Friday, August 8, 2008

The Star--Unfinished.

This is another science fiction story aimed for the teen reader, it takes place in the near future, it’s about hot rods of the future, rocket cars and flying cars. The idea for this story is the character is talked into a race and something goes wrong and he is sent way into the future. This is were his adventure begins. His adventure tells of the places he goes and the things he sees will trying to make his way back to his time, and the things he learns about himself along the way. I have taken the story up to the point of the race now it's up to you to finish it.

Guild lines.

1. As this is the future, there are no guild lines, anything goes.

“Mom, see you later.” John said. His mom asks, “Where are you going son?” John called back, “Oh, I thought I would drive down to the spot?” His mom answered back, “Well be careful, you know how your car is.” John called out, “See you later.”, as he headed out the back door. His mom yelled out. “Don’t slam the door?” But it was to late John was half way to his car. As John approached the car he could see rust spots mixed with red paint, maybe she’s right?, I have been having trouble with the car lately. Well maybe I can find a way to buy a new-used one this summer? John walked around the sleek nose and drown along to the pointed back, as he came to the front again you couldn’t help but notice the big yellow letters that spelled out the name Star. John liked the name although his mom was always kidding him about it. It suddenly dawn on him that he was hungry, will he know where he could get the best hamburgers in town, it was a place called the spot.

John could see the lights coming from the restaurant as he turn the corner. John pulled into the parking lot and saw that Tom’s car was there, John park beside it. John said. “Hi!, Tom.” As he went through the spots doors. Tom said. Hi, John how’s it going?” John answered. “Ok.” Tom said. “Well, sit and take a load off.” John asked. “Where is Larry?” Tom answered. “He’ll be late.” John heard a voice behind him. “Hi John.” John look up although he didn’t have too, hi Kay.” Kay said. “John, I hear that Joe and Pete are looking for you?” John said. “That’s what I hear.” Kay said. “Hey I better go see you later.” John flinched and said. “Sure.” John said. “I think I will go too, I’m not ever hungry now.” Tom asked. “What’s the matter?” John said. “I think it was something I heard, when you see Larry tell him I’ll see him later?” Tom said. All right?’

Man it sure is quiet thought John as the noise from the spot was filtered out by the closing of the doors. John just stood by his car and looked up at the stars, you could almost reach out and touch them, thought john as he got back in his car. John had been driving for a while when he heard a car coming, it was moving in fast it was almost touching his rear bumper. John glanced into his rear view mirror, it was Pete and Joe. “Well they found me.” John said to himself. Pete had pulled up beside John’s car. Pete called out. “How’s the superstar?” That’s all John could hear as Pete pulled back for a on coming car. John didn’t have to look to know that Pete was beside him again, he just kept looking ahead, he could hardly hear Pete over the engine noise.

Pete called out. “How’s about seeing some smoke?” John said. “No.” Joe asked. “What’s the matter chicken?” John kept looking ahead and yelled out. “No!, I’m not chicken.” Pete yelled back. “Well that’s what it sounds like to me.” John yelled back. “I don’t care what you think.” Pete and Joe were still beside him, he had been pushing the speed limit. Pete said. “Come on there’s no cops around.” John said. “I said no, I don’t have to prove any thing to you.” Pete said. “Is that so,” as he moved his car hard to the left into John’s car. John had to hold fast not to be forced off the road. John know he won’t be able too get out of it this time and said. “Are right lets race.” Joe said. “How your talking, pull up at the next corner. John was left in the quiet as Pete and Joe speeded up for the next corner. John know what was coming he’s hands were sweaty and he had a not in his stomach, and he know it won’t leave till the race was over.

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