew smoke out to the dark. She asked. “Tom?, you know my parents will never approve don’t you?” Tom said. “Yeah, I know, I’m from the wrong side of town.” Tom’s eye’s roamed over the parking lot, it was beginning to fill up fast too fast for him. She asked. What are we doing to do?” Tom answered. “How the hell should I know?, I’m sorry I’m just mad, hey don’t worry, it will turn out all right you’ll see. She said. “I hope so Tom, I hope so. His stare once more turned to the lights, as he put his arm around her.

The drive had been rough from all the large rocks and ruts in the road. Tom remembered one large rock unparticular, he thought the bottom came out of his car. Tom said. “We better go?” She replied. “Yeah, your right.” Tom took her hand an, as they turned to go they could see the car dressed in blue stripes, from the reflection of the moon. They hadn’t noticed the small puddles just behind the car. Tom reached for the car door. When she said. “Oh!, Tom?, hold me a moment more?” Tom flecked his cigarette to the ground and put his lips too hers, as they kissed a light wind began to blow. The cigarette started a slow roll. As their kisses became more passionate the cigarette rolled closer to the puddles. She asked. “Tom do you love me?” He looked long into her eyes and as there lips met in passion, their kiss became a eternal flame of love.

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