Saturday, August 2, 2008

You Got To Be Careful.

Only their heavy breathing could be heard in the small darken room. They knew that the risk was great but their passion put it aside. Jim’s hand slid up the long and slender legs that laid before him, and as he touched the fiery mound he felt her shiver with lust, yes the risk was great but worth it. The shadows played tricks on the wall, of the room as the light tried to pry it’s way through the heavy curtains. “Jim, you know what he’ll do of he ever caught us don’t you?” “Yes, but he’s out of town and besides how’s he going to know?”

The two bodies became one, and as their passion was being filled a dark shadow passed by the window. “You want a cigarette?” Jim said as he rolled off the bed. “No thanks.” Jim took one out and lit it, as he sat on the edge of the bed, he looked down on her golden body, her breasts were large and full. “Jim I have to go soon.” “I know.” he said as he drew on his cigarette. The shadow laid flat against the wall of the house and peeked through the window with fire and hate in it’s eyes. It watched as Jim got up from the bed and headed for the bathroom, and as he saw the door close the shadow moved for the front door.

She watched as Jim enter the bathroom, and as the door closed she thought how could all this have happen? It all had started so innocently and now they were lovers, but was it love on his part or just hers she wondered, as she leaned over for a smoke. The shadow silently crossed the front room then stood in the hallway, that lead to the back bedroom, and as the shadow stood there a glimmer of light came off the ax it held.

As she lit up she saw herself in the mirror, her eyes were bright green, and she had long blond hair, that laid too her shoulders. As she laid back on the bed she heard a door open and close silently, “Jim?” she asked, as her head turned to the sound, and as she turned she saw the glimmer of the ax as it came down.

Jim’s eyes had not yet adjusted to the dark of the room as he entered from the bathroom, as he walked towards the bed he saw the glow off the cigarette, she held in her hand. Jim leaned over to kiss her and jumped back in horror from what he saw. Sweat stood on his forehead as he looked down on her lifeless body. Jim heard the bedroom door open and as he turned to the sound, he to saw the glimmer of the ax. The shadow stood still for a moment then leaned over, and as it turned back down the hall it carried in it’s hand a bundle, a bundle made of long blond hair, dead green eyes and a crooked smile.

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